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Mongol Empire Largest land empire in the history of the world, spanning from Eastern Europe across Asia.
magnetic compass Chinese invention that aided navigation by showing which direction was north.
rudder Steering device, usually a vertical blade attached to a post at, or near, the stern of the boat.
junk A very large flat-bottom sailing ship produced in the Tang and Song Empires, specially designed for long-distance commercial travel.
Kashgar Located at the western edge of China where northern and southern routes of the Silk Roads crossed.
Samarkand In present day Uzbekistan in the Zeravshan River valley. It was a stopping point on the Silk Roads between China and the Mediterranean.
Caravanserai An inn in some Eastern countries with a large courtyard that provides accommodation for caravans and their animals.
money economy Using money rather than bartering with such commodities as cowrie shells or salt.
flying cash System of credit where merchants deposit money at one location and withdrawal at another.
paper money Legal currency issued on paper; it developed in China as a convenient alternative to metal coins.
banking houses Locations for exchanging flying cash became the model for the banks of the modern era.
bill of exchange A document stating the holder was legally promised payment of a set amount on a set date.
Hanseatic League An organization in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, remember cities of the league, such as Lubeck, Hamburg, and Riga, were able to drive out pirates and monopolize trade in goods such as timer, grain, leather, and salted fish.
Mongols People from Central Asia when united ended up creating the largest single land empire in history.
Gobi Desert One of the worlds largest deserts, covers part of China and present-day Mongolia. During the 12th century, life on the arid Asian steeps was harsh, and it shaped the Mongol culture.
Khan A Mongol ruler
Kuriltai Meeting of all Mongol chieftains at which the supreme ruler of all tribes was selected.
Genghis Khan (Temujin)A Mongolian general and emperor of the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, known for his military leadership and great cruelty. He conquered vast portions of northern China and southwestern Asia.
Khanate kingdom
siege weapon A device that is designed to break or circumvent city walls and other fortifications such as a castle.
Pax Mongolica Mongol Peace
Uyghur alphabet Mongolian alphabet
Batu Grandson of Genghis Khan and ruler of the Golden Horde; invaded Russia in 1236.
Golden Horde Mongol khanate founded by Genghis Khan's grandson Batu. It was based in southern Russia and quickly adopted both the Turkic language and Islam.
Moscow During Mongolian rule, the ruler of the city-state of Moscow began collecting additional tributes, which they set aside to develop an army to resist the Mongols, and began building an anti-Mongol coalition among the Russian city-states.
Hulegu Grandson of Genghis Khan and ruler of Ilkhan khanate; captured and destroyed Abbasid Baghdad.
Kublai Khan Grandson of Genghis Khan and founder of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty in China.
Yuan Dynasty Dynasty in China set up by the Mongols under the leadership of Kublai Khan, replaced the Song (1279-1368).
White Lotus Society Secret religious society dedicated to overthrow of Yuan dynasty in China; typical of peasant resistance to Mongol rule.
Zhu Yuanzhang A former monk that led this army in a final victory over the Mongols, became emperor of China and founded the Ming Dynasty.
Ming Dynasty Succeeded Mongol Yuan dynasty in China in 1368; lasted until 1644; initially mounted huge trade expeditions to southern Asia and elsewhere, but later concentrated efforts on internal development within China.
Bubonic Plague Also called the Black Death was a deadly disease that spread through Europe and killed one out of every three people.
Il-Khanate Mongol Kingdom Ruled by Hulegu in Central Asia. Administered by Persian officials
Indian Ocean Basin Connected East Africa, Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia with China and Japan
Calicut A city of southwest India on the Malabar Coast southwest of Bangalore. It was the site of Vasco da Gama's first landfall in India (1498) and was later occupied by Portuguese, British, French, and Danish trading colonies.
Spice Islands Modern-day Malaysia and Indonesia. It named this because of the fragrant nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom they exported.
