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Word Work Weeks 1-20

memoir a collection of memories that someone writes about their own life
compatible able to exist together without conflict.
optimistic hopeful and confident about the future
advocate to support; to argue in favor of
behalf for someone's benefit/ in support of
alliteration words that start with the same sound
emulate to copy someone's behavior because you admire or respect that person
contradiction denial; inconsistency
theme a message that the author wants to share with the reader.
resolution The ending of the story where loose ends are tied up.
characterize to describe the special qualities of someone.
adversity continued difficulty; misfortune
drone to talk in a dull tone
sympathy feeling sorry for someone
culture values, beliefs, and practices that are shared by a group of people
insightful shows a deep understanding; perceptive
mentor a trusted advisor
dash to destroy someone's hope
simile a comparison between two unlike things using like or as
poetic license breaking the usual rules of language or style to create a particular effect.
metaphor a direct comparison between 2 unlike things - DOES NOT use like or as
personification giving human characteristics to non-human things
imagery creating a picture with words
sensory details details that use the 5 senses
onomatopoeia a word that SOUNDS like what it describes.
juxtaposition to put things next to each other, especially for the purpose of comparing them
plagued troubled by
entice to persuade
hyperbole extreme exaggeration
frigid extremely cold
donor someone who donates/gives something to an organization
rehabilitate to restore to good condition
peruse to read; to examine
refugee a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
cavernous hollow, empty
sorghum grain
urbanization population shift from rural to urban areas
disparity a great difference
reluctantly in an unwilling and hesitant way
wrathful feeling or showing anger
miser someone who hoards money
misanthrope someone who hates/distrusts everyone
redemption the act of making something better
dismal / morose both words mean gloomy and ill-tempered.
Etiquette Good manners
remorse regret; guilt
transformation dramatic change; metamorphosis
audible able to be heard
ignorance Lacking knowledge and content to remain that way
ghoulish parasites the people who stole Scrooge's possessions after he died.
cryptogram coded message
endeavor try
Resolution a promise to yourself to do or to not do something
Insurmountable too great to be overcome
Extra (prefix) outside; beyond what is expected
Inter (prefix) between
-ous (suffix) full of
-ic (suffix) of or pertaining to
Rhetoric the ability to use language effectively;
critical vitally important; involving criticism; requiring careful judgment
Summary the gist; the main points
tone the author's attitude towards their subject
establish to set up; to prove
Created by: dimatosn
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