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AICP 2021: Mixed Bag

Study questions for the November 2021 AICP Test (law, theory, history, etc)

What 1987 case dealt decided that even a temporary taking requires compensation? First English Evangelical Lutheran Church v. County of Los Angeles
What case determined that government action designed to stop serious harm does not constitute a taking even where it destroys the value of property? Keystone Bituminous Coal Assoc. v. DeBenedictis (1987)
What Supreme Court case dealt with the issue of eminent domain and its use for the property to be redeveloped for private use? Berman v. Parker
This Supreme Court case upheld a zoning ordinance against allegations that the government took property in violation of the Due Process Clause where the ordinance reduced the value of the claimant's land. Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co. (1926)
This Supreme Court case dealt with the issue of a taking and a monetary remedy. First English Evangelical Lutheran Church v. County of Los Angeles
What can be described as a technique to find the optimum design solution for a project? Linear Programming
What case dealt with governments putting conditions on a development approval on the provisions of services? Golden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo (1972)
What is a term for a range of values that includes a certain population parameter with a given probability? Confidence interval
Who wrote "The Intelligence of Democracy (1965)"? Charles Lindblom
The Indian Reorganization Act was passed in what year? 1934
This Supreme Court case found that a zoning ordinance was invalid as applied to a landowner whose land was restricted to residential uses because it did not promote health, safety, or general welfare. Nectow v. City of Cambridge
The Endangered Species Act was passed in what year? 1973
What can be described as a technique used to figure out what steps in a project will be most critical to the project moving forward? Critical Path Method
This type of analysis evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a specific region's industries. Shift-share
What case deals with the Supreme Court finding that there was no taking because the government did not deny the landowners of all economically viable use of their land? Agins v. City of Tiburon
What was the term used by Victor Gruen to describe shopping centers? Uni-functional
Who designed Columbia, Maryland? James Rouse
What is significant about Mariemont, Ohio? It foreshadowed the New Urbanism movement.
What is cumulative zoning? Having permitted uses automatically build from one district to each successive one
The Standard City Planning Enabling Act was issued in what year? 1928
What planning theory is associated with Homer Hoyt? Sector theory
What are Special Assessments (development financing tool)? Public works projects that benefit a specific group of people are thus financed more equitably by those affected most directly by the improvement?
Who was responsible for drafting the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act? Edward Bassett ("Father of Zoning")
The first comprehensive zoning plan was adopted by New York City. In what year was it adopted? 1916
What does SIC stand for? Standard Industrial Classification
In what year was the Federal Water Pollution Control Act adopted? 1972
In what year was the Coastal Zone Management Act adopted? 1972
When was Daniel Burnham's Plan of Chicago published? 1909
This involves goals that are based on what already exists in the community and is a simple projection of what the community desires. Visioning
What is satisficing? A method for making a choice from a set of alternatives encountered sequentially when one does not know much about the possibilities ahead of time
What Supreme Court case determined that a dedication must be "roughly proportional"? Dolan v. City of Tigard (1994)
Suitum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (1997) dealt with what issue? Takings
Young v. American Minitheatres dealt with what issue? Adult uses
Metromedia v. City of San Diego dealt with what issue? Banning commercial off-site billboards and therefore dealt with the First Amendment of the United States
What issue did Munn v. Illinois (1876) deal with? Depriving property without due process of law
What is Capital Improvement Programming? A budgeting model involving capital projects that are linked to a comprehensive plan
What are Ambient Standards? Standards for air and water quality relating to the quality of the receiving environment that is used to judge the overall improvements in the environmental quality
The Council of Government movement (COGS) began in the Detroit area in which year? 1954
What are the three C's of a good staff report? Compliance, consistency, compatibility
What National Housing Act (year) created the Federal Housing Administration? 1934
What state issued the first public subsidy for housing? (1926) New York
In what city and in what year was the first federal public housing project? Atlanta, 1935 (Public Works Administration)
In what year was the Home Owners Loan Corporation established? Why? What were some outcomes? 1933. Established as a result of the '29 Stock Market Crash. Created to help homeowners facing loss of home due to foreclosure. Institutionalized racially divided communities.
When and where was the first "Model Tenement" constructed? New York City (Manhattan), 1855. "The Big Flat"
What was the outcome of Young v. American Mini Theatres? (1976) Court upheld zoning scheme that decentralized sexually oriented businesses. 1st Amendment.
What was the outcome of City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc.? (1986) Court upheld zoning ordinance limiting sexually oriented businesses to a single zoning district. The ordinance was treating secondary effects, not contents. 1st Amendment.
