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Western Midterm

How did geography influence the development of Greece? Mountains isolated city-states, abundant water caused fishing jobs, not much fertile land caused them to want to expand, and the climate was mild causing socialization.
What was a city-state? Political system where independent city has sovereignty and is a center of political, economic, and cultural life.
What was another word for a city-state? Polis
What was the purpose of the Acropolis? To protect the city.
What type of activity occurred in the Agora? Socialization and discussion about philosophy and government
What was the Parthenon? It was a Doric temple built on the Acropolis, and it was dedicated to Athena.
Why was the Parthenon important? It was where the Ancient Greeks could practice their beliefs/religion.
What role did gods/goddesses play in society? They gave the people role models to look up to and created the image of the "perfect" man or woman's body and morals.
What was it like in Athens? -Women have no rights and remain at home -Men complete military training to have a say in the gov't -Democracy -More urbanized, they value other people's opinions -Valued social class mobility -Plague wiped out 1/3 of population.
What was it like in Sparta? -Bullying and stealing was encouraged -Forbidden to keep records -Existed to serve Sparta -Determined if babies lived or died. -Given little food or clothing -Men had 13 years of physical training -Women learned art+sports and had more rights
How were Athens and Sparta similar? Both city-states, both in Ancient Greece, and women had no voting rights.
Who was Pericles and what were his contributions to Ancient Greece? A speaker during the Golden Age who promoted the arts, literature, and philosophy. -Used Delian League to control other city-states -Moved the leagues treasure to Athens to benefit Athens
What was the Golden Age of Athens? The period when Pericles dominated Athenian politics and Athens reached the height of its power. (461-429 B.C.)
What was the Socratic Method? The teaching method of teachers asking students questions as they are teaching to re-enforce the information.
Who were Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle? Why were they important? Philosophers of Ancient Greece. They shaped modern ideology and modern philosophy.
Who was Hippocrates and what contributions did he make to Athenian Society? The Ancient Greek "Father of Medicine". during the Age of Pericles He invented the Hippocratic Oath, which advanced the study of clinical medicine and summed up medical knowledge learned in colleges.
How was monarchy practiced by the Greeks? Mycanaeans paid taxes to kings, obeyed laws, and depended on them for protection. The kings gained power in return.
How was oligarchy practiced by the Greeks? Political decisions were made by aristocrats and select members of the middle class. Ordinary people had no say. (Sparta's govt)
How was tyranny practiced by the Greeks? Middle class helped tyrants gain power and the tyrants reformed laws, aided the poor, and cancelled debts.
How was democracy practiced by the Greeks? All male citizens could participate in gov't, (Citizens) assembly made laws, and decrees were enforced by the Council of 500. It originated in Athens.
Who fought in the Persian Wars and who won? Athens and Sparta teamed up against Persia. Greece won.
Who fought in the Peloponnesian War and who won? Athens against Sparta. Sparta won.
What were Alexander the Great's achievements and his legacy? -Blended the East and West creating Hellenestic Culture -Alexandria becomes a major city with world's best library -Made new opportunities for women
What is Hellenestic Culture? -Cultural diffusion or a mixture of cultures -People travelling to other areas -Emphasizes the "real" or courageous man -Women are given a larger role in society
Who was Herodotus and what was his contribution to Athenian society? Named "Father of History" by some, "Father of Lies" by others. He wrote "The Histories", where he documented the daily life of people in Greece, Egypt, and Asia Minor, as well as important historical events from that time.
Who was Pythagorus and what was his contribution to Athenian society? A Greek philosopher and mathematician. He made the pythagorean theorem, which is used to develop a method between the angles and legs of right triangles)
What were the Twelve Tables and how did they impact Roman society? They were a written law code carved onto 12 tablets. They impacted Roman society by allowing the government to use force if necessary to enforce the rules, it gave men more power over women, and it made gossiping or breaking promises a crime.
Who were the Patricians and Plebeians? How did they live? -Patricians: Rich Roman landowners with power. Slaves worked their farms and they lived a lavish life having fancy baths and dinners. Minority of people. -Plebeians: Common people of Rome including farmers, merchants, and farmers. Majority of people.
