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leg & foot

Leg and foot trail guide

The anatomical name for the knee is the ___ joint tibiofemoral
2. Medial and lateral rotation of the knee can occur when the knee is in a __ position flexed
3. The bone running superficially down the anterior surface of the leg is the ___ and the bone buried deep to the surrounding muscle tissue on the leg is the ___ tibia, fibula
4. The patella seems to disappear when the knee is flexed. It sinks between which two landmarks? proximal tibia, femoral condyles
5. The bony landmark located distal to the patella is the ___ tibial tuberosity
6. The connective tissue structure connecting the patella to the tibial tuberosity is the ___ patellar ligament
7. The head of the fibula is the attachment site for which two muscles and ligament biceps femoris, soleus, fibular collateral ligament
8. Which portion of the tibial plateaus can be accessed? the edges
9. Which three tendons form the pes answerinus tendon sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus
10. With the knee fully extended and the patella shifted medially or laterally, what structures can be found deep to the patella? edges of femoral condyles
11. To locate the lateral epicondyle of the femur, you would need to palpate deep to what structure? ilioribial tract
12. Which landmark is located proximal to the medial epicondyle of the femur, and the tendon of what muscle attaches to it? adductor tubercle, adductor magnus
1. The bone at the heel of the foot is the __ and the bone that articulates with the tibia and fibula is the ___ calcaneus, talus
2. The tarsals are most accessible along which surface of the foot? dorsal
3. As you palpate both malleoli of the ankle, which extends further distally? lateral malleolus
4. How would you passively position the foot to shorten the surrounding tissue of the medial malleolar groove? invert the foot
5. In which direction from the medial malleolus would you move your thumb to locate the sustentaculum tali? and approximately how far would you move? distal, one inch
6. The head of the talus can be located between which two bony landmarks? medial malleolus, navicular tubercle
7. How would you passively position the foot to best locate the trochlea of the talus? invert and plantar flex
8. The proximal end of the first metatarsal articulates in which bone? medial cuneiform
9. Which two superficial surfaces of the first metatarsal are easily accessible? dorsal, medial
10. Spelled out, what do the acronyms "pip" and "dip" stand for? proximal interphalangeal, distal interphalangeal
11. The tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal is the attachment site for which muscle? fibularis brevis
12. Which tendon could you follow along the dorsal surface of the ankle to locate the medial cuneiform? tibialis anterior
13. Locate the navicular and tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal. which is situated further distally on the foot? tuberosity of fifth metatarsal
14. Between which two bony landmarks can you draw a line to locate the cuboid? tuberosity of fifth metatarsal, lateral malleolus
The __ (knee joint) is the largest synovial joint in the body, it is a modified hinge joint. It is capable of flexion and extension. tibiofemoral
The __ is the kneecap patella
The __ is the "shinbone" tibia
The ___ can only bear 10% of the body's weight because it is the thinnest bone in the body in proportion to its length fibula
The ___ is a superficial knob located distal to the patella and is roughly half an inch in diameter and serves as an attachment sire for the patellar ligament. tibial tuberosity
The lateral and medial __ are the large conspicuous knobs on either side of the ankle. malleoli
The __ is the big toe. it is composed of 2 phalanges. The joint between them is called the ____, it is a hinge joint. hallux
unlike the hallux the second through fifth toes contain __ phalanges each. In each toe there is a __ and __ 3, pip, dip
the PIP joint of the smaller toes is known as proximal interphalangeal
The DIP joint in the smaller toes is known as Distal interphalangeal
The bean-shaped ___ is sandwiched between the medial and middle cuneiforms and the talus. navicular
The __ is cube-shaped and is surrounded on 3 of the 4 sides by the fourth and fifth metatarsals cuboid
1. What are the two muscles that form the "triceps surae" gastrocnemius, soleus
2. The gastrocnemius extends halfway down the leg before blending into which brand of connective tissue? calcaneal tendon
3. What common action could you ask your partner to do to contract his gastrocnemius and soleus? stand on his toes
4. Palpate both bellies of the gastrocnemius. Which head extends further distally? medial
5. Although the gastrocnemius and soleus are located on the posterior leg, you can palpate them on the leg's anterior surface by sliding __ off the ___ medially, shaft on the tibia
6. The muscle belly accessed between the gastrocnemius heads, in the popliteal space, is the ___ plantaris
7. The belly of the plantaris can be distinguished by its ___- wide belly that runs at an __ angle. inch, oblique
8. Which muscle is the deepest of the popliteal space? popliteus
9. When the knee is extended, the popliteus plays what important role? unlocking the joint- "the key which unlocks the knee"
10. To access the popliteus's tendinous attachment, you need to push the overlying edges of which muscles to the side? soleus, gastrocnemius
11. The fibularis muscles are located on the __ side of the leg and lie between which two muscles? lateral, extensor digitorum longus, soleus
12. What are two bony landmarks that can help you isolate the fibularis bellies? head of the fibula, lateral malleolus
13. What action could you ask your partner to perform to feel the fibularis tighten? evert the foot
The origin of the gastrocnemius is? condyles of the femur, posterior surfaces
the insertion of the gastrocnemius is? calcaneus via calcaneal tendon (3)
The origin of the fibularis brevis is? distal two-thirds of lateral fibula
the insertion of the fibularis brevis is? tuberosity of fifth metatarsal
the origin of the fibularis longus is? head of fibula and proximal two-thirds of lateral fibula
