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Workshop 3

dystopia a fictional place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad
genre a category or type of art, music, or literature that shares a particular style of subject
human nature the sum of qualitites and traits shared by all humans
society a group of people who share the same laws, ways of doing things, religions, etc.
traditions a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time
civic relating to a community of people who live there
generations period of time in which a group of people are born and live
liberty the quality of being free to act or speak as you choose
lottery system in which something is selected in a way that is by chance
official person who is in charge and makes sure people follow the rules
ritual custom that is always done in the same way
perfect to be without flaws or defects
imaginary something that is not real
setting where and when the story takes place
characters the people or animals in the story
plot the sequence of evens that make up the beginning, middle, and end of a story
theme an important message about life or meaing that the author wants the reader to understand
tend to do something regularly and in a particular way
select to choose an item froma group of things
conduct to organize or carry out an event or process
precede to come before something else
reach to arrive somewhere, or attain something
necessary needed to complete something
raise to lift something to a higher level
apart divided by something
quit to stop doing something
gravely behaving in a sad or somber way
precisely done in an exact way
chance a possibility that someting will happen
concerned involved in something of affected by it
remove to take something away
general relating to a whole of something rather that part of it
force to use power to move something
Prefix: civ- citizen
Prefix: liber- free
disturb to cause someone to feel upset
current happening now or in the present tense
participate to join others in an activity
podium raised area that people stand on so they can be seen and heard in a crowd
rebellion an attempt to take control of a government through the use of protest
sacrifice to give up something you want so that you can get or achieve something more important
base (on) to create something using an existing idea
currrent happening now or in the present time
remain to be left over after other parts are used or destroyed
require to make it mandatory for some one to do something
distressed very concerned or upset
allow to make it possible for someone to do
Created by: jfrost27
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