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) Protects religious freedom by allowing religious land uses to not be regulated at higher standards than similar uses. 1st Amendment. Passed in 2000.
What was the outcome of Metromedia, Inc v. City of San Diego? (1981) Court ruled that commercial and non-commercial language cannot be treated differently, related to sign regulations. 1st Amendment.
What was the outcome of Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent? (1984) Court upheld ordinance that banned attaching signs to utility poles. Did not regulate sign contents. Aesthetic advances are legitimate state interests. 1st Amendment. Los Angeles.
What was the outcome of Reed et. al. v. Town of Gilbert, AZ? (2014) Court found that city cannot impose more stringent restriction on signs directing the public to religious meetings than signs conveying other messages. Court found that sign ordinance was not content-neutral. 1st and 14th Amendments.
What was the first *major* legislative commitment to public housing? National Housing Act of 1937. Provided $500m in home loans for low-cost housing. Tied slum clearance to public housing. Birth of Section 8 housing.
What National Housing Act (year) stimulated the creation of comprehensive plans? 1954. Section 701 of Act.
What Act was the birthplace of the Fair Housing Act? Civil Rights Act of 1964
What was the Housing Act that formed HUD? What else did this Act do? Housing & Urban Development Act of 1965. Enacted rent subsidies for the poor, reduced interest rates for home loans, and provided subsidies for public housing projects.
What was the Gautreaux Lawsuit? Sued Chicago Housing Authority in 1969, which resulted in provision of scattered site public housing
Who was the first president of the American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO)? Alfred Bettman
When was the American Disabilities Act passed? 1990
What is significant about the Manufactured Home Improvement Act? Passed in 2000, it sets federal instillation standards for manufactured homes. This was originally established in 1924 as the National Manufactured Housing Construction & Safety Act.
What is a consolidated plan? When were they established? What is it required for? Establishes multi-year goals and an annual action plan. Established in 1995. Required to receive HUD funds (CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA)
HOPE VI Passed by Congress in 1992. Provides funds for redevelopment of distressed public housing. The result was the decentralization of public housing.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act Passed in 1928 and administered by the US Department of Commerce under Sec. Herbert Hoover, this Act organized the power of planning commissions and established provisions to create master plans.
What was the first state to establish statewide land use planning in 1973? Oregon
What was the first state to pass a statewide zoning law in 1961? Hawaii
In what year did the American Institute of Planners (AIP) and the American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO) merge to create APA? 1978
Where and when was the first planning board created? Hartford, CT, 1907
What was the outcome of Rapanos v. United States (2006)? Court found that Army Corps of Engineers must determine whether there is a significant nexus between a wetland & navigable waterway.
Community Reinvestment Act (1977) Encouraged banks to meet the needs of low and moderate-low income communities. Aimed to reverse the detrimental impacts of redlining.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (1975) Requires financial institutions to report mortgage data to the public. Helps track if banks are serving the needs of the community.
Community Development Block Grant Program (1974) Created under the Housing & Community Development Act. Provides funding for blighted areas. Created Section 8 housing voucher program.
What are the six steps of the strategic planning process? (1) Needs assessment; (2) Core values; (3) Mission statement; (4) Fundamental tenants; (5) SWOT; (6) Strategic priorities
Who is associated with the decision making strategy known as 'satisficing'? Herbert Simon
What is the cohort survival method? Census data is divided in 5 year age groups called 'cohorts' with one for female and one for male. Handles birth, death, and migration independently.
What is an urban cluster? At least 2,500 people but less than 50,000 and a population density of 1,000 persons per square mile.
What are the three broad steps of a comprehensive plan? Plan, implement, evaluate
What are four strategies for ecosystem services? Land acquisition, conservation easements, tax incentives, sustainable land management
In what year was the first exam administered for AIP members? 1971
What FEMA program has developed model provisions for seismic safety that can be incorporated into building codes? National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP)
Forest Management Act Passed in 1897, it allowed the Secretary of the Interior to manage forest preserves.
Who was the first president of American Institute of Planners (AIP)? Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
Where was the first "civic center" developed? When and by whom? Cleveland, OH, in 1903 by Daniel Burnham
What are the six pollutants monitored by the Clean Air Act? Ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead
What Act established the General Services Administration (GSA)? Federal Property Administration Act of 1949
What is the planner's role in hazard mitigation and disaster management? Hazard identification and risk assessment; preparation of complementary goals and objectives in comprehensive plan; raising awareness about hazard mitigation
What is a CSA? Combined Statistical Area. Is a combination of adjacent MSAs.
