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Test 80 History

Calvert 6th

termdefinitiondetail 1detail 2
Aryans Semi-nomadic people who herded sheep, goats and cattle (travelled) Spoke Sanskrit Vedas were their hymns and poems handed down orally by priests
Guptas had "guilds" which did different types of work first to determine that earth is round excelled in science, astronomy and math
Ban Zhao Chinese Scholar (blank) (blank)
Confucius Chinese philosopher "china's greatest teacher" founder of Confusionism told that all people are good and shouldn't have harsh rules
Siddhartha Gautama a prince in search of "truth" founder of Buddhism saw an old man, a sick man, and a dead man which troubled him
Qin Dynasty Only lasted 15 years but divided China into 36 provinces Set up a bureaucracy so that each worker was appointed to a job made different measurement and money so that all currency was the same
Zhou Dynasty Zhou kings developed feudalism used different dialects of the same language worshiped an imnperial power named "Tian" or heaven
Asoka first ruler to send missionaries beyond Indian borders belonged to a line of kings called Mauryas (blank)
Wudi started colonies in North Korea and North Vietnam (blank) (blank)
Yin and Yang Yin means"dark side of the hill" qualities of darkness, calm and weakness - yang means "bright side of the hill" active and strong We can't have light without darkness or life without death In the Zhou Dynasty this explained opposing forces.
Caste groups such as merchants and servants When you are born into a caste, you stay there your whole lifetime. (blank)
Dharma dharma in Buddhism is the law or teaching. In Hinduism, dharma is duty, justice, or social obligation. (blank)
Han Dynasty The Han dynasty were the first to invent the seismograph. They believed in the concept of Yin and Yang. (blank)
Shang Dynasty Most of the Shang people lived in farming villages. In the Shang dynasty they learned how to make bronze from tin and copper. (blank)
Feudalism In feudalism the noblemen own the land. (blank) (blank)
Varnas The varnas is the four social groups in Aryan society. First theres the priest(or Brahman), then the rulers and warriors, merchants and common people, and servants. (blank)
Karma In Buddhism, karma is the people's" good deeds." In Hinduism, karma is the discision if your soul will be good or bad when you are reborn. (blank)
Li Si Qin Shihuangdi's advisor who burned all of the books about confucianism. (blank) (blank)
Created by: Shawne
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