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Surgery I - GI


Incidence of appendicitis is highest in which population? Teenagers
What is the most common symptom of appendicitis? Anorexia
Where is McBurney's point located? 2/3 of the way from the umbilicus to the ASIS
What is the gold standard of diagnosis for appendicitis? CT scan
What is the treatment for ruptured appendix? Percutaneous drainage and antibiotics appendectomy 4 wks later
Name the most significant complication following cholecystectomy * Common bile duct injury
An abdominal hernia is a protrusion of viscera through a defect in which abdominal layer? Tranversalis fascia
What causes an area of weakness to convert into a hernia? Incraese in intra-abdominal pressure
What are the borders of Hasselbach's triangle? Inguinal ligament, inferior epigastric arter, rectus abdominus muscle
Describe the formation of an indirect hernia * Abdominal viscera passes through the internal ring within a patent processus vaginalis
Describe the formation of a femoral hernia * Bowel passes medial to the femoral vein, underneath the inguinal ligament
What maneuver will help to accentuate a hernia? Valsalva
What type of imaging is useful in obese patients in the diagnosis of a hernia? CT scan (>90% sensitive, >90% specific)
What is the difference between an incarceration and strangulation? Incarceration - inability to reduce hernia contents Strangulation - compromise of intestinal vascular supply
What is the standard of care for inguinal hernia repair? * Polypropylene mesh
What is the standard of care for femoral hernia repair? * Cooper's pectineal ligament repair
What is the recurrence for hernia after open repair? * <5%
At what age, in children, can an umbilical hernia be repaired? * Age 4
Name two physical exam findings in scrotal hernia 1. bowel sounds on auscultation of scrotum 2. peristalsis
In comparison of laproscopic vs. open hernia repair, which is: 1. more $$$ 2. a longer surgery 3. has a higher risk of serious complications 4. causes the most post-op pain 5. Highest recurrence * 6. quickest recovery 1. Lap 2. Lap 3. Lap 4. Open 5. equivalent * 6. Lap
What functions of the colon is supplied by the :* 1. sympathetic NS 2. parasympathetic NS 1. Sphincter tone 2. Intestinal motility and secretions (rest and digest)
Identify the most common colorectal: * 1. anaerobic organisms 2. aerobic organisms 1. Bacteroides fragillis 2. E. coli and Klebsiella
A true diverticula (type II) contains how many layers of the colon wall? * All layers
Which of the diverticula is most common? * Pseudodiverticula (Type I) - herniation of submucosa through circular muscle only
*Differentiation between: 1. Diverticulosis 2. Diverticulitis 1. erosion of the blood vessels 2. herniation of the submucosa causing inflammation an often abscess
What is a common cause of massive lower GI bleed from right-sided location?* Diverticulosis
Most commonly associated symptom of acute diverticulitis? Left lower quadrant pain
How is an acute diverticulitis diagnosis made? Clinical suspicion confirmed by CT scan
Colovesical fistula:* 1. Definition 2. Most common symptom 1. communication between the colon and bladder 2. pneumaturia - gas/stool coming out of the urethra
What is the most common cause of hematochezia? * Upper GI bleed
* Name the two most important aspects of initial management for a patient with a massive lower GI bleed 1. ABC's and vital signs 2. Placement of 2 large bore IV lines
* What 2 findings are characteristics of Crohn's disease? 1. non-caseating granulomas in submucosa 2. transmural (full-thickness) inflammation of the colon
Discuss operative management for Crohn's disease Incurable: goal is to treat cdomplications (obstruction, fistula, perforation) and palliate symptoms
*Define ulcerative colitis Superficial inflammatory process involving mucosa of colon
* What histologic finding is characteristic of ulcerative colitis? Crypt abscesses and inflammatory pseudopolyps
Discuss operative management for ulcerative colitis Removal of the entire colonic mucosa is curative
Incidence of colon cancer Third leading cause of death in US
What food groups are protective again colon cancer? Fiber, Carbs and plant foods
Discuss screening recommendations for colon cancer in the general population 1. annual digital rectral exam and fecal occult blood tests starting at age 50 OR 2. Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 3-5 yrs starting at age 50 OR 3. colonoscopy every 10 years
Discuss screening recommendations for patients with a family history of colon cancer Annual screening with colonoscopy beginning at 10 yrs of age younger than the earliest detected familial cancer
Which type of colon polyp is considered a premalignant lesion? Adenomatous
What is the first line of treatment in adenocarcinoma of the colon? Pre-operative work-up for metastatic disease
When shoudl oral antibiotics be given in bowl surgery? 30 minutes prior to incision
Dysfunction of the puborectalis muscle is associated with what? Fecal incontinence
* In patients >40 yo with hemorrhoids, what further testing should be done? Colonscopy to rule out proximal disease
What is the treatment for symptomatic: 1. internal hemorrhoids 2. external hemorrhoids 1. rubber band ligation 2. excisional hemorrhoidectomy.
What is the most common cause of appendicitis in children? Hyperplasia
What is the most common cause of appendicitis in adults? Fecalith
What is a fecalith? And what is it the most common cause of? A fecalith is a lunminal obstruction that causes distention, venous congestion, thombosis, ischemia, gangrene, necrosis and eventual rupture. Most common cause of Appendicitis in adults.
What is Rovsing's sign and what is it indicative of? Pain in RLQ elicited with palpation of LLQ - indicated appendicitis
What is Obturator sign and what is it indicative of? Pain with internal rotation - indicates appendicitis
What is Iliopsoas sign and what is it indicative of? Pain on extension of right hip - appendicitis
What % of people with gallstones will never develop symptoms? 60-80%
What is cholelithiasis? gallstones in the cystic duct
What is Choledocholithiasis? gallstones in the common bile duct
What are the 4F's of Gallstones? Female, Fertile, Fat, Fourty
Is common bile duct injury more common with lap approach or open? Laproscopic
What are the 4 major types of hernias? Epigastric, Umbilical, Inguinal, Femoral
Are inguinal Hernias more common in men or women? Men 10:1 (lifetime prevalence 25%)
Are Femoral hernias more common in men or women? Women - 70% of these will occur in women and 25% become incarcerated/strangulated so repair early!
What can be an useful adjunct to PE in obese pts when suspect simple weakness of abdominal wall and incisional or epigastric hernia? CT scan
What is incarceration in relation to hernias? inability to reduce hernia contents
What is strangulation in relation to hernias? compromise of intestinal vascular supply secondary to incarceration
Bassini repair is used on what? Hernias
What are the functions of the sympathetic NS to the colon and where does is arise from? arises from the superior mesenteric ganglion, increases sphincter tone, inhibits motility and secretions
What are the functions of the parasympathetic NS to the colon and where does is arise from? arises from the vagus, increases intestinal motility, relaxes sphincter tone
Where are >90% of all diverticulosis?
What is Goodsall's Rule concerning anal fistulas? Fistulas with external opening anterior to midanal line usually connected to internal opening by short, straight tract. Posterior external openings follow curved course to internal opening in posterior midline.
Created by: eedavila
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