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Pearl Harbor

Date of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941
The Japanese Admiral who conceived the idea of a surprise attack on US navy Yamamoto
Yamamoto read this book, and decided his idea was possible Work of fiction, The Great Pacific War by Hector Bywater, 1925
On Saturday, December 6, the US uncovered an encrypted message from the Japanese asking info about Pearl Harbor. What did the superior tell the cryptologist? "I'll get back to you on Monday."
Morning of December 7, radar operator saw large group of planes heading toward the Hawaiian islands. His superior's response? "Probably US B-17 bombers"
The Japanese sent a Declaration of War in a message to the US announcing their strike on Pearl Harbor. What happened to it? The message was delayed getting to the White House and the attack was already in progress.
What was the coded Japanese message announcing that the Japanese had successfully completed a surprise attack on the US? Tora Tora Tora
What was the toll on the US navy and personnel ? 2,403 people killed, and 19 ships, including 8 battleships were destroyed
What Battleship is still sunken with its crew members aboard? USS Arizona
Who was the first African American awarded the Navy Cross, the service’s highest award, for his actions during the attack? Dorie Miller
What did Yamamoto think when he discovered that the attack did not destroy all the US carriers or the entire fleet? He knew that the Americans would recover quickly and attack the Japanese
How long after Pearl Harbor were the Americans able to strike back at the Japanese on Midway Island? 6 months
Pearl Harbor was part of which Hawaiian Island? Oahu
Created by: lmckay
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