Who is known as the "Father of Advocacy Planning"? Paul Davidoff
Who wrote "Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning"? Paul Davidoff
What are two important informational aspects of GIS? 1. Locational information and 2. Attribute information
Industry Mix Component Number of jobs created (or not) in each industry due to industry's national growth. Equation: employment in specific industry in a small area x (% employmt change for a specific industry in a large area - % employmt change for all inds in a large area)
Who was the surveyor of the original bounds of D.C.? Benjamin Banneker (1731-1805). Was a free African-American almanac author, surveyor, naturalist, and farmer.
Who is the "Father of the Radiant City"? Le Corbusier
What are the components of a Radiant City? Linear order, consist of organized parts that work together, lots of vertical architecture to create lots of shared open space, all inclusive buildings
Who created the Ladder of Citizen Participation? Sheri Arnstein (1969)
What are the three main categories of the Ladder of Citizen Participation? Degrees of citizen power, tokenism, and non-participation
What are three forms of tokenism (Arnstein's Ladder of Citizen Participation)? Placation, consulting, informing
What are three degrees of citizen power (Arnstein's Ladder of Citizen Participation)? Citizen control, delegated power, partnership
Who planned America's first Garden City? What was it called? Clarence Stein, Sunny Side Gardens (1928)
Who is the "Father of Regional Planning"? Patrick Geddes
Who is associated with the quote, "Think globally, act locally"? Patrick Geddes
Who is the "Father of Public Power"? David Lilienthal
What was the outcome of Eubank v. City of Richmond? Court held that state statute authorizing cities and towns to regulate development was a valid use of police power
Multiplier Effect Certain types of jobs will drive demand for other jobs
Economic Base Analysis An economic theory that posits that activities in an area divide into two categories: basic and nonbasic. Basic industries are those exporting from the region and bringing wealth from outside, while nonbasic industries support basic industries.
Location Quotient Technique for comparing a region's % share of a particular activity or industry. Describes how local economy compares to national economy. Greater than 1 indicates the sector is an export activity; less than 1 is an import activity.
Shift-Share Analysis Used to evaluate strengths & weaknesses of a region's industries. Shows how region's mix of industries are performing and how individual industries are doing in comparison with national economy.
What are the three components of a Shift-Share Analysis? 1. National component, 2. Industry component, 3. Regional component
What is the difference between Location Quotient and Shift-Share Analysis? Shift share is similar to location quotient in that it highlights the uniqueness of a regional economy, but it does so in terms of job growth rather than total jobs in an industry.
In what year did subdivision of land (or plotting) first occur in the US? 1660
Section 404 Permit Part of Clean Water Act. Regulates discharge of dredge or fill materials into wetlands.
What was the outcome of City of Rancho Palos Verdes v. Abrams? (2005) Court ruled licensed radio operator that was denied conditional use permit for antenna could not seek damages because it would distort congressional intent of Telecommunications Act of 1990. 5th Amendment.
Chi Square Test A measure of fit that assesses the difference between sample distribution and hypothetical distribution
Where and in what year was the first comprehensive plan completed? Who were the lead planners? Cincinnati, OH, 1925. Alfred Bettman & Lodisolas Segoe
Performance Bond Agreement between property owner & community to ensure plat is built as shown within a specific timeframe. If developer fails, then govt uses bond to construct improvements OR bond is released after construction & inspection.
What was the outcome of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles? (1987) Court found if a property is unusable for a period of time, then the ordinance can be set aside OR the owner can be paid for damages OR govt can buy the property outright. Established that even a temporary taking requires compensation. 5th Amendment.
Nominal Group Technique Allows everyone to share ideas and quickly come to an agreement
What was the outcome of Fred French Investing Co v. City of New York? (1976) City put regulation that required placement of public park on private property living no income providing use. Court invalidated regulation, but it was not ruled a taking requiring compensation. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency? (2002) Planning agency imposed moratoria while they formulated comprehensive plan. Property owners claimed a taking. Court ruled that there was no taking. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of City of Monterey v. Del Monte Monterey Ltd? (1999) City repeatedly denied permits for 190-unit apartment complex. Court ruled that denials were takings because the proposed development was in line with the base zoning and comprehensive plan. 5th Amendment.