Indian Ocean Slave Trade A trade of slaves across the Indian Ocean, where they were used for different tasks.
monsoon winds The seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and southern Asia. In the winter months, winds originated from the northeast, while in the spring and summer, they blew from the southwest.
Lateen Sail Triangular sail that was developed in Indian Ocean trade that allowed a ship to sail against the wind.
Stern Rudder A small piece of wood in the back so that you can steer a large vessel more effectively.
Astrolabe An instrument used by sailors to determine their location by observing the position of the stars and planets, which then allowed sailors to determine how far north or south they were from the equator.
Malacca One Muslim city-state became wealthy by building a navy and by imposing fees on ships that passed through the Straits of Malacca.
Diaspora A dispersion of people from their homeland.
Gujarat Region of western India famous for trade and manufacturing.
Swahili city-states City-states along the east coast of Africa.
Zheng He An imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted by the Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the Indian Ocean, from Southeast Asia to Africa.
Saharan Desert Largest desert in the world. Located in Africa. It covers 9 million square kilometres (3,500,000 sq mi), amounting to 31% of Africa.
Oases A place, usually in a desert, where water can be found
Arabian Desert A vast desert wilderness in Western Asia
Camel Saddle A supportive structure for a rider or other load, fastened to an animal's back by a girth.
Trans-Saharan Trade Route across the Sahara Desert. Major trade route that traded for gold and salt, created caravan routes, economic benefit for controlling dessert, camels played a huge role in the trading.
Mali The kingdom in West Africa that followed the Kingdom of Ghana; its wealth is also based on Trans-Saharan trade; this kingdom encouraged the spread of Islam. Founded by Sundiata.
Timbutku A world-renowned center of Islamic learning. By the 1500's, books created and sold in Timbuktu brought prices higher than most other goods.
Sundiata Mali's founding ruler. Sundiata cultivated a thriving gold trade in Mali. Under his steady leadership, Mali's wealth grew tremendously.
Mansa Musa Ruler of Mali (r.1312-1337 CE) who made a hajj to Mecca; on the way there, he spread enormous amounts of gold showing the wealth of Mali; on the way back, he brought back education and Islamic culture.
Mecca The holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace
Songhai Kingdom By later 1400's, this kingdom had taken its place as the powerhouse in West Africa. Following processes like t hose Mali had gone through, Songhai became larger and richer than Mali.
Swahili language Blend of Bantu and Arabic and still widely spoken today.
Urdu language A language that had influences from Sanskrit-based Hindi, as well as from Arabic and Farsi, a Persian language.
Hangzhou, China During the time period 1200-1450, Hangzhou was large -- it was home to about one million people -- but other Chinese cites were larger. It was the center of culture in southern China. The home of poets and artists.
Constantinople Heavily walled city in present day Turkey.
Black Death/Bubonic Plague Disease spread from Asia to Europe through trade routes.
Marco Polo Venetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.
Ibn Battuta Moroccan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan.
Margery Kempe Wrote The Book of Margery Kempe - considered the 1st autobiography in the English language. Chronicles her pilgrimages to holy sites in Europe/Asia. Her work acts as best insight into a middle-class female experience in the Middle Ages.
Champa Rice Quick-maturing rice that can allow two harvests in one growing season. Introduced to the Champa states by Vietnam, a Hindu state, and then offered to the Chinese as tribute.
Bananas A nurition-rich food introduced to Sub-Saharan Africa by Indonesian seafarers traveling across the Indian Ocean.
Sugar New items introduced to Europe through the trade routes.
Citrus crops New items introduced through trade routes.
Overgrazing Destruction of vegetation caused by too many grazing animals consuming the plants in a particular area so they cannot recover.
Deforestation The removal of trees faster than forests can replace themselves.
Soil erosion Movement of soil components, especially topsoil, from one place to another, usually by wind, flowing water, or both. This natural process can be greatly accelerated by human activities that remove vegetation from soil.
Created by: chadmw
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