What was the Pax Romana? The 200 year peace that started with Octavian
What are the political impacts the Pax Romana had on society? Developed uniform rule of law that helped make justice more equal and created a civil service of government jobs that provided income.
What are the social impacts the Pax Romana had on society? Art and culture flourished as new ideas came from conquered areas and spread, stability to social classes, and emphasis on family life.
What are the economic impacts the Pax Romana had on society? Uniform system of currency helped expand trade, safe travel on roads helped expand trade, and prosperity and stability for merchants.
What are the two contributions made in the areas of building and architecture in Ancient Rome? -Concrete: Volcanic ash created a liquid that could be set to form solid building material. -Aqueducts: Structures to bring fresh drinking water from mountain springs to Roman cities.
What are two contributions made in the area of science in Ancient Rome? -The Ptolemaic System: Astronomical system developed by the scientist Ptolemy placing Earth at the center of the universe. -Health and Medicine: Public baths, aqueducts, and sewers promoted cleanliness. The first hospital was built for soldiers.
What are two contributions made in the area of literature in Ancient Rome? -Virgil wrote the Aeneid which is Rome's national epic -Seneca the Younger wrote many of Rome's greatest dramas.
How did the philosophies of stoicism and skepticism differ? Skepticism encouraged questioning authority and the world around us and stoicism says not to waste time pondering things and instead use that time to impact the world.
Why did the Roman Empire split? The empire became too large to manage.
What was the Western Roman Empire like? -Spoke Latin -Was Roman Catholic -More traditionally Roman -Suffered from attacks by barbarians.
What was the Eastern Roman Empire like? -Spoke Greek -Was Eastern Orthodox -More diverse culture from different people -Became the Byzantine Empire.
How were the Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire similar? -Both considered Roman -Both Christian -Both ruled by Emperors -Had similar laws
What were gladiators? Slaves, criminals, or prisoners of war trained to entertain the Romans by engaging in mortal combat in the Colosseum.
What was the 1st Triumvirate? Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus.
Who was Julius Caesar? How did he rule? What happened to him and why? -The emperor who transformed the Roman Republic into an empire -Ruled by expanding Rome's territory and being a man of the people -Got assassinated because many believed he had become a dictator.
Who was Cleopatra and what relationship did she have with Caesar? Cleopatra was the Queen of Egypt who fell in love with Caesar and gave birth to their son Caesarion.
Who was Brutus? One of Caesar's closest friends who stabbed him 23 times and assassinated him, because he believed he had become a dictator.
Who was Mark Antony? -Caesar's friend -Formed the 2nd Triumvirate -Defeated by Octavian -Fell in love with Cleopatra and had children with her -Commited suicide
Who was Augustus Caesar? -Julius Caesar's son -Formed 2nd Triumvirate -Turned on Mark Antony -Become 1st emperor of Rome.
Who were some of Rome's good emperors? Nerva, Hadrian, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, and Antonius Pius.
What did two of Rome's good emperors do? Nerva: Created best heir as emperor Hadrian: Consolidated Roman conquests, built England's protecting wall
What did three of Rome's good emperors do? Trajan: Started massive building campaign while empire thrived Marcus Aurelius: Brought empire to its height of prosperity, wrote philosophy, and defeated invaders. Antonius Pius: Ruled during period of prosperity and wrote philosophy.
What were some of Rome's bad emperors? Commodus, Nero, Caligula, and Tiberius.
What did two of Rome's bad emperors do? Commodus: Son of Marcus Aurelius who preferred fighting as a gladiator to just ruling. Nero: Persecuted Christians and saw the destruction of Rome in a great fire.
What did two of Rome's bad emperors do? Caligula: Severely mentally disturbed ruler who killed and tortured many among other delusions. Tiberius: Was a recluse who ruled tyrannically and through terror and violence.