What growth management case determined that city utilities are required before the issuance of a permit? Golden v. Ramapo
T-Test Used to compare the means of two populations based on a sample average
What are six considerations when implementing a tax? Fairness, certainty, convenience, efficiency, productivity, neutrality
A complete street is comprised of what components/elements? Multi-modal, economic activity, bike and pedestrian compatibility, pedestrian amenities
What term is used to describe a safe, accessible, convenient street that everyone can use? Complete street
What was the outcome of Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma? (1975) Court upheld quotas on annual number of building permits issued
In what case did the court uphold quotas on the annual number of building permits issued? Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma (1975)
How many acres are in a square mile? 640
In what case did the court uphold a temporary moratorium on building permits? Associated Home Builders of Greater East Bay v. City of Livermore
Plan Program Budgeting Identify and clarify the fundamental purposes of public spending & alternative ways to achieve establish ends. Based on clear, measurable goals.
Zero Base Budgeting Focuses on the annual change in spending levels & where to put annual increases or decreases. Uses development of decision packages. Requires departments to consider every aspect of its operation.
Performance Budgeting Establishes performance goals & objectives. Focuses on qualitative indicators of output & achievement.
What is an alternative term for 'pay as you go' capital project financing? Current revenue
What funding source is typically saved for capital improvements? Reserve funds
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Pays for improvements in a targeted area. The growth that occurs after the improvement is used to pay for the improvement, usually within a set timeframe.
What was the outcome of Massachusetts v. EPA? (2006) The court held that the EPA must provide a reasonable justification for why it would not regulate greenhouse gases.
What are examples of non-general sources of revenue? Utilities, liquor store and insurance revenue
What are the three primary functions of tax revenue? Financing government goods, redistributing income, reducing income & spending
Proportional Valuation Method Fiscal analysis that estimates the average costs of increases in community revenue and expenditures related to development
What are the three major coastal flood zones? (1) Velocity zone, where wave action is 3 feet or higher; (2) 100-year storm event; (3) 500 year storm event
What does a pro forma include? Capital cost, operating revenue, operating expenses, return on investment for 1 or more years
Village of Mariemont, OH Based on Garden City. Origin of New Urbanism. Designed by John Nolen.
What was the dominant planning theory through 1950? Rational planning
In what year was the first Federal Aid Highway Act passed? 1916
What are the four elements of synoptic reality (rational comprehensive approach)? (1) Goal setting; (2) Policy alternatives; (3) Evaluation of means against ends; (4) Implementation of a preferred alternative
What is the synoptic reality model (rational comprehensive approach)? Evaluation uses conceptual or mathematical models to relate the ends (objectives) to the means (resources and constraints)
What was the outcome of SD Warren v. Main Board of Environmental Protection? (2006) Court found that hydroelectric dams are subject to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act
What is incremental planning? Problems are solved through a series of policies at different points in time. Mixture of intuition, experience, rules of thumb, various techniques with endless consultations.
Who introduced the incremental planning theory? Charles Lindblom in the article, "The Science of Muddling Through"
Three Major Constitutional Principles Associated with Planning First Amendment (freedom of speech, religion, association); Fifth Amendment (just compensation for takings); Fourteenth Amendment (due process, equal protection)
Mixed Scanning Considered a compromise between rational and incremental planning. Says policy is rational and implementation is incremental. Views decisions at two levels: big and small. Introduced by Amitai Etzioni.
What constitutional amendment gives states rights & powers "not delegated to the United States"? 10th Amendment. Allows state governments to grant police powers to local governments.
Toxic Substances Control Act Provides EPA with authority to require regulations around chemical substances
When was the Toxic Substances Control Act passed? 1976
Dillion's Rule Applies in states where the rights of cities are only those that have been specifically authorized by the state
Who is associated with equity planning? Norman Krumholz (Cleveland, OH)
Who is associated with transactive planning? John Friedman
What is transactive planning? Through process of "mutual learning," a planner shares technical knowledge and citizens provide community knowledge. Plans are evaluated on the effect on people. Relies on experience of people's lives to examine policy issues.
Who wrote "Planning in the Public Domain"? John Friedman (1987). Associated with radical planning.
Cost Effective Analysis Focuses on a single objective and a project's effectiveness with respect to that objective. If all alternatives produce the same outcome, the one with the least associated cost prevails.
What is communicative planning? Current planning theory of choice. Recognizes planning operates in realm of politics. Includes much more intensive citizen participation. Planner acts as a facilitator, listens to views, and builds consensus.
Methodism Planning described by the method employed. Method employed becomes an end in itself. Ex: zoning reviews, building code appeals, GIS, annual meetings
Who wrote "Principles of City Land Values"? Richard M. Hurd (1903). Speaks to highest and best use.
