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Ag Foundations

Ag Foundations sem 1

agriscience the application of scientific principles and new technologies to agriculture
agriculture activities concerned with the production of plants and animals, and the related supplies, services, mechanics, products, processing and marketing
agribusiness commercial firms that have developed with or stem from agriculture
renewable natural resources resources provided by nature that can replace themselves
technology application of science to an industrial or commercial objective
aquaculture raising of finfish, shellfish, and other aquatic animals under controlled conditions
agricultural engineering application of engineering principles in agricultural settings
animal science technology use of modern principles and practices in animal growth and management
crop science use of modern principles in growing and managing crops
soil science study of the properties and management of soil to grow plants
biotechnology use of cells or components of cells to produce products or processes
integrated pest management pest-control program based on multiple control practices
biology basic science of the plant and animal kingdoms
chemistry science dealing with the characteristics of elements or simple substance
entomology science of insect life
agronomy science and economics of managing land and field crops
horticulture the science of producing, processing, and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
animal sciences animal growth, care and management
agricultural education teaching and program management in agriculture
parasite organism that lives in or on another organism with no benefit to the host
tractor source of power for belt-driven machines, as well as for pulling
milking machine machine that milks cows and goats
selective breeding mating adults who have characteristics desired in the offspring
genetic engineering movement of genes from one cell to another
combine machine that is used to cut and thresh seed crops such as grain
reaper machine that cuts grain
polluted containing harmful chemicals or organisms
forestry industry that grows, manages, and harvests trees for lumber, poles posts, panels, paper, and many other commodities
production agriculture farming and ranching
nutrition the process whereby all body parts receive materials needed for function, growth, and renewal
anatomy the structure and arrangement of the various parts o the body of an animal or plant
hormone chemical that regulates activities of the body
dry matter material left after all water is removed from feed material
digestive system system that provides food for the body of the animal and for all of its systems
vitamin complex chemical essential for normal body functions
mineral element essential for normal body functions
skeletal system bones joined together by cartilage and ligaments
muscular system the lean meat of the animal
circulatory system the system that provides food and oxygen to the cells of the body and filters waste materials from the body
respiratory system system that provides oxygen to the blood of the animal
central nervous system the brain and the spinal cord
urinary system system that removes waste materials from the blood
ruminant animal that has a stomach with four digestive compartments
roughage grass, hay or silage and other feeds high in fiber and low in TDN
monogastric animal with a single-compartment stomach
concentrate feed high in total digestive nutrients and low in fiber
antibiotic substance used to help prevent or control infections and diseases of animals
host animal a species of animal in or on which diseases or parasites can live
contagious diseases that can be spread by contact
roundworm slender worm that is tapered on both ends
protozoa microscopic, one-celled animals that are parasites of animals
mange crusty skin condition caused from mites
intravenous in the vein
intramuscular in the muscle
subcutaneous under the skin
intradermal between layers of skin
infusion the process of treating udder problems through the teat canal
immune not affected by
disinfectant material that destroys infective agents such as bacteria and viruses
ova female reproductive cells or eggs from the ovary of an animal
sperm male reproductive units
gene a unit of hereditary material located on a chromosome
chromosome the rod-like carrier for genes
dominant gene that expresses itself to the exclusion of other genes
recessive a gene that remains hidden and expresses itself only in the absence of a dominant gene
cell a unit of protoplasmic material with a nucleus and cell walls
nucleus a cell structure that contains pairs of chromosomes on which genes are located at specific locations
lipid fat droplets inside a cell
mitosis simple cell division for growth
meiosis cell division that results in the formation of gametes
homozygous pairs of gene that are alike
heterozygous pairs of genes that are different
mutation change in genes
testosterone male sex hormone
estrogen hormone that regulates the heat period
ovulation process of releasing mature eggs from the ovary
gestation length of pregnancy
ration the amount of feed fed in one day
carbohydrate starches and sugars that provide energy in the diet
rumen one of the compartments of the stomach in cattle, deer, and sheep that is responsible for the breakdown of cellulose in the feed that is consumed
feed additive a nonnutritive substance added to feed to improve growth, increase feed efficiency, or maintain health
abortion loss of a fetus before it is viable
secondary host a plant or animal that carries a disease or parasite during part of the life cycle
balling gun a device used to place a pill in an animal's throat
drench a process of administering drugs orally to animals
cannula blunt needle
sex-linked genes carried on chromosomes that determine sex
estrus heat period or time when female animal is receptive to the male animal
inbreeding mating of animals that are related
protoplasm all of the contents within the walls of a living cell
mitochondrion plays a role in converting animal food to usable energy
endoplasmic reticulum a cell structure that stores proteins and facilities their movement to other parts of the cell as needed
deoxyribonucleic acid coded genetic material in a cell
heritability the capacity to be passed down from parent to offspring
fetus embryo from the time of attachment to the uterine wall until birth
zygote fertilized egg
ribosome a cell structure that is responsible for synthesizing proteins
incomplete dominance neither gene expresses itself to the exclusion of the other
genotype the genetic makeup of an individual or group of organisms
phenotype physical appearance of an individual
progesterone hormone that prevents estrus during pregnancy and causes development of the mammary system
fluke very small, flat worm that is a parasite
intraruminal in the rumen
intraperitoneal in the abdominal cavity
lactose compound milk sugar
endocrine system a group of ductless glands that release hormones in the body
deficiency disease condition resulting from improper levels or balances of nutrients
TDN the measure of digestibility of feed
Created by: 3turnshome79
Popular Agriculture sets




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