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U1 vocab

U1 vocad

OBSTACULO algo que impide el progreso o el logro
obstaculo Ghost se encuentra con un _____ serio con su padre y debe escapar con su madre para sobrevivir.
CORAJE fuerza mental y moral
coraje Fantasma tardó _____ en regresar a la casa donde su padre los atacó a él y a su madre.
ATAVIO (sustantivo) ropa, lo que sirve como vestido o decoración
atavío El atavio de invierno debe ser cálida y acogedora.
ENVIAR (verbo) enviar o salir con un propósito; matar
enviar Enviaremos un equipo de reparación de inmediato.
ABANDONAR (verbo) darse por vencido, renunciar; irse, abandonar
abandonar Nunca abandonaré a mis hijos, no importa lo que hagan o digan.
INGENIOSO (adjetivo) que muestra notable originalidad, inventiva o ingenio; inteligente
ingenioso Los estudiantes encontraron una ingeniosa solución al problema matemático.
RECELO (sustantivo) un sentimiento de miedo, duda o incertidumbre
recelo Tenían recelos sobre unirse al coro debido a su exigente horario.
RESISTENCIA la capacidad de recuperarse de la desgracia
resistencia Ghost y su madre demuestran una increíble _____ cuando siguen adelante con sus vidas después de sobrevivir al arresto del padre.
SITIAR (verbo) atacar rodeando con fuerzas militares
sitiar (verbo) causar preocupación o problema
COMPRIMIR (verbo) presionar juntos; reducir en tamaño o volumen
comprimir (sustantivo) un paño doblado o una almohadilla aplicada a una lesión
APAGAR (verbo) sumergirse en un líquido, empapar
apagar verbo) apagar rápidamente, extinguir
RETRIBUIDO (adjetivo) rentable; traer dinero de alguna ventaja especial
ZOQUETE (noun) a stupid person; a big, clumsy, slow individual
GLOBAL (adjetivo) de, relacionado con, o involucrando al mundo entero; integral
global El correo electrónico e Internet han unido al mundo entero en una aldea _____.
ENFURECER (verbo) hacer enojar mucho, enfurecer
enfurecer _____ a la mayoría de los padres cuando sus hijos se niegan a escucharlos y los tratan con falta de respeto.
PACIFISTA (sustantivo) alguien que está en contra de la guerra o el uso de la violencia (adjetivo) oponerse a la guerra o la violencia
pacifista Martin Luther King, Jr. fue un _____ que influyó en el movimiento de derechos civiles. O _____ estudiantes protestaron por la guerra de Vietnam.
SACIARSE (verbo) satisfacer, aliviar o poner fin
saciarse Nada puede _____ tener sed mejor que el agua.
VACACION (sustantivo) cualquier oficio, profesión u ocupación; un sentido de aptitud o vocación especial para el trabajo de uno
vocacion Después de muchos años de búsqueda, encontró su verdadera _____ como entrenadora de caballos.
ADSOLVER (verbo) declarar no culpable
adsolver Ahora que tenemos pruebas de su inocencia, podemos __________ de todos los cargos.
ELUSIVO (adjetivo) difícil de atrapar o sostener; difícil de explicar o entender
elusivo Según la leyenda, el Zorro, el heroico personaje mexicano, era demasiado __________ para que la policía local lo capturara.
SOUVENIR (sustantivo) algo guardado en memoria del donante; un recuerdo
souvenir Antes de que mi abuela muriera, me hizo una colcha especial como __________ de su amor.
PREDICAMENTO (sustantivo) una condición o estado lamentable
predicamento El __________ de las personas sin hogar molesta a muchos ciudadanos preocupados.
ESCANEAR (verbo) examinar de cerca; mirar rápido pero a fondo
escanear Vamos a __________ la lista para ver los tiempos de finalización de cada corredor de maratón.
ACUTE (adjective) with a sharp point; OR (adjective) keen and alert
acute Someone who is an __________ observer of human nature may notice subtle changes in people’s behavior.
EERIE (adjective) causing fear because of strangeness; weird, mysterious
eerie It is a lot of fun to tell __________ ghost stories around a campfire.
INHABITANT noun) someone living permanently in a given place
inhabitant Although she enjoys traveling to exotic places, she’s a lifelong __________ of this small town.
REMORSE (noun) deep and painful regret for one’s past misdeeds
remorse When the driver realized what a terrible accident he had caused, he was overcome with __________ .