In what year was the first Federal Revenue-Sharing Program? 1972
Who is known as the "Father of Suburbia"? William Levitt
Effluent Standards Standards for water quality relating to the discharges into the environment from specific municipal, industrial, and other sources of pollution.
Right-to-Farm Laws deny nuisance lawsuits against farmers who use standard farming practices and have been in operation EVEN IF those practices harm adjacent property owners.
What density is typically needed to support transit in urban and suburban centers? (2 answers) City centers: 10-30 dwelling units per acre. Suburban: 5-20 dwelling units per acre.
What was the outcome of Munn v. Illinois? (1876) Court found that state law regulating pricing is not a taking. Established principle of public regulation of private business for the private good. 14th Amendment.
What case established principle of public regulation of private business for the private good? Munn v. Illinois (1876)
What case determined that a community has power to control lifestyle and value? Village of Belle Terre v. Boaraas (1974)
What was the outcome of Villiage of Belle Terre v. Boraas? (1974) Court upheld regulation that no more than two unrelated individuals can live together. 14th Amendment.
Year AIP adopted code of ethics 1971
Founder of the Suburban Action Institute Paul Davidoff
New Regionalism Emphasizes importance of bringing together public and private regional stakeholders
What was the first American city built in grid and quadrant style? Savannah, GA
Disaster Mitigation Act Requires state & local govt to plan for human & natural disasters. Requires FEMA to create local mitigation plans updated every 5 years. Passed in 2000.
Management By Objectives (MBO) Sets clear, specific, realistic objectives that can be prioritized and measured. Associated with Peter Drucker.
What is the most commonly regulated renewable energy? Wind
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing data about the US economy. Six digit code. Established in 1997.
Goals Achievement Matrix Chart that shows anticipated attainment of project goals & distribution of that attainment among community groups.
Critical Path Programming Used to determine which particular steps in a project are most 'critical' to keep the project going. The longest pathway is the most critical pathway.
Where and in what year was the first zoning ordinance / comprehensive zoning code created? New York City, 1916
How many people are in urbanized areas? 50,000 or more
Cost Revenue Analysis Compares amount being payed by sector and cost of services the local government is providing. Results are cost revenue ratios for different sectors showing that specific sector's cost and revenue.
What housing reformer of the 19th century founded Hull House in 1899 for low income families? Jane Addams
When was the first US census? 1790
When was the Resource Recovery and Conservation Act passed? 1976
What was the outcome of Golden v. Town of Ramapo? (1972) Court upheld zoning ordinance making the issuance of a permit for development contingent on presence of: public utilities, drainage facilities, parks, road access, and firehouses.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Unified work planning work program for areas with population of 200,000 or more. Prepared by the MPO. Lists all projects (bike, road, bus, etc) for which federal funds are expected and projects with no federal funds.
When was the Clean Water Act passed and amended? Passed in 1972, amended in 1977 and 1987 ("no net loss")
What is the importance of the Clean Water Act? Controls all sources of water pollution. Anyone seeking to discharge pollutants into water must get a permit. Regulates ambient and effluent water quality. Amended in '87 to include "no net loss" of wetlands policy. US Army Corps of Engineers.
What administration created greenbelt towns? Rural Resettlement Administration (RRA), a New Deal program, 1935
When was the Clean Air Act passed? 1963
What is the significance of the Clean Air Act? Federal government sets ambient standards. States determine how they will meet or exceed these goals. Standards prevent significant deterioration of very high quality air sheds.
Distributed Housing Unit Method Uses census data for number of housing units multiplied by occupancy rate and persons per household. Less reliable for quickly changing communities.
Ratio (Step-Down) Method Uses portion of percentage of larger number to estimate smaller area number
Disaggregated Per Capita Method Estimates cost and revenue based on major land uses
Binary is a form of what kind of variable? Discrete
How many square feet are in an acre? 43,560 square feet
What Housing Act created the inaugural urban redevelopment program? Housing Act of 1949
What Housing Act aimed to create 800,000 units? Housing Act of 1949
What is the importance of the Reclamation Act of 1902? Allowed funds from sale of public land in arid states to be used for construction of water storage and irrigation systems.
Multiple-Nuclei City Model Argues that cities do not grow around a single nucleus, but rather several separate nuclei that act as growth points. Clustering of similar uses. Idea that people have greater movement due to increased car ownership. Harris-Ullman, 1945.
Sector City Model Conceives of urban structure as wedges that radiate out from urban core along transit corridors. Homer Hoyt, 1939.
