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bio evolution unit

pinky finger small population size
ring finger non-random mating
middle finger mutations
pointer finger immigration
thumb finger natural selection
VISTA V variation
VISTA I inhertitence
VISTA S selection
VISTA A adaptation
Reproductive Isolation Separation of species or populations so that they cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring
temporal isolation form of reproductive isolation in which two populations reproduce at different times
geographic isolation form of reproductive isolation in which two populations are separated physically by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, or stretches of water
mechanical isolation body differences prevent fertilization
habitat isolation populations live in different habitats and do not meet
gametic isolation Sperm of one species may not be able to fertilize eggs of another species
charles darwin English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection
alfred russel wallace British naturalist who developed a hypothesis of natural selection similar to Darwin's
homology similarity resulting from common ancestry
DNA evidence biological evidence
geographical evidence evidence based on characteristics of a habitat or land area
fossil evidence looking at historical organisms for change and similarities to present day organisms
Tanzania where Laetoli footprints were found
Mary Leaky An archaeologist who found bones in East Africa were believed that the bones belonged to a hominid.
australopithecus afarensis An early australopithecine from East Africa that had a brain size equivalent to a modern chimpanzee's and is thought to be a direct human ancestor.
tiktaalik has both fish and tetrapod characters -> transitional form between lobe-fin fish and earliest terrestrial tetrapods
good luck yay
Created by: mdesmoulins01
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