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World History


Who is the father of capitalism? Adam Smith
What book did Adam Smith write? The Wealth of Nations
What is economic self interest? Buying and selling in ways that motivate and support me personally, instead of supporting anything that doesn't benefit me.
What are interdependencies? Economic and social relationships where people depend on each other in small ways.
What does laissez faire mean in an economic sense? Let it be. Advocating for limited government regulation.
What is the invisible hand? When outside forces are involved in our economic exchanges, unintended outcomes are the result.
What does the Hand do when outside forces regulate free trade? The Hand is a metaphor describing how the market changes to adjust for outside forces.
What were the "salons" during the Enlightenment? An informal environment where women could discuss philosophical topics of the day.
What major idea did Montesquieu advance? Separation of Powers
What major idea did Voltaire advance? Freedom of Speech
What major idea did Hobbes advance? Social Contract
Which would Hobbes say is greater, reason or emotion? Why? Reason, because our prejudices travel with us, but reason rises above our emotions.
What major idea did Locke advance? Natural Rights
What major idea did Rousseau advance? Utilitarianism: The most good for the most people.
Name and define 5 different logical fallacies. Ad Hominem - personal attack rather than logic Straw Man-attacks different subject rather than topic Appeal to Ignorance-must be true because is not proven False Dilemma- design to promote one side Slippery Slope-action leads to future events
Who wrote Common Sense Thomas Paine
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
What is the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence? When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands......
Who wrote the US Constitution? James Madison
What is the first sentence of the US Constitution? We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union......
In which document is the Bill of Rights located? The US Constitution
Name the 8 founders listed in the notes. Washington, Jefferson, S. Adams, J. Adams, Madison, Franklin, Mason, Hamilton.
How many original colonies existed in America? 13
Name 5 of the bills, acts or taxes created by King George lll. Tea Act, Boston Port Bill, Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Townshend Acts
What was the famous Pre-revolutionary war quote about taxation? "No taxation without representation"
What are the names of the 4 kingdoms/states in Great Britain? England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland
Name 3 enlightenment musical composers. Mozart, Bach, Handel, Beethoven
Name the 4 enlightened despots we studied. Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great, Joseph ll, Louis 16
Why did the French revolution happen under Louis 16? Louis supported the enlightenment ideas in America. His financial backing of the American Revolution inspired the French, and when Louis did not have the money to provide for the people in crisis, the people followed the American and rebelled against him.
What type of ruler was Napoleon and why is it important to enlightenment France? an absolutist emperor
What type of government were most enlightenment thinkers opposed to? absolutism
How did the European enlightenment influence American history? It brought ideas of freedom, equality, capitalism and self government to an emerging colony. Had these ideas not come to America, there would likely not be a United States.
Created by: Gina Hall
Popular World History sets




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