Bid Rent Curve City Model Land use pattern theory based on what people are willing to pay for land. Related to concentric theory model. CBD would likely would have highest bid rent curve.
Concentric City Model Simplified model of city with series of concentric rings, each having a different function and land use. Ernest Burgess, 1925.
Who is associated with the Concentric City Model? Ernest Burgess
What is the significance of the Organic Act of 1916? Established the National Park Service. Established territory or agency to manage federal lands. Signed by Woodrow Wilson.
How are ParkScores evaluated? Acreage, investment, amenities, access
PDR Planned Development Rights
TDR Transfer of Development Rights
What is the significance of the Farmland Preservation Policy Act of 1981? Defines important agricultural land as prime ag land, unique ag land, or other ag lands of state/local importance. Requires federal agencies to withhold funds for proposed projects inconsistent with growth management plans.
Three basic map projections Conic, cylindrical, planar
Carrying Capacity Maximum population size of a species that can be sustained given available food, water, habitat, etc.
Where and in what year was the first regional planning commission established? Los Angeles County, 1922
When and where was the first downtown pedestrian mall? Kalamazoo, MI, 1956
What is the significance of the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978? Promotes alternate sources of energy, energy efficiency, and reduced dependence on foreign oil. Created market for non-utility power producers. Requires competition in utility industry.
Central Place Theory States that there is a minimum market threshold to bring a firm to a city, and a maximum range people will travel to receive goods and services. Walter Christaller, 1933.
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Requires that projects will not increase emissions above a specified increment.
LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
What was the first federal transportation law? Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. Provisions for national scenic byways program. Includes historic preservation component.
City Efficient Movement (City Functional, City Scientific) Reaction to inefficiency of City Beautiful movement. Took place during Resettlement Administration. Professionalized planning profession. Focuses on lessoning congestion and increasing commerce.
Who wrote "Progress & Poverty" in 1879? Henry George
Five street patterns Grid, loop streets, cul-de-sacs, plaza, hammerhead style
Regression analysis Provides an estimate of one variable based on linear function of another
Who wrote "Carrying out the City Plan" in 1914? Flavel Shurtleff
What book proposed property taxes as a way to fund public development? "Progress & Poverty" by Henry George
What was the first major textbook on city planning? "Carrying Out the City Plan" by Flavel Shurtleff
Statistical Process Control Problem solving tools that reduce variability and thus improve process stability and improve capacity
Where and when was the first planning conference? Washington DC, 1909
Gini coefficient Statistical dispersion to represent the income or wealth distribution of a nation's residents
What was the first state to pass enabling legislation in 1909? Wisconsin
Who is known as the "Father of Comprehensive Planning"? Harland Bartholomew
Who wrote "The City is the Frontier" in 1965, which was highly critical of federal policies around slum clearance, urban renewal, and public housing? Charles Abrams
Who approached formal and informal settings as separate entities? John Nolen
What are APA's three ethical principles? (1) Serve the public interest, (2) maintain high standards of integrity and proficiency, (3) improve planning competence
What was the outcome of Hadacheck v. Sebastian? (1915) Court ruled that private interests must yield to public good. Illegal brickyard case - claimed lost all value of land due to annexation of land in to Los Angeles.
Who led the Resettlement Administration? Rexford Tugwell
Multiplier Analysis Used to project number of jobs created but can also be used to project job loss
CBSA vs. MSA Core Based Statistical Area has a population of at least 10,000. Metropolitan Statistical Area has a population of at leas 50,000
When were the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct first made effective? June 1, 2005
When were the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct last revised? April 1, 2016
What does Section A of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct contain? A statement of aspirational principles that constitute the ideals to which we are committed
What does Section B of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct contain? Rules of conduct to which we are held accountable
What does Section C of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct contain? Procedural provisions of the Code that describe how one may obtain either a formal or informal advisory ruling, as well as requirements for an annual report
What does Section D of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct contain? Procedural provisions that detail how a complaint of misconduct can be filed, as well as how these complaints are investigated and adjudicated
What does Section E of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct contain? Procedural provisions regarding the forms of disciplinary actions against a planner
What are the three principles to which we aspire? (1) Our Overall responsibility to the public; (2) Our responsibility to our clients and employers; (3) Our responsibility to our profession and colleagues
We owe ____, ___, and ____ performance of the work we do in pursuit of our client or employer's interest. Diligent, creative, and competent
Our work for our clients and employers shall always be consistent with what? Our faithful service to the public interest
If the Ethics Committee determines to issue an Advisory Opinion, it will endeavor to do so within how many days? 90 days
The Ethics Officer shall provide to the AICP Commission and to the Ethics Committee an Annual Report of all formal opinions and interpretations of code issued in the preceding year. Prior to what date shall this report be completed? January 31
How many days does a complainant have to appeal a dismissal of an ethics violation? 20 days
How many days does the Ethics Officer have to make a preliminary determination on if a violation has occurred? 30 days
What Act created HUD as a cabinet-level federal agency? Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965
What is the size requirement for census designated places? None
What are the two primary elements of zoning regulations? (1) Land use and (2) intensity and bulk
What was the outcome of Agins v. City of Tiburon? (1980) Court held that the test for determining whether a zoning ordinance or governmental regulation will be considered a taking is whether such action “substantially advances” a legitimate state interest. 5th and 14th Amendments.