TARRY (verb) to delay leaving; to linger, wait; to remain or stay for a while
tarry He will be tempted to __________ longer is he thinks that this might be their last visit together.
BLUSTER (verb) to talk or act in a noisy, threatening way; to blow in stormy gusts OR (noun) a speech that is loud and threatening
bluster When we saw harsh winds __________ around our tent, we decided to change our plans for the weekend. Dad’s manner is all __________, but beneath it all, he’s really a kind-hearted man.
FACET (noun) one side of a subject or problem OR (noun) one cut of the surface of gem
facet One important __________ of problem solving is to recognize when a solution makes no sense.
NUMB (adjective) having lost the power of movement OR (verb) to cause to lose feeling
numb Bitter cold may leave your toes __________ . This injection will __________ the area so that the doctor can stitch the cut painlessly.
SETBACK (noun) something that interferes with progress OR (noun) a step-like recession in a wall
setback A broken toe can be a major __________ for a skater who hopes to qualify for the Olympics.
SYNOPSIS (noun) a brief statement giving a summary
synopsis The teacher’s guide gives a __________ of the plot of each story in the collection.
ESTROPEAR verb) to act or work clumsily and awkwardly; to ruin something
estropear If we __________ this project, we may never get another chance to prove ourselves as a worthy team.
COMENTARIO (noun) a series of notes clarifying or explaining something; OR (noun) an expression of opinion
comentario Our spiritual leader gave us a __________ on the true meaning of charity.
DURACION (noun) the length of time that something continues or lasts
duracion Even though the story was hard to follow, my friends decided to stay for the __________ of the opera.
FIDELIDAD (noun) state of being faithful; OR (noun) accuracy in details; exactness
fidelidad The __________ of scratchy old records can’t match the clarity of CDs.
REFIEGRA (noun) a brawl or noisy quarrel; OR (verb) to wear away by rubbing; make ragged and worn OR (verb) to strain and irritate
refriega After the two loudest students began arguing, the whole class jumped into the __________ . A faucet that drips continuously can __________ anyone’s nerves.
VOLUNTARIOSO adjective) willful; stubborn
voluntarioso Even the most patient caregiver may feel challenged when faced with a __________ child.
PACIFICAR (verb) to make peaceful or calm; to soothe
pacificar The factory owners hope to __________ the angry protestors with promises of higher wages.
VORAZ (adjective) greedy; very hungry; OR (adjective) eager for satisfaction
voraz Exercising vigorously for several hours gives me a __________ appetite.
REFUTAR (verb) to prove incorrect
refutar After analyizing the situation, I now know a foolproof way to __________ the original claim.
PRESUMIDO (adjective) overly satisfied with oneself
presumido Just because he got the lead in the school play doesn’t justify his irritating air of __________ superiority.
AGENDA (noun) the program for a meeting; a list, outline, or plan of things to be considered or done
agenda The __________ for today’s assembly includes a plan for recycling in the classroom.
CLARITY (noun) clearness, accuracy
clarity The vet explained with great __________ how best to housebreak our new puppy.
GORY (adjective) marked by bloodshed, slaughter, or violence
gory The Civil War battle at Antietam is, to this day, the most __________ one-day fight in our history.
ORACLE (noun) someone or something that can predict the future
oracle According to Greek legend, people sought prophecy at the Great __________ at Delphi.
VAGABOND (noun) an idle wanderer; (adjective) wandering; irresponsible
vagabond The __________ carried his few belongings in a shabby cardboard suitcase. The __________ life interests some people, but it doesn’t appeal to me since I aim for a bright future.
AMIABLE (adjective) friendly, good-natured
amiable Marty, whose sense of humor and good spirits never fail, is an __________ companion.
COMPLIANT (adjective) willing to do wat someone else wants; obedient
compliant A __________ child is easy to discipline, even in an unfamiliar environment.
GROSS (adjective) overweight; coarse, vulgar, very noticeable; OR (noun) an overall total (without deductions); twelve dozen OR (verb) to earn
gross They responded to the __________ injustice in an unsatisfactory manner. OR A __________ of pencils lasts all year. OR She expects to __________ $3000 in tips.
PARTISAN (noun) a strong supporter of person, party, or cause; one whose support is unreasoning; a resistance fighter, guerilla OR (adjective) strongly supporting one side only
partisan The mayoral candidate is a strong __________ of term limits. OR
VACATE (verb) to go away, leave empty; to make empty; to void, annul
vacate We have a lot of cleaning up to do before we __________ the apartment at the end of the month.
Created by: user-1581889
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