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Speech Therapy

Cleft Palate Exam 3

What percentage of cleft kids require speech therapy in childhood? 50 - 75%
What percentage of cleft kids require secondary VP management? 4-38%
What is the most common speech disorder? Articulation
What should you expect in a neurologically normal child with a cleft? Normal speech
Therapy can't fix ____- Obligatory errors, VPI, abnormal structure
Therapy can fix_______ Compensatory errors, velopharyngeal mislearning, sometimes VP incompetence
Oral motor exercises Not backed by EBP, need speech to increase speech
When is blowing appropriate? To initially facilitate teaching of oral airflow
Therapy at birth to 3 Quantity, feeding, parent education, oral experiences via nasal pinching
What do you increase at birth to 3 yr? Nonspeech sounds, speech sound inventory (imitation/vocal play), vocabulary, MLU
What do you do with brith to 3 yr before palatal surgery? Oral experiences, model correct sound production, ignore hypernasality errors and provide correct model
What do you do with birth to 3 yr after palatal surgery? Continue oral experiences, placement, model/counseling
What do you look at between 3 - 4 yrs? Eval speech, VP function, start therapy or consider additional surgery, appropriate referrals
What is therapy used for? Monitor language development, compensatory arctic., phone specific NAE, phone specific hypernasality b/c of misarticualtion, hypernasality due to oral-motor dysfunction
If it's developmental.... Same guidelines as w/o cleft, plan, diagnose the source
if it's Obligatory Don't treat
if it's Adaptive Don't treat
if it's Uncertain Begin diagnostic therapy
if it's Maladaptive/compensatory Treat
What are the most common compensatory errors? Glottal stops
Types of articulation errors Developmental, obligatory, maladaptive, adaptive
Developmental errors May not be related o cleft, respond to same treatment as non-cleft kiddos
Obligatory Distortion caused by structural anomaly, won't respond to therapy, tested in eval or therapy
Examples of obligatory errors Hyper/hypo, nasal air escape, cul de sac
Adaptive Difference in production caused by structural difference, acoustically appropriate
Possible causes of adaptive Dentition
Do you treat adaptive errors? Best to wait it out
Examples of adaptive errors p, b, m with macroglossia, v. f with anterior cross bite
Maladaptive or Compensatory Active errors (CMA) Compensation for defect of mechanism before or after palatal repair, likely replaced to poor hearing status
How to treat cleft kiddos? Start at front of mouth and go back
Types of Maladaptive compensatory errors Glottal stop, pharyngeal stop, mid-dorsum palatal stop, posterior nasal fricative
Glottal stop Forceful adduction of vocal folds and build up air pressure under glottis, mis identified as sound omission
How to eliminate glottal stop Auditory awareness, tactile cues, continuous airflow /h/, easy onset, consonant-vowel combos
What is continuous airflow /h/? Insert /h/ to create continuous airflow and softer one
What sounds do you start wit when treating glottal stop? More anterior oral sounds, less nasal so they can see it, easier to treat
Pharyngeal stops and Fricatives BoT moves back to articulate against the PPW
What are pharyngeal stops often substituted for? Velar stops
What are pharyngeal fricatives often substituted for? Fricative sounds (s, sh)
How do you treat pharyngeal fricatives, affricates, and posterior nasal fricatives? Anterior placement of tongue (th, d or raspberries), for /s/, use /t/ then /t/ closed, then /ts/, then eliminate /t/
Mid-dorsum palatal stops Dorsum og tongue articulates against palate, sub for lingual alveolars (t, d, n, I), velars (k, g, ng) (more anterior sound)
What causes mid-dosrum palatal stops? Crowding, anterior cross bite, fistula, class III occlusion
How to eliminate mid-dorsum palatal stops? Tongue blade b/e canine and moan teeth to practice /t, d, n/ in front of blade and /k, g, ng/ behind blade
Posterior nasal fricatives Produced with back of tongue against the velum sin production of /ng/, sub for /s/ and other fricatives
Anterior nasal fricatives Produced by constricted air in the anterior nares, nasal grimace, sub for /s/ and other fricative sounds
What do you do for phone specific NAE? Awareness, provide contrast, occlude and unocclude nostrils during /s/ productions, start with /t/ and work to /ts/ and then /s/, no surgery
Created by: morganmc3
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