What amendment addresses just compensation for takings? Fifth Amendment
What amendment addresses due process and equal protection under the law? Fourteenth Amendment
Who is the "Father of Modern Community Organizing"? Saul Alinsky
What was the outcome of Lingle v. Chevron USA? (2005) Court ruled that takings need to consider actual burden imposed on property rights. Overturned Agins v. City of Tiburon requirement to "substantially advance" legitimate state interest. 5th Amendment.
What is the equation for location quotient? Regional employment divided by national employment
What are three planning theories according to Kevin Lynch? (1) Theories to predict, (2) theories about decision making, (3) normative theory (how the city ought to be)
What is a cap rate? Rate of return on a real estate investment property based on the income that property is expected to generate. (Net income / current market value)
What was the outcome of Stop the Beach Renourishment v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection? (2009) Court ruled that submerged lands that would be filled by the state for beach reclamation did not constitute a taking. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of Koontz v. St. John's River Water Management? (2012) Court ruled that a city's requirement for the permit applicant to conserve a portion of his land for the public without a city regulation requiring a dedication was a taking. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of FCC v. Florida Power Corporation? (1987) Court found that there was no taking as claimed by public utility. Federal statute authorized FCC to regulate rents charged by utility companies for use of utility poles. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of Suitum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency? (1997) Rather than sell her TDRs, Suitum filed suit claiming that the agency's determination amounted to a regulatory taking of her property. Court held that Suitum's claim was invalid because she had not attempted to sell her TDRs. 5th and 14th Amendments.
What was the first application of "City Beautiful" principles? Burnham's Plan for San Francisco, 1905.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 Created federal mandate for urban transportation planning. Created MPOs.
Where and when were the first land use restrictions implemented? San Francisco, 1867. Placed restrictions on the location of 'noxious uses.'
What was the first planned community in the US? Llewellyn Park, NJ, 1857.
What was the first garden suburb in the US? Forest Hills Gardens, NY, 1911. Designed by Olmsted Sr. and served as inspiration for Clarence Perry's Neighborhood Unit concept.
National Flood Insurance Program (1968) Requires governments to identify flood prone areas. May require some to buy flood insurance.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (1988) Gives federal government the authority to respond to a disaster. Amended in 2000 to require local governments to prepare and adopt hazard mitigation plans.
What city implemented the first historic preservation ordinance? Charleston, SC, 1930s
First suburban auto-oriented shopping center in US Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, MO, 1922. Developed by JC Nichols.
Who wrote "Town Planning in Practice"? Sir Raymond Unwin, 1909
Where was the first land use zoning ordinance to guide development? Los Angeles, 1909
What Act created the HOME program and provided funds for housing rehabilitation? National Affordable Housing Act of 1990
What was the outcome of Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon? (1922) Court held that a regulatory taking occurred because there was no evidence of public purpose in halting mining underneath homes. Coal company owned mineral rights under the land. Damage to one house versus loss of economic benefit. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of Nollan v. California Coastal Commission? (1987) City wanted property owner to include public easement for public to view ocean. Court said that easement didn't affect the public's ability to view ocean. No nexus between legitimate public interest & condition imposed. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of Welch v. Swasey? (1909) Court established the right of municipalities to regulate building height. 14th Amendment.
What was the outcome of Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Commission? (1992) Court ruled a regulatory taking on a state rule that was aimed at preserving beaches, which prevented development. Court determined that the rule was a permanent, physical encroachment and denied all economically beneficial use of the land. 5th Amendment.
