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fall b2 review

What is encoding? (getting into memory)
What is storage? (tagging and keeping)
What is retrieval? (accessing it)
How many items can short term memory hold? (5-9)
For how long before you have to start rehearsing? (20-30 seconds)
Vladimir's hands can carve a pumpkin beautifully, but he doesn't have an conscious recollections of actually carving one before. What type of memory has his cerebellum kept if he can still perform the task? (implicit/procedural)
What are the limits of long term memory? (unlimited amount and time)
What is iconic memory? (vision)
What is echoic memory? (sound)
Sally's home was invaded with zombies when she was 6 months old, but she doesn't remember the experience. What brain structure is undeveloped in infancy and causes infantile amnesia? (hippocampus)
How do retrieval cues make recognition easier than recall? (help us access related memories)
After a horror movie marathon that included The Grudge, The Blair Witch Project, and The Ring, every noise Bubba hears from his basement makes him jump and cry. Explain how priming relates to this scenario. (thinking of one thing helped us access related memories)
What is state dependent memory? (state of consciousness serves as retrieval cue)
What is mood congruent memory? (mood serves as retrieval cue)
Patients who are currently afraid are more likely to remember scary things that happened in the past. What memory term explains this phenomenon? (mood congruent memory)
How could the Serial Position Effect apply to remembering what happened during trick or treating? (remember beginning and end the best)
"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing," Johnny rehearses his lines ... Is this effortful or automatic processing? (effortful because he's trying)
The headless horseman can't make new memories. Is this anterograde or retrograde amnesia? (anterograde)
Esmeralda knows she memorized the spell for turning a stick into a snake, but now she can't remember it. What term reflects this type of forgetting? (retrieval failure)
Jeanie never paid attention during potions class, and now she can't remember a single spell. What term reflects this type of forgetting? (encoding failure)
According to Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve, when do you forget most of the information you learned? (forget most right after you learn it)
What is Proactive Interference? (old memories make it hard to access newer memories)
What is Retroactive interference? (new memories make it hard to access older memories)?
If you witnessed a crime, and then the police officer asks how old the evil men were who committed the crime, how would his words influence your memory of the event according to the Misinformation Effect? (officer's words might affect my recall)
What's it called when you can remember information, but you can't remember where you learned the information? (source amnesia)
A black cat walks in front of your path on a sidewalk. You've never been in this exact place before, but suddenly ... DÉJÀ VU ... you remember being here. Explain the déjà vu experience. (your partially stored memory matches part of your current experience)
How does a prototype related to the representativeness heuristic? (when you solve a problem by matching something to a prototype to decide on category membership)
What is an algorithm? (logical step by step formula for problem solving)
What is a heuristic? (mental shortcut for problem solving)
Laura believes that girls are extremely emotional, so she's always looking for evidence of emotionality in women in her daily life. What's this tendency to look for information that backs up our beliefs called? (confirmation bias)
One time Montel got a bunch of candy by crying at the doors when he trick or treated. If he has a mental set for getting candy by crying, how will he try to get candy next time? (mental set)
In Zimbabwe, if you are kidnapped by a mermaid and your family sheds even a tear for you, the mermaid will never return you to your family. How will belief perseverance affect a person's opinion on this issue? (ignore contradictory evidence and just keep believing what you believe)
What is a phoneme (smallest unit of sound in a language; about 40 in english)
What is a morpheme? (smallest unit of meaningful sound; could be a whole word or a prefix/suffix/root)
Give an example of a syntactical difference between English and Spanish. (adjective/noun different order)
What are the stages and ages of language acquisition in children? (babbling 4-11months, one word 12-23 months, two word 24 months, complete sentences 24+ months)
During which stage do kids lose the ability to make sounds from other languages? (toward end of babbling stage)
What is Broca's aphasia? (can't create language)
What is Wernicke's aphasia? (can't understand language)
If you didn't know these types of werewolves (the wolf, the wolf man, the mind-spirit wolf), what would linguistic determinism say about your ability to think about them? (can't think about them if you don't have language for them)
How did syphilis lead to the medical model of psychological disorders? (it caused psychological problems - so maybe all psychological problems can be solved like medical problems)
The DSM-5 identifies symptoms of disorders and classifies them into categories. What does the DSM-5 NOT do? (cause or treatment)
What is the most common mental health disorder? (depression)
How is bipolar disorder different than major depressive disorder? (bipolar adds manic episodes)
What are the two alternating moods of bipolar disorder? (mania and depression)
How can a person's explanatory style affect their mood? (pessimistic explanatory more likely to lead to depression)
What's the goal of Cognitive Therapy? (change thought processes)
Who are the famous cognitive therapists? How are their cognitive therapy types different? (Beck - gentle questioning)
Belinda is supposed to bring candy corn to the class party, but she can't find it when she goes at the last minute to pick it up. "This is a catastrophe! Everyone will hate me and I'll lose all my friends," she cries. How would Aaron Beck counsel her? (change thought processes through gentle questioning)
What is consciousness? (awareness of self and environment)
How does consciousness relate to dissociation? (if you lose self of self or awareness of environment)
Name three states of consciousness. (drunk, high, sleepy, asleep, wide awake)
