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History 202 Exam 3

Hoskins Ch. 24-

Why was the US described as an "Urban Nation" in the 1920 census? People were moving away from farming, more people were working in industries. Farming and farmers were not a political priority for the US.
Nativists People in the US who opposed immigration; they were scared of the change that immigrants may bring to the US
Technological advancements in the early 1900s Model T (Vehicles) Movies with sounds Radios Non-militant airplanes
National Origans Act 1924; set a quota for immigration to the US
Sacco & Vanzetti Political extremists; accused and put on trial for robbery & murder. Jury convicted them and they were later executed.
KKK in 1915 Began grow in the south and west with 3-8 million members. the group held lots of democratic power because of their size
Characteristics of the KKK Protestant Believed in white supremacy anti-sematic (anti-jews) anti-catholic
John T. Scopes Biology teacher in TN. taught darwinism; was arrested and put on trial
Scopes Monkey Trial Dayton, TN. John T. Scopes' trial, large public interest, so many people showed up, the trial had to take place outside the courthouse
Clarance Darrow One of the best trial lawyers in the country, defense for Scopes. Hired by the American Civil Liberty Union for Scopes
"Lost Generation" Described Americans who felt alienated after WW1 and moved to Greenwich Village in NYC, some even left the country and moved to Paris, in particular
Ex-Patriots Americans who left the country after WW1 because they were dissatisfied with the American life and believed it to have repressive values.
Gifted writers who pointed out what they saw was wrong, was included in the "Lost Generation" -William Faulkner -F. Scott Fitzgerald -Ernest Hemingway -Sinclair Lewis
Harlem Renaissance Name given to black intellectual and artistic achievements in the '20s
Negro Nationalism celebration of African roots and African-American life through writing, art, and music
"New Negro" Described the new approach to embracing the new approach and view on African culture
Marcus Garvey created a new organization called the "United Negro Improvement Association". He advocated separatism and return to Africa. This idea appealed to urban, working-class blacks
18th Amendment went into effect in January 1920, considered a "noble experiment" to improve American society
Negative Side-effects of prohibition -organized crime, people were creating and smuggling bootleg liquor and set up speakeasies -crime went up, people were fighting and killing to gain control over illegal activities -A growing disrespect for and willingness to disobey the law
"wets" people who were against prohibition
"drys" people for prohibition
Warren G. Harding (R) President in 1920. He had issues with morality and obeying the law, he snuck his mistress into the White House, played poker and served bootleg liquor. Died in 1923
"return to normalcy" Harding's goal to return the country to how it was before the war. Did NOT support progressive ideas
Albert Fall; Secretary of the Interior abused his position. Took bribes to allow businessmen to use oil reserves
Teapot Dome Scandal referred to Fall's inappropriate actions while in office, allowing businessmen to use oil reserves
Harry Daugherty; Attorney General Sold Liquor permits as well as parole and pardons to criminals
Calvin Coolidge (R) Became president after Harding's death. shared same conservative views as Harding, that the gov. was supposed to not get involved.
Policies under Harding/Coolidge -Delegate Authority -Commitment to business -regulatory agencies, not so active in the 1920s, more inclined to protect businesses -Supreme Court Appointments, these new appointments were conservative and "pro business"
Andrew Mellon; Secretary of Treasury promoted the concept of "trickle down economics" which was the idea that when businesses are doing well, workers will get higher wages and farmers will make larger profits
Results of "trickle down economics" this policy was not successful. workers and farmers made less and less, but businesses did well, there was a perception that the economy was booming
Herbert Hoover; Secretary of Commerce Believed that: -Business is good when its efficient and productive -Industries should be encouraged to organize and network -the role of the gov. is to provide advice and data
1928 Election Herbert Hoover (R) v. Al Smith
1928 election issues -Religion; Smith's Catholic religion was seen as a problem -Prohibition; Hoover (R) officially were against it -Prosperity (the perception of it); people associated Hoover with prosperity and business success
Agricultural Marketing Act Showed willingness to sign a bill to help farmers. Did not do much, but it was a model for farm legislation in a depression
Causes of the depression -bad distribution of wealth -poor banking practices -poor fed. reserve policies -international trade and debt -public (consumer) confidence
Early signs in the economy of depression -decreased consumer spending -increases in retail inventories -decreases in factory output
Great Stock Market Crash aka Black Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1929. Many considered this to be THE cause of the depression
What caused stock market crash People were buying cheap stocks and then quickly selling them for more. Buying on margin. Accessibility to credit.
After the stock market crashed: -Unemployment continues to rise -Many people are hungry and homeless -Many people lost their savings when banks failed
Hoovervilles towns where homeless people gathered to live. showed how people felt about the president
Dust Bowl Described the midwest during the droughts in the 1930s. Saved crops began to get infested and farmers lost everything, so they moved to Cali
Okies Name given to farmers who moved from the midwest to california during the dust bowl
Methods of Relief public: had very limited resources to meet needs Private/religious charities: Soup kitchens and donations of clothes -Overall, these methods were not strong enough to do much
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Put large tariffs on imported goods, which essentially shuts down international trade during this time.