the insertion of the fibularis longus is? base of the first metatarsal and medial cuneiform
the origin of the plantaris is? lateral supracondylar line of femur
the insertion of the plantaris is? calcaneus via calcaneal tendon (3)
the origin of the popliteus is? lateral condyle of the femur
the insertion of the popliteus is? proximal, posterior aspect of tibia
The origin of the soleus is? soleal line; proximal, posterior surface of tibia; and posterior aspect of head of fibula
the insertion of the soleus is? calcaneus via calcaneal tendon (3)
11. Passive dorsiflexion of the ankle would __ the soleus lengthen
12. Passive lateral rotation of the knee would __ the popliteus lengthen
13. Passive inversion of the foot would __ the fibularis longus lengthen
14. Passive flexion of the knee would __ the gastrocnemius shorten
1. The tibialis anterior belly can be easily located lateral to which bony landmark? tibial shaft
2. To feel the tibialis anterior belly contract, you could ask your partner to perform which action? dorsiflex or invert the foot
3. Along the ankle's dorsal surface, the extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus both pass underneath which band of connective tissue? extensor retinacula
4. The flexors of the ankle and toes are virtually inaccessible, except on the medial side of the leg between which two structures? tibial shaft, edge of the soleus/ calcaneal tendon
5. Please complete the following for the mnemonic device Tom, Dick, AN, Harry. T___, ___, ___ D___, ___, ____, A____, ____, N____, _____, H____, ____ tibialis posterior, Flexor digitorum longus, tibial artery, tibial nerve, flexor hallucis longus
6. What action at the toes could you ask your partner to perform to feel contraction of the all the flexor bellies? wiggle all his toes
7. The dorsal surface of the foot is home to which muscle that extends down to the second, third, and fourth toes? extensor digitorum brevis
8. The first layer of muscles on the foot's plantar surface us deep to which connective tissue structure? plantar aponeurosis
9. Which tendons do you need to palpate beneath to locate the belly of the extensor digitorum brevis? extensor digitorum longus
10. What two structure are helpful in isolating the flexor digitorum brevis? plantar surface of the heel, second through fifth toes
11. Not everyone has the coordination to abduct their first tow. What is another action your partner could do to contract the abductor hallucis? flex the first toe
12. Which three points of contact form a triangle with the three arches of the foot? calcaneus, head of the first metatarsal, head of the fifth metatarsal
The origin of the Extensor digitorum longus is? lateral condyle of tibia; proximal, anterior shaft of fibula; and interosseous membrane
the insertion of the extensor digitorum longus is? middle and distal phalanges of second through fifth toes
The origin of the extensor hallucis longus is? middle anterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
The insertion of the extensor hallucis longus is? distal phalanx of first toe (2)
The origin of the flexor digitorum longis is? middle, posterior surface of tibia
the insertion of the flexor digitorum longus is? distal phalanges of second through fifth toes
The origin of the flexor hallucis longus is? middle half of posterior fibula
the insertion of the flexor hallucis longus is? distal phalanges of first toe (2)
The origin of the tibialis anterior is? lateral condyle of tibia; proximal, lateral surface of tibia; and interosseous membrane
The insertion of the tibialis anterior is? medial cuneiform and base of the first metatarsal
the origin of the tibialis posterior is? proximal, posterior shafts of tibia and fibula; and interosseous membrane
the insertion of the tibialis posterior is? all five tarsal bones and bases of second through fourth metatarsals
12. Passive flexion of the fifth toe would ___ the abductor digiti minimi? shorten
13. Passive eversion of the foot would __ the tibialis posterior lengthen
14. Passive dorsiflexion of the ankle would __ the extensor digitorum longus shorten
15. Passive eversion of the foot would __ the tibialis anterior lengthen
1. The fibular collateral ligament spans between which two bony landmarks? lateral epicondyle of femur, head of fibula
2. Both collateral ligaments resist which rotation of the tibia? medial
3. Aside from helping the femoral condyles sit upon the tibial plateaus, the menisci of the knee are also important for __ and ___ weight distribution, friction reduction
4. To access the edge of the medial menisci, you would slowly rotate the knee in which direction? medially
5. The small, fluid-filled sac located directly superficial to the patella is the ___ prepatellar bursa
6. The common fibular nerve lies __ to the biceps femoris tendon and __ to the gastrocnemius belly. It becomes accessible along the ___ surface of the head of the fibula medial, lateral, posterior
7. To feel the tension change in the plantar aponeurosis, what action could you passively perform at the foot? flex and extend the toes
8. The deltoid ligament originates at the medial malleolus and fans distally out to which three bones/ bony landmarks? talus, sustentaculum tali, navicular
9. The plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament stretches from the __ to the __ and may be deep to the ___ sustentaculum tali, navicular tubercle, tibialis posterior tendon
10. The fibers of the extensor retinacula have two palpable distinctions from the extensor tendons. What are they? fibers are superficial and perpendicular
11. The flexor retinaculum can be located between which two bony landmarks? medial malleolus, medial calcaneus
12. The posterior tibial artery can be located just __ and __ to the medial malleolus inferior, posterior
13. Between the first and second metatarsals of the foot you can feel the pulse of which artery? dorsalis pedis
14. The calcaneal bursa is located between the attachment of the __ and the ___. calcaneal tendon, overlying skin
The ___ is located between the first and second metatarsal bones. dorsalis pedis artery
Created by: xokitty17xo
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