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Exam 3-2 Massage

Muscle Testing and Muscular Conditions

Test done to test for bicipital tendonitis Speed's Test
(T/F) Pectoralis minor is an antagonist to itself False
Most severe form of Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne MD
Twisting and Bowing of the spine Rotoscoliosis
Phenomenon where the Medium Nerve compressed, may swell along the entire length of structure, allowing it to be caught & compressed elsewhere Multiple Crush Syndrome
Pain, Loss of ROM and a laterally deviated big toe are signs and symptoms of Bunion
Client complaining of pain going down into their deltoid and they are having a difficult time lifting up arm. What test should you perform Drop arm test
Client has frozen shoulder, what direction of movement will they have difficulty moving ABduction/external rotation
Nerves coming from brachial plexus Musculocutaneous-Axillary-Median
Baker cysts are associated with a risk of what serious complication Deep Vain Thrombosis
When a osteophyte exerts pressure on a nerve root, what is the resulting pain Radiculopathy
Massage Therapy for a client with carpal tunnel syndrome is safe when... It doesn't exacerbate symptoms
What percentage of full strength is a client asked to utilize when doing manual resistive testing 25%
Military Brace Test is a specialized test for Neurovascular impingement between the clavicle and first rib
Most common strain symptoms Pain on passive stretching & active contraction
A client with a history of repeated dislocations of the shoulder is at increased risk for Osteoarthritis
Condition involving the anterior slippage of a lumbar vertebral body Spondylolisthesis
Difference between myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrome Myofascial pain syndrome usually regional, while fibromyalgia syndrome usually whole body dysfunction
Chronic stage of adhesive capsulitis Thawing Stage
Client presents with a protracted scapula, what muscle would you most likely treat Serratus Anterior
Rotator Cuff is injured: what muscle most is likely the issue Supraspinatus
Most common contributing factors to spasms and cramps ischemia-nutritional imbalance-dehydration
Phase of postural deviation most likely to have a positive impact Functional deviation
TMJ disorder symptoms jaw pain-loss of ROM at jaw-popping & clicking at jaw
What causes the symptoms of disc disease Injured discs put pressure on nerve root and trigger excessive inflammation that irritates nerves
Test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Military/Eden's-Wright's ABduction/Elevated arm Test-Adson's
How to perform the drop arm test ABduct arm 90* then slowly lower back down
Client presents with a mild strain to her gastrocnemius, what type of massage is most likely going to be helpful Cross-fiber and linear friction to work with growing scar tissue
Client with untreated gout is at an increased risk for what conditions Kidney stones & renal failure
What are the main contributors to compartment syndrome A sudden onset of swelling usually related to trauma
(T/F) Pectoralis minor is an agonist or synergist to flexion of the glenohumeral joint False
When is appropriate to preform Speed's Test When testing for bicipital tendinitis
What are early signs of osteoporosis No early signs; silent & Progressive disease
If the treatment for Lyme Disease is unsuccessful, what is a possible outcome Long term chronic muscle and joint pain
Test performed to test for shoulder impingement syndrome Empty Can Test
Synergist to abduction of humerus Deltoid and
After acute & painful stage pain subsides and shoulder seem frozen in place & difficult to move describes what Frozen stage of adhesive capsulitis
The elevated arm stress test is done to test for what syndrome Pectoralis Minor Syndrome
Client presents with adhesive capsulitis and wants to receive your massage services, what is the most likely adverse effect that can come from the massage session Exacerbated pain and inflammation
Does osteoarthritis usually contraindicate massage NO, can help mitigate pain; not acutely inflamed
Stage of adhesive capsulitis is known as the frozen stage Subacute
When doing manual resistive testing of the supraspinatus, the therapist would resist what movement of the client ABduction
(T/F) the subscapularis is an antagonist of external/lateral rotation True
Adult client presents with myotonic MD, what symptoms is your client most likely going to ask you to treat Spasms
Painful bone spur that develops on the quadriceps insertion of the tibial tuberosity OSGOOD-SCHLATTER DISEASE
Client presents with a diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome and doesn't want to risk anymore joint damage, what is your best strategy to proceed with therapeutic massage Stabilizing the tension in the muscles that effect or pull on the patella
Client presents having had joint replacement surgery, what is most likely an adverse effect massage therapy will have on your client overambitious stretching or joint manipulation can loosen or dislocate prosthetic joint
When doing manual resistive testing of external/lateral rotation, the therapist would be testing which muscle Infraspinatus
Synergists to medial rotation of the humerus Teres Major
When doing manual resistive testing for subscapularis, the therapist would resist what movement of the client Medial Rotation
Created by: JML19
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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