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Everest Mod E

Everest - Energy - Chakras and polarity

Chakras are...? energy centers that run up the spine to the crown of the head, connect physical body to aura
7 Major Chakras Base or root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown
Root Chakra Color and Stones Red; red garnet, black obsidian, smoky quartz
Sacral Chakra Color and Stones Orange; tiger's eye, carnelian
Solar Plexus Color and Stones Yellow; citrine
Heart Chakra Color and Stones Green; malachite, green jade, rose quartz
Throat Chakra Color and Stones Blue; sodalite, azurite
Third Eye Chakra Color and Stones Violet; lapis, flourite
Crown Chakra Color and Stones White; amethyst, clear quartz
Root Chakra Name and Association Muladhara or Kundalini; deals with human potential, primitive energy, basic survival needs, and foundations
Sacral Chakra Name and Association Svadhisthana; center of emotion and sexual drive
Solar Plexus Chakra Name and Association Manipura; relates to will power and self identification
Heart Chakra Name and Association Anahata; relates to love, balance, compassion, and self expression
Throat Chakra Name and Association Vishudda; related to communication, creativity, and self identification
Third Eye Chakra Name and Association Ajna; relates to mind, intuition, and heightened self awareness
Crown Chakra Name and Association Sahasrara; deals with expirence of self realization, wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment*enlightenment is the culmination of all other chakras*
Root Chakra Imbalance Significant lack of energy here can make people weak and self destructive
Sacral Chakra Imbalance Energy deficiancy may cause a person to be immobilized by fear burdened by guilt or distrustful
Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance Lack of energy may result in depression and/or confusion
Heart Chakra Imbalance Lack of enery may cause paranoia and indecision
Throat Chakra Imbalance Blocked energy can cause a person to be devious and manipulative
Third Eye Chakra Imbalance Lack of energy can cause a person to be over sensitive and afraid of sucess
Crown Chakra Imbalance Deficiant energy here may cause a person to become catatonic
Polarity is...? a holistic practice involving excersises, nutrition, and love, as well as gentle bodywork techniques
Mentality of the practitioner is...? Open, clear minded, yet aware to physiological and psychological changes
Rules of polarity Do not force a anything, do not try to get a reaction
Can harm come from polarity? No
Basic polarity consists of _________ movements 15-22
Movements include...? gentle rocking, holding, and probing
Who is credited for developing polarity? Randolph Stone
Randolph Stone was a/an? Chiropractor, Natropath, and Osteopath
Who spread polarity across the U.S. after Stone's retirement? Pierre Pannetier
Created by: hdarguzis
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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