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CORE Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Pesticide Formulations

The name “X-Pest 5G” on a pesticide label indicates a: Granular pesticide with 5% active ingredient
Which is the pesticide formulation process by which solid particles are dispersed in a liquid? Suspension
This liquid pesticide formulation consists of a small amount of active ingredient (often 1% or less per unit volume). Ready-to-use (low-concentrate) solution (RTU)
This liquid pesticide formulation may approach 100% active ingredient. Ultra-low volume (ULV)
What is a disadvantage of both EC and ULV formulations? Solvents may cause rubber or plastic hoses, gaskets, pump parts, and other surfaces to deteriorate
What dry/solid formulation is mixed in water and reduces the risk of inhalation exposure during mixing and loading? Water-dispersible granule (WDG) or dry flowable (DF)
Which type of dry/solid pesticide formulation consists of particles that are the same weight and shape? Pellet
Delayed or slow release of the active ingredient prolongs their effectiveness is an advantage of ______ materials Microencapsulated
What type of adjuvant functions as a wetting agent and spreader (i.e., physically altering the surface tension of spray droplets)? Surfactant
What type of adjuvant increases the viscosity of spray mixtures? Thickener
A _____ is a pesticide product as purchased, containing a mixture of one or more active ingredients, carriers (inert ingredients), and other additives diluted for safety and ease of application Formulation
Diluents are any inert liquid, solid, or gaseous material that is _____ with a pesticide active ingredient during the manufacturing process. Also, the water, petroleum product, or other liquid in which the formulated product is mixed before application. Combined
A carrier is an inert liquid, solid, or gas added to an ____ ingredient to make a pesticide formulation. Active
Can a carrier also be the material used to dilute the formulated product for application? Yes
A solvent is a liquid such as water, oil, or alcohol that will ____ another substance (solid, liquid, or gas) to form a solution. Dissolve
A solution is a mixture of one or more substances in another substance (usually a ___) in which all the ingredients are completely dissolved. Liquid
An example of a _____ is sugar in water Solution
An ___ system is a device that stirs or mixes a pesticide product in a sprayer. Agitation
A chemical that aids in the suspension of one liquid in another that normally would not mix together: Emulsifier
An emulsion is a mixture of two liquids that are not ____ in each other. One is suspended as very small droplets in the other with the aid of an emulsifying agent. Soluble
An example of an emulsion is an emulsifiable ____ in water. Concentrate
Emulsifiable concentrates (EC) are a pesticide formulation produced by mixing an active ingredient and an emulsifying agent in a suitable petroleum solvent. When combined with water, a ____ emulsion is usually formed. Milky
Impregnates are products with pesticides _____ into them. These pesticides slowly emit vapors over time and provide control of nearby pests. Incorporated
Examples of ____ are pet collars, livestock ear tags, adhesive tapes, and plastic pest strips. Impregnates
A pesticide formulation before it is diluted: Concentrates
Phytotoxicity is chemical injury to: Plants
The movement of a chemical into plants, animals (including humans), microorganisms, or soil: Absorption
Volatility is the degree to which a substance _____ from a liquid or solid state to a gas at ordinary temperatures when exposed to air. Changes
A mixture of two or more crop-production products in a spray tank. Tank mixing
Adjuvants are substances added to a pesticide to ____ its effectiveness or safety. Improve
Examples of _____ include penetrants, sticker-spreaders, and wetting agents. Adjuvants
Adjuvants are also called: Additives
True or false: Pesticides are formulated for end use because many pesticide active ingredients, in pure/technical grade form, are not suitable for application. True
____ are formulated to make them safer or easier to use. Pesticides
The ___ ingredient is the part with pesticide properties. Active
The ___ ingredient is a carrier or diluent, a surface-active ingredient like a sticker or spreader, a stabilizer, dye, or any chemical which makes the product safer or enhances pesticidal activity. Inert
A Aerosol
AF Aqueous flowable
B Bait
C Concentrate
D Dust
E or EC Emulsifiable concentrate
F Flowable
G Granules
GL Gel
L Liquid
LC Liquid Concentrate
LV Low Volatile
M Microencapsulated
P or PS Pellets
RTU Ready-to-use
S Solution
SP Soluble powder (or soluble packet)
ULV Ultra-low volume
