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Apush Quiz #4

Republicanism political ideology, centered on citizenship in a state, organized as a republic.
Radical Whigs a group of british political commentators associated with the british whig faction. sus of all power.
Mercantilism an economic policy designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports of the economy.
Sugar Act 1764, parliament wanted to raise funds, a tax on sugar, increased smuggling.
Quartering Act required American colonies to provide solders with housing and food.
Stamp Tax property purchases/documents, a physical stamp had to be shown for proof of purchase.
Admiralty Courts the court that has jurisdiction in matters relating to maritime law (accidents on water).
Stamp Act Congress protested taxation w/o representation, representatives from colonies, claimed they were as equal as british citizens.
Non- importation Agreements a boycott which restricted importations of goods to Boston.
Sons of Liberty loosely organized political organization , founded to fight taxation, played important roles during the stamp act.
Daughters of Liberty females who wanted to fight for rights, protest stamp and townshend acts.
Declaratory Act repeal of stamp act, stated that parliament could make laws whenever.
Townshend Acts imposed duties on china, glass, lead, paint, paper, tea imported to colonies.
Boston Massacre british soldier shot & killed people while being harassed by a mob in Boston.
Communities of Correspondence maintaining communication with one another (colonies) advised colonists to boycott goods.
Boston Tea Party protest by sons of liberty, dumped tea by britain into the harbor.
Intolerable Acts laws passed after Boston Tea party, meant to punish colonists.
Quebec Act established religious freedoms, repealed loyalty oath. increased british control of religion.
First Continental Congress 12/13 colonies, meeting, meet to discuss America's future under British control.
The Association an attempt to force repeal, boycott against trade with britain.
Battles of Lexington and Concord first military engagements in the American Revolutionary War, 1775, to suppress rebellion.
Valley Forge commanded by George Washington, winter 1777-78.
John Hancok former president of continental congress, signed declaration (first signer)
George Grenville A british whig statesmen member of parliament, initiated Sugar Act, led events to revolution.
Charles ("Champagne Charley") Townshend responsible for the townshend act/duties.
Crispus Attucks an African american man who was the first one killed during boston massacre.
George lll american colonies were lost during his reign.
Lord North led great britain thru most of the war of independence, loss of American colonies.
Samuel Adams founding father leader of radicals, signed declaration of independence, resentment over tax.
Thomas Hutchinson sent to england to represent Massachusetts.
Marquis de Lafayette military officer who fought in the American Revolutionary War. helped colonists against british.
Barton Von Steuben served in continental army, wrote "arms blue book".
Lord Donmore Colonial governor of Bahamas and Virginia, "Dunmore's Proclamation" offering freedom to slaves who fought against patriots.
Created by: AilesanF
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