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Exam 1 TH-Massage

Therapeutic Massage

In a client-centered relationship what are the two practitioners duties? non-maleficence and beneficence
What does it mean when the practitioner must practice non-maleficence? Do no harm
What does it mean when the practitioner must practice beneficence? Do positive Good
A massage practitioner must keep information confidential and respect client right privacy, along with bound by ethical consideration is noted by what law? HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
True or False: The power differential is eliminated as long as the power differential isn't take advantage of? False
A movement that moves the limb laterally away from midline is? ABduction
The area of the neck is which region? Cervical
Obtain informed consent before massage treatment is affective way to manage what? The Power Differential between practitioner and client
True or False: The rhythm of massage movement should follow the tempo of the massage music? False
What is the most superficial level of palpation? Above the body
Rotation happen is what plane of motion? Transverse
What is the 3rd step in the Six Step Resolution Model of resolving and ethical dilemma? Review your profession's code of ethics and relevant laws
How you behave in your personal life will reflect in what? Professional Life
The client often asking for help with personal problems is an example of what? Transference
What are systems or codes of moral principals and conduct? Ethics
What is HIPPA related to? Privacy
What is the connection between the earth and client know as? Grounding
What stance is most commonly used? Archer Stance
What hormone in the body increases as the level of stress increases? Cortisol
Managing the Power Differential in a therapeutic relationship is whos responsibly? The Practitioner's
The practitioner often helps the client with matters outside the session is example of what? Countertransference
Rules or Laws of Behavior that enable integrity to be intact are known as? Principles
What is the cornerstone of ethics and requires self-awareness? Self-accountability
The Knees located in this anterior region? Patellar
The scapula region of the body is what to the acromial and cervical regions? Inferior
The downward rotation of the pelvis is known as? Anterior Tilt
The posterior aspect of the hand is? Dorsal
True or False: When transference occurs, it is best if the client is immediately referred out? False
What are personal beliefs related to what is right or wrong? Morals
The pectalis major is what to the ribs and the ribs are What to the petalis major? Superficial/Deep
What type of massage stroke is used to apply massage lubricant? efferlorage
How is work done regarding the sequence of massage session? Superficial to deep to Superficial
Where do you place the bolster when the client is supine? Under the Knees
Movement of the mandible in a side to side motions is? Lateral deviation of mandible
what are codified rules set forth by society and are shared on morals and ethical principles? Laws
What are personal beliefs relating to what is good and worthy? Values
What can result from past experience being held in the body over a long period of time during a session? emotional release
What type of lighting is used in a massage setting? Soft, indirect, reflective
True or False: From state to state scope of massage practice vary. True
What is predetermined in a therapeutic relationship with clear structure? Role of each person
What is the minimum size for a massage room? 10 x 12
What can be used on a client with oily skin? Powder
Taking breaks, eating properly, staying hydrated and regular exercise are essential to what? Stress Management
What represents the optimal health vitality on the scale of health? Number 5
True or False: The adrenal gland are responsible for releasing the stress hormone dealing with fight or flight? True
The process of healing the body, mind, and soul can place the client in what state? High Vulnerability
True or False: Correct posture and stance is NOT important to the practitioners? False
When preparing for a massage what is the proper temperature for the room? 72 to 75 degree's F (22 to 24 degree's C)
The Lymphatic system can be palpated through what type of tissue? subcutaneous
What area of the body is a patch test administered? inner bend of elbow
How long do you typically wait for an allergic reaction when administering a patch test? 15 to 30 minutes
Why is the practitioners poster and stance important? Balance; Allows for firm, powerful, direct massage strokes
Created by: JML19
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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