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World War I

Social Studies

World War I First Global War centered in Europe Started 07/28-1914 ended 11/11/1918. Also the Great War. It involved 135 countries. More than 15 Millions died
World War I fighting groups The Allies and the Central Powers
The Allies United States, Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, Japan, Romania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro
The Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria
First Trigger of World War I The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian terrorist group called the black hand
Gavrilo Princip The killer of Archduke Ferdinand
The RMS Lusitania Ship An ocean liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England, Carrying 1900 Passengers
The sinking of the Lusitania 05/17/1915, a German torpedo sank the boat, killing 1100 people, including 128 Americans
Trench Warfare A type of land warfare using trenches, long and narrow muddy ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived and fought
Poison gas or mustard gas Chlorine gas used during World War I
Tanks Heavy vehicles designed to flatten enemy fortifications and cross trenches
Events leading to the War Disputes and conflicting alliances over territory in Europe after the Franco Prussian war of 1870-1871. Russia and France will be allied against Austria- Hungary, and Germany
Franco Prussian war end results Defeat of Napoleon III, Unified Germany, Occupation of France by Germans for 3 years, rise to powerful Germany which will lead to a rivalry between France and Germany
US President Woodrow Wilson 1856-1924 In 1914, he pledged neutrality of US in the World War conflict. But US and England were commercial partners, and when Germany announced unrestricted warfare in waters near England, tensions started, and the the Lusitania was sank. February 1917, the Housatomic, an American ship was sank by Germans, April 6, 1917, United States formerly entered World War I.
Imperialism When a country expands its territory and power over a large empire
Nationalistic pride To be proud of one's nation. If exaggerated, it can lead to intolerance and potential conflict
Triple Entente An alliance between Russia, Britain and France which started in 1907, in fear of Germany potential threat. It will contribute to Germany offensive-defensive attitude and the start of World War I
Empires before World War I The biggest one was the British Empire which included India, Australia, Canada, and many African Countries. Other Empires: Ottoman( Turkish)British, German, French and Russian
Armistice 11/11/1918 Signed in Compiegne, France, marking the ceasefire, stopping the fighting on the Western Front in France, an agreement to stop fighting, not a surrender
Woodrow Wilson 14 Points 01/08/1918 Speech by Woodrow Wilson in which he outlined his vision for a lasting peace in Europe, America and the World after World War I
League of Nations/Societe des Nations An attempt of International group of countries to act as World Peace keepers. It will end during World War II but will give rise to the later United Nations
Treaty of Versailles June 1919, the terms and conditions of peace after World War I, between Allies and Germany. It will play a long term negative role for its content and humiliating terms towards Germany.
Plastic Surgery It appeared during World War I to reconstruct the faces of disfigured soldiers, with Dr. Harold Gillies as one of the most famous pioneer in the field.
Blood Banks Invented by two Americans, J.Peyton Rous and J.R. Turner to save the lives of soldiers int he battle field.
Shell shock before PTSD A term to express post traumatic stress disorder of soldiers before PTSD term was created.
Democracy A system of government directly or indirectly decided by the people
Communism A political system theory where no individual property is allowed, with the intent of social equilibrium. In practice, it resulted in communist Soviet Union and communist China.
Bolsheviks A radical far left party founded by Lenin in Russia, will be renamed the communist party after the October Revolution in 1917
Created by: user-1488843
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