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Atlantic Revolutions

Atlantic Revolutions By T. Cherry

constitution Social contract outlining rules the government and citizens must follow.
American Revolution Also known as the Revolutionary War (1775-83) . Resulting in American independence.
French Revolution A period of radical change in France that began in 1789 and ended in 1799.
Latin American Revolution Wars that took place during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and resulted in independent countries in Latin America..
Haitian Slave Revolt A successful slave rebellion against French colonial rule in Saint-Domingue- present day Haiti Date: 1791 – 1804;
Soverignty Authority of the people to self govern.
Mercantalism Economic theory that takes advantage of resources and labor of less developed countries.
American Bill of Rights The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution in 1791 which lists rights of citizens.
English Bill of Rights Signed in England in 1689 and outlined specific constitutional and civil rights of citizens. It also gave Parliament power over the monarchy.
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens August 1789, document which defined individual and collective rights in France.
1st, 2nd, 3rd Estates Order of French society.
Colonists European settlers in the American colonies.
Revolution An extreme political change often but not always violent.
Atlantic Revolutions A string of revolutions that took place around the Atlantic Ocean due to the spread of the Enlightenment ideas.
Declaration of Independence Document letting Great Britain know America wanted to become its own country with no affiliation with Great Britain.
Democracy Type of government where the people vote for leaders and have a voice in the government.
Militia Volunteer soldiers.
Created by: TrenaCherry
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