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Comprehensive Exam

Therapeutic Massage Sem. 1

Six Steps in resolution model for resolving ethical dilemma Identify problem-Identify potential issue-Review Code of Ethics & Laws-Evaluate potential course of action-Obtain Consultation-Determine best course of action
Codified rule set forth by society are shared morals and ethical principles Laws
Effective ways to manage the power differential between practitioner and client Obtain informer consent
Method used to introduce the client to deeper techniques Gliding Methods
If your client is often asking you to help them solve personal problems, what is that a sign of? Countertransference
HIPPA establishes strict guidelines for maintaining which aspect of an ethical therapeutic relationship? Privacy
True or False: Is the power differential eliminated if the power differential isn't taken advantage of? False
True or False: When transference occurs, is it best that the client is immediately referred out? False
The practitioner often helps the client with matters outside the session Countertransference
If a client comes to your for a massage with edema in right knee from an injury, how should you proceed with the massage to the leg? Begin above the knee of the right leg and avoid the lower leg
What can result from past experiences being held in the body over a long period of time during session Emotional Release
When should a practitioner wash their hands? Before and after every massage
What is the perfect temperature in a massage room? 72 to 75 degrees
What is the minimum size for a massage room? 10x12
The pectoralis major is ______to the ribs. The ribs are________ to the pectoralis major? Superficial/Deep
Movement of the mandible in a side-to-side motion is known as: Lateral Deviation of the Mandible
What level of the body can the lymph system be palpated? Superficial
The connection between the earth and client is known as? Grounding
Which endangerment site is bordered by the sartorius muscle, the adductor longus muscle, and the inguinal ligament? Femoral Triangle
A movement when the radius crosses the ulna? Pronation
What plane of movement divides the body in front and back portions? Coronal (frontal)
What is the most optimal level to achieve on the scale of health? 5
When the body is under stress, what happens to the level of cortisol? Increases
Massage procedure using an alternate wringing movement, done centripetally Oscillation
How should you proceed with a massage if a client comes in saying they haven't been feeling well and are running a fever? Explain to the client that because the have a fever the massage is contraindicated and your need to reschedule them
Stretching muscle/fascia, renewing awareness; stimulating production is known as? Joint Movement Methods
Technique that is the basis for all techniques and also consists of placing the practitioners hand o the client without moving in any direction? Touch
What is deep pressure touch used to soothe? Muscle Spasms
Which technique has a mechanical effect? Deep Gliding/Effleurage
A succession of strokes applied by gliding the hand over a somewhat extended portion of the body Effleurage
What does light touch help to soothe? Relieves insomnia-Comforts-Reduces Anxiety
When it comes to a fever, what is temperature that makes massage contraindicated? 99.4
What are physiological effects of effleurage? Dilates vessels in skin (reflex)-Increases permeability capillary beds-Increases circulation & Lymph flow
Compressing/twisting one end of the structure in one direction, while the other end is held motionless, compressed twisted in opposite direction is known as? Torsion
Applying a force that deforms the tissue by using circular, cross-fiber, linear friction techniques? Shearing
A State of Mind, that is NOT a mindless mental process of a desired goal or outcome? Therapeutic Intent
Would you preform gliding/effleurage on open lesions? No, Contraindicated
Beliefs about what is intrinsically worthwhile or desirable, rather than what is Right or Correct? Values
Physiological to Transcendences pertains to what? Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
Taking breaks, eating properly, staying hydrated and regular exercise helps maintain what? Stress Management
After a therapist has finished the massage and client is about to leave, the therapist puts their arms out and hugs the client without asking permission. What type of boundary violation does the best represent? Physical
If a practitioner has a full client load and is bringing in more money than their overhead and can't makes ends meet due to the taxes they owe, what is the most appropriate support they need? Financial
A tool strategy or technique that helps reduce stress/negative impact on mental or physical well-being? Stress Management
The distal end of the tibia bone? Medial Malleolus
What do relationship boundaries protect? The integrity of each person
Known as "fatty tissue"? Adipose
Social groups can be significant part of a child's development, what is important for coaches and leaders to do? Empower children to develop appropriate boundaries
Practitioner frequently tells client about personal problem; running over session time? Overly Permeable Boundaries
Which endangerment site contains the carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, and lymph nodes? Anterior triangle of neck
Describe how boundaries function? Provide Protection
A boundary crossing becomes a violation when it is: Harmful
When is it appropriate for a practitioner's self-disclosure of personal information to a client during a session? When the practitioner believes the information will help the client
Is establishing equal and mutual consent for entering a dual relationship difficult? How does it impact the existing power differential in a therapeutic relationship? Yes, it is difficult, a dual relationship gone badly can affect the therapeutic relationship
What type of tissue surrounds each microscopic muscle fiber? Endomysium
If a therapist grabs a client hand after having the knowledge that their client has been a victim of abuse, this is an example of what? Boundary Violation
What is the most important signal a therapist can receive from a client that the client's boundaries have been crossed? Change in communication style
What are the two types of connective tissue relating to fascia? Superficial and Deep
Method of removing/eliminating all living organism and microorganism in a setting? Sterilizing
Which bacteria are beneficial and harmless? non-pathogenic bacteria
Chemical process of illuminating harmful pathogens typically done: After the massage therapist cleanse the table , bolster, stool and door handle Sanitation
Hurting a client by using too much pressure is an example of what? Boundary Crossed
What can be a direct transmission of pathogens? Hands
Is confidentiality practiced in massage therapy? Absolutely! HIPPA!
