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Chapter 3 test

A History of United States Early years

How did colonial leader use the Boston Massacre to gain support for taking action against Britain? Colonial leaders exaggerated the event and used it as propaganda to garner support against British
What was the Stamp Act? taxed all printed materials
What factors led to the Boston Tea Party? The Tea Act, which gave Britain total control of the tea market
What part did the intolerable Acts play in bringing about the American Revolution? They was specifically meant to force the colonies to obey or comply
When was the Sugar Act Passed 1764
When was the Stamp Act passed? 1765
What was the Townshend Act? it was a tax on imported goods, the tax had to be paid when the goods arrived but before the goods could go into Colonies.
What does Boycott mean? Refuse to buy items in order to protest
In 1774 Fifty-Five delegates gathered in Philadelphia. The delegates called this body of delegates? Continental Congress
What was Paul Revere famous words as he galloped across the country side "The British are coming."
What are Loyalist? those who sided with Britain
What was Patriots? they supported the war and believed they should have the right to govern themselves.
When did the delegates final approve the Declaration of Independence? July 4, 1776
Who expressed the idea that people are born with certain natural rights to life, liberty and property in 1660's John Locke
After the war and the Americans declare themselves a new ______________? Nation
Created by: kevkop
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