W or WP Wettable powder
WDG Water-dispersible granules
WS Water soluble
WSB Water-soluble bag (or water-soluble packet)
WSC Water-soluble concentrate
WSL Water-soluble liquid
WSP Water-soluble powder (or water-soluble packet)
Consider legal, labeled ___ when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Use
Consider applicator ____ when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Safety
Consider the ___ word when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Signal
Consider _____ safety when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Environmental
Consider pest ___ when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Biology
Consider site ____ when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Characteristics
Consider the ____, or surface to be treated, when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Target
Consider appropriate and available application ____ when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation. Equipment
E or EC advantages: Easy to handle, transport and store, easy to pour and measure, little ___ required, not abrasive, will not usually plug screens or nozzles, leaves little visible residue on treated surfaces Agitation
E or EC disadvantages: High concentration of active ingredient(s) makes it easy to over/underdose, may damage treated plants or surfaces, easily ___ through skin, splashes and spills are relatively difficult to decontaminate. Absorbed
E or EC disadvantages: strong odor, solvents may cause ___ wear and tear, may cause pitting/discoloration of painted finishes or surfaces, flammable, may be corrosive. Equipment
RTU low-concentrate solutions advantages: Convenient, some are packaged and sold in or with an application device, less personal ___ risk due to reduced toxicity and handling Exposure
RTU low-concentrate solutions disadvantages: Limited availability, ___ cost per unit of active ingredient High
C, LC, or WSC/WSL Advantages: relatively easy to handle, transport and store, no agitation necessary, not abrasive, do not plug screens or nozzles, do not usually leave visible ___ on treated surfaces Residues
C, LC, or WSC/WSL Disadvantages: limited availability - esp. ___-based solutions, spills and splashes may be difficult to clean up and/or decontaminate, some are easily absorbed through skin Water
Liquid baits Advantages: liquid ant baits are very useful in ___ sugar-feeding ants, ants that will feed on liquid baits carry this material to the colony Controlling
Liquid baits Advantages: liquid rodenticide baits will often control rodents in areas where food is ___, but water is scarce or lacking altogether Abundant
Liquid baits Disadvantages: not all ants, cockroaches and rodents will feed on liquid baits, you must refill or replace liquid-containing bait stations ___ Frequently
ULV concentrates Advantages: easy to handle, transport and store, little or no agitation required, ___ abrasive to equipment, do not plug screens and nozzles, leave little visible residue on treated surfaces Not
ULV concentrates Disadvantages: high drift hazard due to small ___ size, specialized equipment required, easily absorbed through skin Droplet
ULV concentrates Disadvantages: high dermal and inhalation exposure risk, may cause rubber or plastic hoses, gaskets and pump parts and other surfaces to ___, calibration and application must be performed with special care Deteriorate
Invert emulsions Advantages: low drift, increased rate of penetration/absorption, increased rainfastness and ___ runoff Reduced
Invert emulsions Disadvantages: difficult to treat the underside of foliage or other ___ because droplets are large and heavy, limited availability Targets
F or AF Advantages: easy to handle and apply, low ___ risk, generally not phytotoxic, seldom clog nozzles, splashes are less likely than with other liquid formulations Exposure
F or AF Disadvantages: may settle, difficult to ___ all of product from container, may be abrasive, spills hard to clean up, may leave a visible residue on treated surfaces Remove
Ready-to-use aerosols (A) Advantages: easy to use, convenient, portable, easily stored, convenient way to buy and ___ a small amount of pesticide, retain potency for some time Apply
Ready-to-use aerosols (A) Disadvantages: practical for only a few limited or specialized uses, risk of ___ exposure Inhalation
Ready-to-use aerosols (A) Disadvantages: hazardous if ___, over-heated or used near an open flame, may be difficult to direct material released to a single target site or pest Punctured
Aerosols as smoke or fog generators Advantages: easy way to fill an ___ space with pesticide Entire