How could trick or treating and candy eating affect your circadian rhythm? (it could make you too wired to go to sleep at your normal time)
During which stage of sleep do people dream? (REM - 4)
The vampire fell asleep in his coffin just as the sun rose. How can tell if he's dreaming, just by looking at him? (eyes moving under closed lids)
During which stage of sleep are your muscles repaired? (3 - deep sleep)
How does alcohol consumed right before sleep affect sleep? (makes REM impossible)
How does caffeine consumed right before sleep affect sleep? (make it hard to sleep)
What are the effects of sleep deprivation? (increased fat retention, achy muscles and joints, less sharp cognition)
For two nights, the vampire is awakened every time he starts to go into REM sleep. How will his sleep patterns be unusual on the third night when he's allowed to sleep without interference? (REM rebound)
Is alcohol a stimulant or a depressant? (depressant)
What do Barbiturates do to a person? (sedative)
How do opiates make a person feel? (euphoric)
What neurotransmitter do opiates mimic? (endorphins)
What category of drug does nicotine fall in? (stimulant)
LSD is an agonist that produces sensory experience without sensory stimulation. What's this type of drug called? (hallucinogen)
Why is it so dangerous to combine ecstasy and alcohol? (dehydration)
How would you know if you were experiencing tolerance to caffeine? (same amount affects you less)
Zamarda hears the werewolves howling outside her home, and immediately begins the first stage of GAS. What are the stages of General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)? (Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion)
What are Lymphocytes? (defense cells of the immune system)
How would the long-term stress of living with werewolves outside your home all winter affect your immune system? (reduces energy sent to immune system so you get sick easier)
Freddy has depression and anxiety, and has started to exercise 4x a week for 30 minutes, eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies and protein every day, attend church regularly, hang out with friends, and be optimistic. What treatment is Freddy doing? (therapeutic lifestyle change)
One day Chucky wakes up, not sure of where he is or who he is. What disorder might Chucky be experiencing? (dissociative amnesia)
Clarice feels like she's separated from her body and just watching herself from a distance. What is she experiencing? (dissociation)
What is the order of an action potential through a neuron? (DCBA)
Which part of a neuron receives the signal? (dendrites)
Why are the dendrites called receptors? (receive the signal)
Which part of a neuron releases neurotransmitters? (terminal buttons of axon)
What is the function of the myelin sheath? (insulates axon)
What's happening during the refractory period? (pumps positively charged ions back out to get into resting potential)
What's the synapse? (gap between neurons)
Which part of a neuron does reuptake? (terminal buttons of axon)
What's an agonist? (causes neuron to fire)
What's an antagonist? (stops neuron from firing)?
Which neurotransmitter is in overabundance in schizophrenia? (dopamine)
What symptom does all that extra neurotransmitter cause? (hallucinations and delusions)
What type of drug works best on schizophrenia? (antipsychotics)
What do antianxiety drugs like Xanax and Ativan do? (increase GABA)
How do SSRI's work? (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)
Even when receiving a non-effective, inert, fake drug, patients will often experience an improvement in their symptoms. What's the reason for their improvement? (placebo effect)
Even when receiving no treatment at all, patients will often experience an improvement in their symptoms. What's the reason for their improvement? (regression toward the mean)
Maleficent is super depressed; she feels inappropriately guilt all the time and doesn't find joy in any activities that used to be fun for her. Which neurotransmitter is probably low in her synapses? (serotonin)
Which disorder is typically treated with Lithium? (bipolar)
What are sensory neurons? (takes sensory info toward the brain / afferent)
What are efferent neurons? (takes info from brain to body / motor)?
Where are interneurons located? (spinal cord)
How are interneurons related to reflexes? (if sense danger, can send back a move message before sending info to the brain)
How are neurotransmitters and hormones similar? (chemical messengers)
Where are neurotransmitters located? (synapses)
Where are hormones located? (blood stream)
The most popular Halloween costume of 2022 is Spider Man. If you're terrified of Spiderman, your autonomic nervous system will pump you up in response to a fear signal from the amygdala... Which system will calm you down when SpiderMan goes away? (parasympathetic)
Which gland releases epinephrine? (adrenal)
Monica made Chandler dress up like a really, really, really big pink bunny for Halloween. What is the primary function of the pituitary gland? (growth hormone)
What is the primary function of the Thyroid? (metabolism)
What is the primary function of the Pancreas? (insulin)
What does an Electroencephalogram (EEG) show you about a person's brain? (types of brain waves)
What does a Computed Tomography Scan (CT) show you about a person's brain? (basic structures)
How does a PET scan determine which parts of the brain are active? (radioactive material)
What does a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) show you about a person's brain? (detailed picture of structures)
How does a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) determine which parts of the brain are active? (oxygenated blood flow)
The pons, medulla, and reticular formation are all on the .... (brain stem)
What type of memories does your cerebellum process? (implicit/procedural)
What system is the amygdala in? (limbic) What's the function of the amygdala? (fear, anger, aggression)
Hypo-the-Llamas .... What's the brain part? (hypothalamus) What are its functions? (fight, flight, hunger, thirst, body temperature)
Name the four lobes of the Cerebral Cortex. (frontal, temporal, occipital, parietal)
What's the sensory cortex? (processes touch information)
What's the motor cortex? (sends out directions to voluntarily move)?
What's the primary function of the association areas? (thinking/remembering)
What's the primary function of the corpus collosum? (sending messages between two hemispheres)
Created by: lcurty100
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