What was Christianity? -Believed that Jesus was the Messiah and Son of God. -Believed in salvation for following Jesus and God -Believed that Jesus rose again and descended to heaven -Women could participate
What was Judaism? -Awaiting the messiah -Followed the Ten Commandments -Followed Mosaic law (The Old Testament and Moses) -Didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah -Wanted a return to tradition
What are the similarities between Christianity and Judaism? -Both believe in the same God -Monotheism
What are the Ten Commandments and how do they affect society? The ten rules made by the Jews that Christians follow throughout life. These affect society by giving us the instructions on how to be a good person, whether or not we believe following the commandments will send us to heaven.
Why did the spread of Christianity happen and how did it impact Roman society? -Inclusive for women -Promise of salvation -Non-discriminatory -Attractive to all classes -Paul converts, preaches to non-Jews, and sets up new churches across Roman Empire and other disciples -Constantine converts, Theodosius makes state religion.
What was a military cause of the fall of Rome? Invasion by Barbarians: Goths, Visigoths, and Huns attack (German tribes).
What was a political cause of the fall of Rome? Government Corruption: Bribery, graft, and corruption in the Senate occurred. There was also a series of bad emperors.
What was an economic cause of the fall of Rome? Reliance on Slave Labor: Caused a gap between the rich and the poor.
What was a social cause of the fall of Rome? Because of Christianity, many stopped fearing the Emperor and stopped listening to his decrees.
What were the Middle Ages? The period between the fall of Rome in 476 CE to the start of the Renaissance in around 1450 CE. It took place in Western Europe.
Who was Charlemagne and why is he important? -The man who was named Head of the Holy Roman Empire by the Pope in 800 AD, and the first emperor of the Western Romans. -United Europe, restored Western Roman Empire, and facilitated the Renaissance.
What was feudalism? A decentralized, or loosely organized system of rule based on land ownership.
How did feudalism operate? -Kings divided land into fiefs and gave to lords. -Then, lords gave fiefs to vassals, in exchange for vassals' allegiance. This was the promise they would raise armies to protect their lands and they would fight for their lord, (feudal contract).
What was manorialism? System that described economics and relations between landlords and their peasant laborers during the middle ages.
How did manorialism operate? -Structured around Lord's estate known as feudal manor -Self-sufficient, didn't have to trade -Peasants (serfs tied to land) farmed the land and made repairs.
How did the social structure system of the Middle Ages go? Roman Catholic Church/Pope, Kings (Monarchs), Nobility (Lords), Knights and Vassals, and Serfs and Peasants.
What were the Crusades? A series of holy wars issued by Pope Urban II, from 1096-1270 AD. Undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from Muslim rule. They were a series of nine military expeditions.
How did the Crusades affect society? Extended trade networks -Brought prosperity to Christianity and Western civilization -Elevated the Pope's power
What was the Black Death? A deadly plague that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351. It killed between 1/3 to 2/3's of every affected areas population, and it was an outbreak of bubonic plague, caused by Yersinia Pestis, that caused buboes.
How did the spread of the Black Death affect society? -People shut themselves off from the world -Abandoned their friends and family -Migrated and fled cities -Funerals were not done anymore -People didn't work
What was the Renaissance? "Rebirth" following the Middle Ages. It was a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome. Moves away from life in the church and focuses more on material objects and enjoying life.
Where did the Renaissance begin? Italy.
What is humanism? A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements.
What is perspective in the field of art? The illusion of three dimensions. Rafael introduced it.
What works did Michelangelo accomplish? -David -Moses -La Pieta (1499) -Sistine Chapel Ceiling -The Last Judgement
What works did Leonardo DaVinci accomplish? -Vitruvian Man -Last Supper (1498) -Mona Lisa -Notebooks with models for inventions
What works did Raphael accomplish? -The School of Athens (1510-1511) -Betrothal of the Virgin (1504) -Introduced perspective
What works did Erasmus accomplish? -Pushed for a Vernacular form of the Bible -The Praise of Folly (book, 1511)
What works did Thomas More accomplish? -Utopia (book about a perfect society, 1516)
What were the political ideas of Machiavelli? He believed that sometimes immoral acts must be used in a position of power and you must sometimes do whatever it takes to get what you want.
How did Christianity impact Roman society? -Lost respect for emperor -They were suspected of evil practices, persecuted, and blamed for social ills.
Created by: gd8445
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