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EWG M14 Test

Indian Early Civilization, Empires, and World Religions

How is the Harappan civilization similar to the Mesopotamia and Egypt civilizations we've studied? Formed along rivers River valley agriculture Used irrigation to grow crops
What were major achievements of the Harappan civilization? India's first writing system Well-planned cities with: Fortresses Streets at right angles Uniform size of bricks Sewer system and indoor plumbing
What people became dominant after the Harappans? Aryans
Where did Aryans most likely come from? Central Asia
What was the Vedic Age? Its when Aryan people invaded and took over, this is also when the Hindu society was created.
Aryans did not have a central government. Explain how the people were ruled. Communities ruled by rajas who fought each other for land and resources
Vedas Ancient Sanskrit writings that are the earliest sacred texts of Hinduism.
Upanishads Most recent written Vedic texts that teach Brahman, the force behind everything is found the in the atman, or soul of an individual
Caste System in India - was created by the aryan invaders of India -held that a person's socio-economic status was hereditary
Varnas each of the four Hindu castes, Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Sudra. (later Untouchables)
Hinuism founder None
3rd largest religion in the world Hinduism
Most Indians today are this religion Hindu
Oldest religion in the world Hinduism
Hindu beliefs polytheism but one Brahman creator Vedas Guru - spiritual leader/adviser Yoga - exercise for meditation Dharma - fulfillment of moral duty Karma - accumulation of spiritual energy
Reincarnation In Hinduism and Buddhism, the process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect understanding
Dharma and Karma Dharma is your duty, if you do your dharma things are good, if you don't things are bad; Karma is a measure of how well you do your dharma
Jainism a religion founded in India, whose members believe that everything in the universe has a soul and therefore shouldn't be harmed. They do not sacrifice or eat animals.
Siddhartha Gautama The prince who is said to have founded Buddhism when he left home to search for the meaning of life
4 guiding principles of Buddhism Suffering and unhappiness are a part of human life. Suffering comes from our desires for pleasure and material goods. People can overcome desire and ignorance and reach nirvana. People can overcome ignorance and desire by following an Eightfold Path
Asoka Maurya This Maurya Emperor converted to Buddhism and ruled by its principles
SIkhism Indian religion founded by the guru Nanak (1469-1539) in the Punjab region of northwest India.
5th largest religion in the world Sikhism
Sikhism beliefs Equality for all; reject the caste system
Sikhism duties pray, work, give
Sikhism has this in common with Hinduism karma and reincarnation
Mauryan Empire (321-185 BCE) This was the first centralized empire of India whose founder was Chandragupta Maurya.
Asoka's rule of the Mauyan Empire Stopped waging war Rebuilt cities Spread Buddhism People were well-cared for Stable and prosperous society
This empire spread Hinduism Gupta Empire
Mughals Turkish Muslims from Central Asia
Taj Mahal Mughal architecture: A beautiful tomb built by the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan to honor his wife.
Indian scientific advances Indians were pioneers of metallurgy; create alloys; strongest products out of iron; ; created the Hindu-Arabic numeral; first people to create the number 0; used inoculation; astronomy- the study of stars and planets.
Created by: christyrr9
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