Aerosols as smoke or fog generators Disadvantages: highly specialized use sites and equipment, difficult to confine to target site of pest, spills and splashes may be difficult to clean up, may require respiratory ___ to prevent inhalation exposure Protection
D Advantages: usually ready-to-use, a good alternative where moisture from a spray might cause ___, applied with simple application equipment, effective in hard-to-reach indoor areas Damage
D Disadvantages: easily drift off target during application, residues do not ___ to treated surfaces, including foliage, as well as liquids do, may irritate eyes, nose, throat, and skin Adhere
D Disadvantages: dampness may cause product to clump and equipment to ___, some kinds of application equipment and devices are hard to calibrate, difficult to get an even distribution of particles Clog
G Advantages: ready-to-use, drift hazard is ___, low applicator hazard, weight carries the formulation through foliage to soil or water target Low
G Advantages: applied with simple application equipment, may break down more ___ than WPs or ECs because of a slow-release coating Slowly
G Disadvantages: application equipment needs frequent calibration, application equipment is not as convenient to calibrate as spray equipment b/c it's measured by ___ instead of volume, uniform application may be difficult Weight
G Disadvantages: granules do not stick to foliage or uneven surfaces, may need to be incorporated into planting medium, may need ____ to release the active ingredient, may be hazardous to nontarget species (especially waterfowl), bulky Moisture
WP or W Advantages: easy to store, transport and handle, less likely than ECs and other ___-based formulations to harm treated plants, animals and surfaces Petroleum
WP or W Advantages: as a rule, not phytotoxic, less risk of skin and eye ___ than ECs and other liquid formulations Absorption
WP or W Disadvantages: not easy to measure or mix, inhalation hazard to applicator while measuring and mixing, suspended particles require good and constant ___ Agitation
WP or W Disadvantages: abrasive to pumps and nozzles, difficult to mix in very hard or very alkaline water, if not mixed properly, may clog nozzles and screens, residues may be ___ on treated surfaces Visible
B Advantages: ready-to-use, entire area need not be covered because ___ goes to bait, control pests that move in and out of an area Pest
B Disadvantages: may be attractive to children and pets, may ___ domestic animals and nontarget wildlife, require careful placement and inspection, pest may prefer the crop or other food, dead vertebrate pests may cause problems Kill
B Disadvantages: if baits are not removed after the pesticide stops working they may serve as a ___ supply, may not work in situations where pests have many other food or water sources Food
Pastes, gels and other injectable baits Advantages: odorless, low human ___, last for long periods, low applicator exposure risk Toxicity
Pastes, gels, and other injectable baits Advantages: hidden placements ___ human and pet exposure, accurate in their placement and dosage, easily placed where insects shelter Minimize
Pastes, gels and other injectable baits Disadvantages: can become contaminated, when exposed to ___ temps, gels can drip/run, may stain porous surfaces, repeated applications can cause unsightly buildup High
Fumigants Advantages: toxic to a ___ range of pests, can penetrate cracks, crevices, wood and tightly packed areas, a single treatment will usually kill most pests in the treated space Wide
Fumigants Disadvantages: the target site must be ___ or covered to prevent the gas from escaping, nonspecific and highly toxic to humans and all other organisms, high inhalation exposure risk Enclosed
Fumigants Disadvantages: most require the use of specialized personal ___ equipment, may require the use of specialized application equipment, some have specific temperature requirements Protective
M Advantages: coatings help protect the applicator, easy to mix, handle and apply, timed release of active ingredient ___ effectiveness, reduced volatility and odor, less likely to stain or otherwise damage treated surfaces, reduced phytotoxicity Prolongs
M Disadvantages: constant agitation may be necessary, risk of injuring or ___ bees, long restricted-entry or preharvest intervals for highly toxic products Killing
WSB or WSP Advantages: accurate premeasured unit doses, increased handler safety, lower risk of ___ Spills
WSB or WSP Disadvantages: package size may ___ match volume of prepared solution needed and/or tank volume Not
WSB or WSP Disadvantages: may not be suitable for products applied in pounds or gallons of active ingredient per acre due to the size or number of packets required, must be kept ___ until ready to use Dry
Created by: Rebecca_Miller
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