Bonus Army Vets still alive in 1945 will get a bonus from the gov. These vets wanted the bonus now, since they had nothing else, but they were refused it, so they stormed DC
General Douglas McArthur In charge of getting these people out of the capital, uses extreme measures and make Hoover look bad
Hoovers solutions re: depression -people to volunteer as in war times, come together -believes capitalism is sound and will make it through the depression -Limited role of Gov. in businesses -balanced budget -NO DIRECT AID -believed that this was started in Europe
1932 Election Hoover(R) v. Franklin Roosevelt (D) -Communists and socialists blame capitalism for the economy failing
FDR ideas -conservative; comes from wealth -balanced budget -local relief -citizens should be able to look to the gov. for help -Pragmatist; willing to try new ideas to see if they work
FDR Bank reform 1st, declares bank holiday, took money off the gold standard and sets a date to reopen banks, that is announced on radio
Emergency Banking Act -gives permission to shut down banks -took money off the gold standard -makes plan to reopen banks -tells people when the banks will open and assures that they are safe
Glass-Stegal Act -separates commercial and investment banks -FDIC; Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Federal Emergency Relief gave cash grants to people in need; provided immediate relief
Civil Works Admin Harry Hopkins. Provided jobs; got shut down because people didn't like the idea of getting handouts from the government
Civilian Civil Corp. (CCC) Ran by Harry Hopkins. Hired young men for 6 months to work in national forests
Agricultural Adjustment Act plan to raise crop prices so farmers can make more money. the gov. paid farmers to destroy their crops and kill their livestock
Butler v. U.S. crt ruling to take down the AAA. people didn't like the AAA because people didn't have food but farmers were profiting by destroying crops.
NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act) plan to help businesses by establishing the National Recovery Admin. and Sect. 7a
National Recovery Admin was made to ensure fair competition, gave "blue eagle emblems" to show what businesses were following the rules
Sect. 7a said businesses had to recognize workers' right to organize and bargain
Schecter Poultry v. U.S. Struck down the NRA and sect. 7a of the NIRA
Public Works Administration Provided large public works projects that allowed minorities to get jobs. Was headed by Harold Ickes but moves very slowly for fear of corruption
Tennessee Valley Authority purpose -flood control in the Tennessee River Valley -conduct reforestation and erosion control projects -Generate and sell reasonably priced electric power, especially to the poor
20th Amendment Changed the Inauguration Day to January 20
21st Amendment repealed the 18th (prohibition)
Who opposed FDR's administrations -American Liberty League -Communists and socialists -Supreme Court ( because it was filled with conservative republicans)
FDR's court packing plan the goal of adding democrat supreme crt justices that would agree with him
Hoskins Rule for re-elected presidents the idea that re-elected presidents think that they were re-elected because we support whatever THEY want to do
Dr. Frances Townsend MD; treated elderly people and had the idea to pay the elderly an amount each month (gov. supplied pension)
Father Charles Coughlin Catholic Priest who spoke about his issues and ideas re: banks on the radio. His solution to the current problem was to nationalize the banks
Huey P. Long Considered a progressive democrat; was the governor of Louisiana and later became senator
"Share the Wealth" Huey P. Long's idea to redistribute wealth so everyone had enough money to live.
"Second New Deal" A set of legislation passed in response to backlash and the stop of earlier legislation
National Youth Admin Provided part time jobs for any high school and college student
Works Progress Admin` headed by Harry Hopkins, focused on the public works program to provide jobs and reduce unemployment
Federal One Project hired writers, artists, musicians etc. to do work for the gov,
Social Security Act -aid to poor, disabled and dependent children -retirement pensions -unemployment insurance
Frances Perkins Secretary of Labor, was the first woman in the cabinet
Robert Wagner Pro-labor senator in NY
Wagner Act/ National Labor Relations Act replaced sect. 7a. gave workers the right to unionize
Soil conservation and domestic allotment act Did the same thing as AAA, but worded it in a way that was more accepted. Focused on rotating crops, etc.
Rural Electrification Admin sent electricity to rural areas, allowed farms to use electricity and become more efficient
1936 election voting when the parties began to shift/realign -southern democrats who were conservative continued to vote dem. -Blacks tended to vote R, but there was a shift because of new legislation -workers were pleased with the legislation, so they began voting D
Isolationism the US wanted to stay away from foreign affairs, unless is was regarding trade
Washington Naval Conference US, Britain, France, Japan, and China came together and agreed to not be heavily armed
Kellog-Briand Pact Agreement to not use military and war-like forces, most every nation agreed. In the end, it didn't work because it was too idealistic
Characteristics of Fascism -INTENSE nationalism -militarism -Racism -capitalism -totalitarian
Fascist Countries Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan,
Benito Mussolini Italian fascist leader who wanted to create a "new Roman Empire". Took over Ethiopia and broke the Kellog-briand pact
Adolph Hitler German fascist leader, from Austria, leader of the Nazi party. He left the league of nations and was focused on uniting German-speaking people
Created by: lexiesonnier
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