A mechanism that develop unconsciously to shield people for emotional painful experiences? Defense Mechanism
Which endangerment site contains the axillary, median, musculocutaneous and ulnar nerve?/ Axilla
Which muscle is the antagonist to medial rotation of the humerus? Infraspinatus
What are some concerns for dual relationships? The potential for harm
If a client tells their therapist that they are taking medication, what area of the SOAP notes does this information belong to? Subjective
Which muscle is antagonist to flexion of the glenohumeral joint? Triceps Brachii
If the therapist notices that the client has one shoulder high than the other, what area of the SOAP notes does this information belong to? Objective
Standards by which behavior and character traits are judged as RIGHT or WRONG? Morals
If a practitioner sees a client out in public, what is the practitioner's best course of action? Allow client to acknowledge her first
What is the best way to protect against the risk involved in a dual relationship with a client? Seek Clinical Support
Starting a sentence with the word "you" is an example of ? Embedded Command
Why are non-fraternization policies important? Because of the power differential that exists between teachers & students
When refusing services to potential new client, it is important to do so with a vocabulary that is: Blameless and Neutral
When assessing the lateral border of the scapula, through which two muscle bellies will you have to palpate? Teres Major & Minor
A "winged scapula" often indicates weakness in which muscle? Serratus Anterior
The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor all attach to what bony landmark? Greater Tubercle
A process the ensure that the client has received enough information to understand the nature and extent of the massage service. Informed Consent
What is the order that a practitioner should take when conducting a new client interview? Initiation-Exploration-Planning-Closure
Which muscle allows for internal rotation of the humerus? Subcapularis
How many muscles attach to the scapula? 16
True or False: When it comes to concise documentation, is it difficult to exchange client information with other health professionals? False
A proactive approach to working with clients under established rules and practices? Polices & Procedures
What is the rate of movement for manual vibration? 5-10 vibration per second
Superficial or deep, back and forth movement against the tissue. Friction
Of the supraspinatus, teres minor, infraspinatus, and subscapularis, which does not have attachment to the greater tubercle of the humerus? Subscapularis
Of the 7 common massage methods, which would be best used to clear up lung congestion? Cupping (clapping)
Applied transverse direction, across muscle, tendon, or ligament fibers? Cross-fiber Friction
Which regulatory method offers no consumer protection? Title Protection
Which regulatory method is required by law to practice? Licensure
Which muscle is antagonist to itself? Trapezius
Out of age, race, shirt color, gender, spaghetti noodle preference and countertransference, which is acceptable for a therapist to decline a potential client? Countertransference
Which muscle is located below the spine of the scapula? Infraspinatus
How can a practitioner increase a client's sense of safety and confidence in the practitioner's work? Describe service, education, experiences, professional, association and licensure status
If the client asks the therapist for help outside of the practitioner's scope of practice, this is an example of what? Transference
What makes up the shoulder complex? Scapula-Clavicle-Humerus
What should be included in the Client Policy Statement? Types of service-Training/Education, Confidentiality
What method includes techniques such as tapping, slapping, cupping, hacking, and beating? Percussion/Tapotement
Which muscle protracts the scapula? Serratus Anterior
When a client has a headache, where would you apply effleurage? To the spine
The object of superficial effleurage is to affect what? Skin, Lymph and veins
Long, smooth strokes wherein the therapist hands glide the length of the clients body or body part; coming close but not touching the body surface. Aura Stroking
How is centripetal effleurage done? Distal to Proximal
Initial physiological effects on the nerves with feather (nerve) stroking is? Stimulating
Obtainable & Measurable accomplishments are known as? Goals
What is a major element in effective daily planning? Ranking
What is the key component in motivation? Desire
What is the key to career longevity? Strong Client Base
What attribute best describes being inspired by joy of accomplishment? Self-motivation
Created by: JML19
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