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Bone Anatomy

Cleft Exam 1

Where is cranio? Above the orbits
Where is facial? Below the Orbits
Cleft Plate is always _________ Congenital
Congenital Happens during development in utero
Nasal Tip Tip of the nose
Alar Base Where alar rim connects to face
Alar Rim The outside curved edges of the nose
Columella Connects base of nose to tip (skin in middle of nose)
Philtral ridges Bumps above lips on either side of the philtrum
Philtrum Groove in columella (middle of upper lip indent)
Cupid's bow Top of upper lip, the little smile of the lip
What part of the face is near impossible to reconstruct during cleft palate surgery? Philtrum, often flat on repair
What muscle is disrupted during surgery and put back together? Obicularis oris
Uvula Only the ending tip of the soft palate
Superior Labial frenulum Portion of the upper lip that connects the lip to the maxilla
Obicularis oris Muscle around the lips
Glossopharyngeal Arch First arch when you look in the mouth, end of hard palate and where uvula hangs
Pharyngopalatine Arch Second arch in mouth, soft palate
Inferior Labial Frenulum Piece of skin connects mandible to lower lip
Andloglossia Clipping of lingual frenulum, could affect alveolar sounds and babies ability to latch
Removal of what can lead to resonance issues? Tonsils and adenoids
Why can removal of adenoids affect resonance? They are important for velopharyngeal closure
3 bones that make up the Nasal Septum 1. Perpendicular Plate of the ethmodial bones 2. Septial cartilage 3. Vomer bone
What is the bone you can see when a patient has an interoral cleft? Vomer bone
Nasal Crest Back of hard palate, above the palatine bone
What bone is the end of hard palate? Palatine Bone
Palatine Bone Comes to point, ends hard palate
Premaxilla Portion of hard palate that is in front of incisive foramen
Incisive foramen Little hole in hard palate for blood vessels and nerves to innervate
Palatine processes Right and left, make up majority of hard palate, behind incisive foramen but in front of palatine bone
Median Palatine Suture Divides left and right palatine processes of the maxilla, runs vertically
Does Palatine Bone make up the entire hard palate? No
Transitive Palatine Suture Divides the posterior nasal spine and the left and right palatine processes of the maxilla
Posterior nasal spine Pointy palatine bone that ends the hard palate
What happens if the left and right palatine processes do not come together during development in utero? Cleft palate occurs
Nasopharynx Base of the skull to soft palate, aka velophayrnx
Orophayrnx Soft palate to hyoid bone
Laryngeophayrnx Hyoid bone to vocal folds
Velopharyngeal port (VP port) Gap between velum and posterior pharyngeal wall
When are you more likely to see the adenoids on fluro? When dealing with kids
Why do you not normally see adenoids in adults? Get them out or they are reabsorbed into the PPW as grow
What happens after kids adenoids are removed? Sometimes velum doesn't close against PPW, hypernasality, usually fixes self
When should a patient pursue surgery for a deficit? When issue is due to anatomy
When should a patient pursue therapy for a deficit? When issue is due to functionality
Velar Knee Assits in velopharyngeal closure, the top curved portion of the velum
Created by: morganmc3
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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