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WH ch 18

vocab for ch 18, pgs 506 - 531, define/identify?

militarism Glorification of armed strength.
mobilize Act of preparing a nation is army and other resources for the war.
ultimatum Demand in which one party threatens, harmful action
belligerents Warring nations
Triple Alliance Alliance between Germany, Italy, Austria Hungry
Triple Entente Alliance between France, Russia, and Great Britain in the early 1900s
Balkan "powder keg" State of unrest in the Balkan's that allowed the assassination of the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne and led to the World War I
Francis Ferdinand Archduke of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated in 1914.
propaganda Ideas, facts, or rumors spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause.
war of attrition Slow wearing-down manner of warfare in which each side tries to outlast the other.
contraband War materials supplied by a neutral nation to a belligerent one.
atrocities Brutal crimes of war, often committed against civilians.
Central Powers World War I alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
Allied Powers Alliance that included Great Britain, France, Russia, (later, the Soviet Union), the United States, and other countries during the World War I and II.
U-boats German submarines used in World War I.
Woodrow Wilson President of the United States (1913-1921) and the leading figure at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. He was unable to persuade the U.S. Congress to ratify the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations.
Arthur Zimmermann German foreign secretary during World War I. He was remembered for the Zimmerman Telegram
Mensheviks Moderate faction of Russia who fought for control during the early 1900s.
Bolsheviks Radical faction of Russia who won over the Mensheviks for control, led by Lenin.
Vladimir Lenin Served as the first founding head of government of Soviet Russia. Under his administration Soviet Russia became Soviet Union.
Communist Party New name of the Russian Bolsheviks who dissolved the constitutional assembly in 1918.
Red Army Communist Army
armistice Agreement signed by leaders of warring nations to stop fighting.
reparations Payment for war damages.
Fourteen Points President Woodrow Wilson plan for a just world based on the Allies aims to end of World War I
Ferdinand Foch French commander of the allied forces that joined forces with the American expeditionary forces to fight as one.
Paris Peace Conference Meeting of victorious nations to write terms for the peace following World War I.
League of Nations World organization formed after World War I to maintain peace.
genocide Systematic killing of a racial or cultural group
economic sanctions Refusal to trade with an offending nation.
mandate Area, usually a former colony to be administrated by the government of another nation.
Treaty of Versailles Treaty between Germany and the Allied powers at the end of World War I
World Court Permanent court of international Justice, located at The Hague in the Netherlands
Created by: BurkeNHI
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