What are the four sections of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)? (1) Introduction & Purpose, (2) Description of area, (3) Range of alternatives, (4) Analysis of environmental impacts for each possible alternative
What was the outcome of City of Ladue v. Gilleo? (1994) Court ruled that a city cannot ban some signs only based on sign content. 1st Amendment.
What was the outcome of Kelo v. City of New London? (2005) City of NL took land from private property owners to sell to private developers to increase jobs & tax revenue. Court ruled that it was not a taking. Public use must be linked to public purpose; not limited to use by public. Eminent domain. 5th Amendment.
Who is the "Father of Modern Housing Code"? Lawrence Veiller
Public Roads Administration (PRA) Responsible for implementing highway system. Late 1940s - early 1970s.
What is the oldest environmental law in the US? River and Harbors Act of 1899
What was the outcome of Dolan v. City of Tigard? (1994) When a city requires a landowner to convey some property to the city as a condition to obtaining a permit, there must be a "rough proportionality" between the burden on the owner and the benefit to the public from the conveyance of land.
Who wrote the book "Edge City" in 1991? Joel Garreau
What are the characteristics of an Edge City, as described by Garreau? More jobs than bedrooms; perceived as one place; lots of office and retail space; nothing like a city 30 years prior.
What Act mandated that states delineate coastal boundaries and inventory areas requiring special protection? Costal Zone Management Act of 1972
What is referred to as the "Superfund Bill"? CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation Liability Act
In what year was NEPA passed? 1969
Who was the first US Forestry Service Director in 1905? Gilfred Pinchot
What is an Auger Test? Used to test soil around septic tanks
What is a Type 1 error? The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is, in fact, correct
Who wrote "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces"? William Whyte
Who wrote "The City in History"? Lewis Mumford
General Land Law Revision Act (1891) Provided president with power to create forest preserves by proclamation
Who was the primary builder of federal dams? US Bureau of Reclamation
Who wrote "Major Economic Factors in Metro Growth & Arrangement," which said land use was a function of accessibility? Robert Haig
Who wrote "Structure & Growth of Residential Neighborhoods in American Cities," which relates to the sector theory? Homer Hoyt
Who wrote "Planning of the Modern City"? Nelson Lewis
Who wrote "With Heritage So Rich," which precipitated the passing of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act? Albert Rains
Who wrote "Urban General Plan" in 1957, which became a common textbook on land use planning? TJ Kent
Who wrote "Urban Land Use Planning" in 1957, which became a common textbook on land use planning? Stuart Chapin
Who wrote "Local Planning Administration," which was the first in the green book series? Ladislas Segoe
What is a PERT Chart? A tool used to schedule, organize, and map out tasks within a project. PERT stands for program evaluation and review technique. It provides a visual representation of a project's timeline and breaks down individual tasks.
Symptomatic Estimation Method Assumes changes related to small part of population are the same as those across a larger area.
What was the outcome of Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corporation? Cable company installed cables on buildings to serve tenements of many buildings. Court found that the government allowed the permanent physical occupation of private property, which is a taking requiring compensation. 5th Amendment.
What was the outcome of Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States? (2013) When a railroad abandons the right of way granted under the General Railroad Right-of-Way Act of 1875, the private party who acquired the land underlying obtains full rights, which was an easement terminated by the railroad’s abandonment.
What was the outcome of Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project? (2015) Court held that disparate impact is the appropriate standard to be applied to Fair Housing Act. Result is that policies inadvertently relegate minorities to poor areas.
What is the term for a domino effect of hazards, like a drought-fire-landslide? Cascading hazards
What kind of data method can show the interdependencies between hazards and the relationships between them to help develop guidelines and plans for the future? Hazard trees
Where is APA's inaugural Community Planning Assistance Team (CPAT) project? East Market Street, Greensboro, NC
Electric scooters and shared bicycles are examples of what type of transportation? Micromobility
By 2050, large-scale PV deployment is projected to increase to roughly how many times the current installed capacity? Eight times
Projections show that the online share of retail sales in the U.S. will rise to what percentage by 2026? 25%
What plan won the Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan in 2020? Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan
Libraries, public transportation, and public parks are an example of what kind of infrastructure in the context of community resilience? Social infrastructure
What is the term for a business that is not quite in the underground market, but also not squarely within the realm of legal compliance (ex: marijuana)? Gray market
A January 2020 survey showed that what percent of Americans believe in climate change? 73%
Building construction and operation and vehicle miles traveled account for what percent of total CO2 emissions? 54%
When did the AIP and ASPO merge to form APA? 1978
This is a type of scale where the measurement between the values is proportional through the range (ie: time, ruler) Interval
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