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Road to War 1920-39

End of WWI: know at least 4 locations in the world where fighting between groups was occurring in the 1920s 1)Germans fighting over control of their govt 2)Arabs & Jews fighting over land in Palestine 3)Greeks fighting for independence from Turks (greece) 4)Irish fighting British (and each other) for freedom (Ireland)
what were the main 2 goals of the various agreements in the 1920s and 1930s? LoN 1920:resolve disputes peacefully, failed 9 Power Treaty '22:West Euro&US;each country agreed not colonize China, divide into sphere of influence for trade Dawes Plan '24&Young Plan '29:DP=↓G's reparations, YP=2nd reduction of rep. Hurt F and B econ.
Economic conditions in the early 1920s Euro's econ struggled bc 1) farms/factories mostly destroyed 2) many working age men were killed/injured=not enough labor 3) worldwide trade ↓, few europeans could buy imports 4) hyperinflation in G->1918 $1=9 marks, 1923 $1=4 bil. marks
Economic conditions in the mid-1920s* Understand how the Dawes Plan and Young Plan injected money into the world economy (there is a graphic organizer in your notes.)
Economic conditions in the 1929 Great Depression started in 1929 & destroyed (eventually) the world economy
Economic Consequences of the Peace John Maynard Keynes, an English economist, wrote TECOTP where he predicted that war reparations on G would lead to econ. collapse for euro & the world
Deficit spending Keynes advocated for deficit spending (govt spending more than it collects) during recessions of the business cycle bc it he thought it was critical for driving up demand & necessary for full employment. Overdoing this increases inflation.
According to Keynes, what is the role of government during economic hard times? To create jobs and boost consumer buying power during a recession, Keynes believed that the role of the govt is to increase spending, even if it means going into debt.
inflation Increase in prices
What were Hayek’s concerns about Keynes’ belief in the role of government in the economy? H believed govt intervention leads to ↑ debt & inflation, when govt spends $ on projects it's favoring that business over others
Problems in G: Weimar Republic
Hitler's beliefs: Mein Kampf Political manifesto book written by Hitler
Hitler's beliefs:Nationalism/pan-Germanism Pan-G was important, therefore all German speakers should be united under one govt, nationalism should be used to ↑ G's pride in themselves & Germany
Hitler's beliefs:Racism G was the superior race
Hitler's beliefs:Aryans Germans were Aryans, a mythical group descended from Nordic nomads who invaded India. Slavs and Jews were inferior races living side by side w/Aryans
Hitler's beliefs:Antisemitism AS was racism @ the time, starting ~1880s Jews believed to be a different race rather than different ethnic group w/diff. religious beliefs
Hitler's beliefs:Dangers of democracy, communism, and capitalism* Communism dangerous bc of its belief in international unions of workers-->not nationalism, Democracy dangerous bc civil rights (ex. free press) & multiple political parties weakened social unity.
Hitler's beliefs:Lebensraum Lebensraum=living space for Germans, superior Gs should expand eastward for more space (they would need to conquer&remove Slavs to get the land)
Hitler's beliefs:Scapegoat Jews were cause of G's problems even though they were ~2% of the German pop. Weimar govt stabbed Gs in the back by signing Treaty of Versailles
Hitler's beliefs:Violence violence=strength, therefore: conquering weaker ppl is beneficial for society, violence can be used to intimidate opponents, chaos that violence brings to cities scares wealth & mid class (fear makes it easier to support)
Hitler's beliefs:Propaganda Propaganda is important: can be used to ↑ support for "us" by exaggerating positives, can be used to ↓ support & sympathy for "them" by portraying others as destructive
Hitler's beliefs:Nazi party Hitler joined Nazis & became leader in 1921, Nazis were a small fascist party when he joined
Hitler's beliefs:Beer hall putsch Putsch - a coup (or an attempt at overthrowing a govt) In 1923 Hitler led a small group of Nazis in an attempt to take over Bavarian state govt in Munich-->failed, H went to jail, dictated his autobiography to a fellow Nazi
Third Reich: Reichstag, Article 48, Enabling Act 1933, Reichstag(building where govt meets) fire, after:Pres. Hindenburg use Article 48 Weimar govts constitution (leader rule temp. as dictator), Nazis pass Enabling Act to make permanent (accepted by busi class->they want H to↓commies then they replace H
Third Reich:Chancellor
Third Reich:Why did business and social leaders support the Nazis?
Important Nazi groups and leaders:SA and E. Rohm Ernest Rohm was the leader of the SA: a paramilitary organiz. associated w/ Nazi party, violently enforced party norms, attempted influence elections. Founded 1921, critical to H's↑in power, disbanded in 1945 after losing power to the SS in 1934 SA purge.
Important Nazi groups and leaders: SS and H. Himmler Heinrich Himmler leader of SS: established in 1925, originally as H's personal bodyguard unit, later elite guard of Nazi Reich &H's executive force that carried out all security related duties-->removal/murder of "racial enemies" of regime (ex. Euro Jews)
Important Nazi groups and leaders: Gestapo Nazi G's infamous political police force. A reliably brutal tool that enforced Nazism's most radical impulses. Used informant, house searches, and torture to carry out investigations, deported Jews to ghettos, concentration camps, etc.
Important Nazi groups and leaders: Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment and J. Goebbels Goebbels led MOPAPE: established in 1932, controlled film, radio, theater, & press. Only "racially pure" editors &journalists part of press, no Jews. Ppl who failed to follow instructions (promoted Nazis) sent to concentration camps/fired. No free press
Nazi violence against opponents: Night of the Long Knives June 30-July 2 1934 Purge of SA leadership. H feared SA & Ernst Röhm potential threat--Göring & Himmler gave H news of Röhm organizing coup . H combined offices of President & Chancellor & declare himself Fuhrer of new Reich by ridding political opponents
Nazi violence against opponents: Nuremberg Laws 1935 Nuremberg laws put Nazi's ideas abt race into law. Ex) a citizen was a person of G blood, and Jews were not G so they didn't have rights; banned intermarriage btwn Jews and G; a person with three or four Jewish grandparents was a Jew
Nazi violence against opponents: Kristallnacht Nov. 9–10, 1938 The Night of Broken Glass= Nazi leaders unleashed pogroms against the Jews in Germany and recently incorporated territories. Shattered glass littered streets after vandalism and destruction of Jewish businesses, synagogues, homes.
Nazi diplomacy:Concordat with Vatican Nazis tried to gain legitimacy by negotiating treaties w/other countries. Concordat (treaty) w/ Vatican 1933= catholics could practice their religion freely on Germany, in exchange Pope wouldn't criticize Nazi actions & politics
Nazi diplomacy:Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis 1936 - the alliance between Italy, Germany, and Japan who fought against Allied forces in World War II.
Nazi diplomacy: Non-Aggression Pact USSR & Germany agreed not to attack each other. Secretly Hitler & Stalin agreed to split Poland
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