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FHSU Medical Term.

Medical Terminology

ilium hip bone
ileum last part of the small intestine
syndrome collection of signs & symptoms
superficial on the surface
deep below the surface
retro- behind
perineum the surface of the body between the legs
perineal refers to part of the surface of the body
hypogastric designates part of the ventral body cavity
visceral refers to all the hollow, soft organs (Plural-viscera)(Singular-viscus)
Epithelium sheet of cells
epi- upon
endothelium lines blood and lymph vessels but not the rest of the body cavities
endo- within
intra- within
Adipose fat
lipid or lip/o fat
athero fatty
A- without
Aplasia complete absence of an organ or part
hypoplasia incompletely developed
-plasia development resulting from mitosis (cell division)
ileitis inflammation of the small intestine
epidermis above the skin (surface)
midsagittal plane
parasagittal plane
transverse/horizontal plane
coronal/frontal plane
Posterior/Dorsal toward the back
Anterior/Ventral toward the front
Peri- around
Pre- before/in front of
Post-/Retro- Behind
atherosclerosis cased by damaged endothelium; causes heart attack & stroke
anaplasia failure to develop
displasia cells are more variable in size, shape, and location than normal
metaplasia replacement of one kind of epithelial tissue by another
neoplasia new growth (tumor)- either benign or malignant
Benign tumors usually not life-threatening, although they can kill if they secrete hormones uncontrollable or compress a nerve or blood vessel. Remain localized.
Malignant tumors synonym for cancer. Invade adjacent normal tissue and also spread to distant parts of the body
hypertrophy individual cells enlarge (working out = muscles)
atrophy shrinking (ex- unexercised muscles)
dystrophy due to defective nutrition or metabolism
dystrophic abnormal
adeno- gland (This prefix also refers tot he lymph nodes, which don't secrete hormones)
adenopathy pathology of a gland
Borne carried
-gen/o origin/cause
Organic not psychological
muscular distrophy
neo- new
malignant bad
hyper- excessive or increased
hypo- deficient or decreased
hyperplasia enlarged organ or tissue due to larger amounts of mitosis
Created by: 502572777
Popular Science sets




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