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MTTC - Elementary Ed

Foundations of Grammar, Sentence Structure

What are the 8 parts of speech? 1. Nouns 2. Pronouns 3. Verbs 4. Adjectives 5. Adverbs 6. Prepositions 7. Conjunctions 8. Interjections
general nouns the names of conditions or ideas
specific nouns name people, places, and things that are understood by using your senses
nominative personal nouns or pronouns that are the subject of a sentence
objective the case for nouns and pronouns that are an object in a sentence
possessive the case for nouns and pronouns that show possession/ownership
intensive pronouns I myself, you yourself, they themselves, etc.
relative pronouns which, who, whom, whose
interrogative pronouns what, which, who, whom, whose
demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those
indefinite pronouns all, any, each, everyone, either/neither, one, some, several
reciprocal pronouns each other, one another
transitive verb a verb whose action (e.g. drive, run, etc.) points to a receiver (e.g. car, dog, etc.); come in an active or passive "voice"
intransitive verb a verb that doesn't point to a subject or object
action verb a verb that shows what the subject is doing in a sentence
linking verbs link the subject of a sentence to a noun or pronoun, or they link a subject with an adjective
verb tense shows the different form of a verb to point to the time of an action
present perfect tense the action started in the past and continues in the present
past perfect tense the second action happened in the past, and the first action came before the second (ex: "before I walked in the store [action2], I had walked to the library [action1]")
future perfect tense an action that uses the past and the future; the action is complete before a future moment
indicative mood mood used for facts, opinions, and questions
imperative mood mood used for orders or requests
subjunctive mood mood that's for wishes and statements that go against fact
adjective a word that is used to modify a noun/pronoun; usually come before the words that they modify, but they may also come after a linking verb
articles adjectives that are used to mark nouns (using "the", "a", or "an")
adverbs a word used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb
antecedent the noun that has been replaced by a pronoun
independent clause contains a complete thought
dependent clause does not contain a complete thought unless it's joined by an independent clause
adjective clause a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun
essential clauses explain or define a person or thing
nonessential clauses give more information about a person or thing, but are not necessary to define them; set off with commas
adverb clauses a dependent clause that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb; introduced with words like after, although, as, before, because, if, since, so, unless, when, where, and while
noun clause a dependent clause used as a subject, object, or complement
Created by: jmeeker
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