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PNS definitions

PNS (peripheral nervous system) the portion of the nervous system consisting of the receptors, nerves that link with CNS
Somatic nervous system The part of the PNS that keeps the body in adjustment w/ the external enviornment
Somatic nervous system includes the sensory receptors on the body surface and withtin the muscles the nerves that link them with the CNS
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) the portion of the PNS that controls the visceral functions of the body by innervating smooth muscle, cardiac muscle or glands.
sympathetic nervous system The thoracic lumbar portion of the ANS
sympathetic nervous system general effect is to mobilize energy, prepares body for fight or flight
Parasympathetic nervous system general effect is so conserve and restore energy. Also deals with relaxation and calmness.
golgi tendon organs determine stretch in the tendons that attach muscle to bone
muscle spindles detect muscle movement. One of 3 main types of proprioceptors
PLexus a network of veins or nerves
Entrainment effects your body cycles
Thermoreceptors a receptor that detects changes in temperature
nociceptors pain receptors; free endings of certain sensory neurons whose stimulation is percieved as pain
cones, rods, retina belong to The eye
cochlea primary hearing structure of the inner ear
the bones in the ear Malleus, Incus, Stapes
Peripheral Neuropathy damage of peripheral nerves, casues burning and tingling
tremors a tremoring or shaking from physcial weakness, emotional stress or disease
Sclera white portion of the eye
cornea transparent layer
conjunctiva moist mucous membrane.
Iris colored part of the eye
Pupil black spot or opening in the center
lens adjustable, transparent, elastic ball which lies behind the iris
accommodation ability to change focus for near or far vision
accommodation function of the ciliary muscle
retina inner most layer of the eye.
there are thousands of these in the adult mouth tastebuds
pina the part of the outer ear
organs of Corti the sound receptor
Created by: micahlee27
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