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Acient India

What is a subcontinent? A large landmass that is smaller than a continent.
What are monsoons? Seasonal wind patters that cause wet and dry seasons.
From what direction did the Aryans come to India? Northwest or North
What is sanskrit? The most important language of ancient India.
What two things did the Aryans bring with them? Hinduism and Sanskrit
What is the caste system? Divided Indian Society into groups based on a person's birth, wealth, or occupation.
Who was at the top of the caste system? The Brahmins (Priests)
What group was not even considered part of the caste system? The outcastes or the untouchables.
What is the largest religion in India today? Hinduism
The process of rebirth is called what? Reincarnation
Who are the 3 most important gods in Hinduism? Brahma-the creator, Siva- the destroyer, and Vishnu-the preserver.
The effects that good or bad actions have on a person's soul. Karma
The avoidance of violent actions Nonviolence
What is fasting? Going without food.
How long did Buddha fast for? About 6-7 weeks.
What was Buddha searching for? The meaning of life and why there is so much suffering.
What is meditation? The focusing of the mind on spiritual ideas.
This means the "Enlightened One." Buddha
A religion based on the teachings of Buddha Buddhism
If Buddhists overcame desire they could reach a state of perfect peace. What is this called? Nirvana
The four guiding principles The Four Noble Truths
The Four Noble Truths led to the creation of what? The Eightfold Path
What do missionaries do? They are people who work to spread religious beliefs.
Metallurgy The science of working with metals.
Alloys Mixture of two metals
What is inoculation? Injecting a person with a small dose of a virus to help him or her build up defense to a disease.
What is astronomy? The study of the stars and planets.
Created by: TMoar
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