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Middle Ages

Blue Team--Middle Ages

power vacuum absence of political power and organization
manor system economic system of the Middle Ages
feudalism social/political system of the Middle Ages
manor land owned by a wealthy noble and farmed by peasants
self suffucient able to take care of yourself
winepress technology for pressing grapes
three field system two fields planted, one left fallow
fallow unplanted or empty
crop rotation planting different crops every year
iron plow technology used used to prepare fields
horse harness allowed peasants to guide horse and plow
feudalism land, military service, and loyalty
feudalism replaced Roman Empire by 800
Kingdom of the Franks 1st great kingdom of the Middle Ages
Clovis converted to Christianity, 496
Charles Martel defeated Muslims at Battle of Tours, 732
Charlemagne his kingdom filled the power vacuum of Rome
Missi Dominci "messengers of the King"
Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope
kings and popes fought for power in the Middle Ages
salvation everlasting life in Heaven
damnation everlasting life in Hell
Sacraments important religious ceremonies of the catholic Church
priests clergy in local churches
bishops clergy in cities and towns
arch bishops clergy in large regions
cardinals clergy in Rome
Pope Bishop of Rome
Canon Law laws of the Catholic Church
Excommunication removal from the Catholic Church
Interdict sacraments were forbidden in king's land
Clergy Church officials
Created by: mrsmadnick
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