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1942B U. S. History

1942B U. S. History Final Exam Study Guide

FDR’s main goals in fighting the depression >Economic recovery >Financial Reform >Provide jobs & relief
Years for the Great Depression 1929 - 1939
Causes of the Great Depression >Stock market crash of 1929 >Banking Crisis >Overproduction & Under-Consumption >Unequal distribution of wealth >High Tariffs/War debts
New Deal >President FDR's way of fixing the issues that brought the Great Depression >Series of programs, projects, financial reforms, regulations, and public work > Ex. , Civil Works Administration, National Industrial Recovery Act, Farm Security Administration
Shanty Towns Towns consisting of improvised houses made from scraps of wood, metal, plastic, etc. Typically lack safe water, electricity, street drainage, proper sanitation, and adequate infastructure.
What event brought an end to the Great Depression? World War ll >provided the U.S. with jobs and helped the economy
Roosevelt’s fireside chats impact >Helped people overcome their fears about the Depression >Gave the people confidence >
Why did voters vote for Roosevelt over Hoover Many had blamed Hoover for the Great Depression and they did not like his idea that the government should not help/interfere. (Rugged Individualism) People voted Roosevelt because they believed that he would help them out of the depression.
Why was the New Deal a turning point in U. S. history? The New Deal programs helped the people of the United States recover from the suffering brought by the Great Depression. It gave the government a role in social/economic affairs and it overall restored faith & gave hope to the people.
Holocaust >1941-1945 >Genocide of European Jews
How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust Approximately 6 million
Other groups that were killed during the Holocaust Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Slavic people, prisoners of war, and people with disabilities
What religious group was killed by Germans in Concentration Camps? Jehovah's Witnesses
Under German rule, before Concentration Camps, where were Jews forced to live? Jews were isolated and forced to live in the ghettos
Genocide Deliberate/Systematic destruction of a whole or part of an ethnic, religious, national, or racial group.
What happened to Hitler in the end? He committed suicide
In addition to the gas chambers, how did Nazi’s kill off the Jews? Forced labor, euthanasia, exposure, starvation, and medical experiments
During the Holocaust, how were families separated? >Children were removed from their families >People were separated by gender
Holocaust and ​annihilation​ Holocaust: Genocide of Jews and other racial, religious, and homosexual groups. Annihilation:Goal is the complete annihilation of a state, a people or an ethnic minority through genocide
What is the name for the laws that began to take away the rights of German Jews? Nuremberg Laws
Democracy >Government by the people >Supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
Fascism >Far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power >One dictator has full control of the entire country, states, or territory >Any who opposes is suppressed and individual rights are oppressed
Blitzkrieg >Used by Nazi Germany >Coordinated military effort by tanks, artillery, aircraft, and motorized infantry >Offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy
Kamikaze >Japanese Special Attack Units of military aviators >Flew suicide attacks for the Empire pf Japan >Use aircrafts to crash into targets such as ships
Axis Powers Germany, Italy, and Japan
Why did United States decide to stay isolated from foreign affairs when WWII started? >WW ll was deemed a foreign dispute so the U.S. believed that they should not get involved for there was no reason to. >U.S. citizens did not want to get into another war
Pearl Harbor events >Surprise military strike on a U.S. naval base by Japan >Attacked U.S. ships to prevent them from getting in their way
Why did Great Britain and France declare war on Germany? In response to Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.
What event caused the U.S. to enter WWII? Pearl Harbor
Under what plan did the U. S. ​provided​ ​massive​ ​financial​ ​aid​ ​to​ ​rebuild​ ​European economies​ ​and​ ​prevent​ ​the​ ​spread​ ​of​ ​communism​? The Marshall Plan
Capitalist, Communist, Dictatorial, and Socialist meanings and which countries follow which ideals? Capitalist:Trade & Industry are controlled by private owners for profit.(U.S., Japan, West Germany, France, Italy) Communist:All property is publicly owned & each person works & is paid according to their abilities.(USSR) Dictatorial:Dictator/Dictatorshi
Baby Boom > 1946 - 1964 >Period marked by a significant increase of birth rate
​Similarities​ ​between​ ​the​ ​US​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Soviet​ ​Union during​ ​the​ ​Cold​ ​War​ >Built up massive militaries and weapon stockpiles >Used their power to influence international affairs >Adhered strictly to their chosen ideologies
Cold War time period 1947 - 1991
Cuban Missile Crisis > 13-day political and military standoff between the U.S. and the Soviet Union >90 miles from U.S. shores, the Soviet Union installed nuclear missiles on Cuba
​A​ ​state​ ​of​ ​tension​ ​between​ ​the​ ​U.S.​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Soviet​ ​Union​ ​without​ ​actual fighting​ Cold War
​The​ ​war​ ​that​ ​created​ ​divisiveness​ ​among​ ​Americans​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​1960s Civil War
How did women help in WWII >Worked in factories production munitions, tanks, ships >Worked in industries dealing with metal, shipbuilding, automobiles, and steel >Joined military groups for women (WAC, WAVES, ANC, WASP, OSS) >Worked in war front as nurses
What kind of policy did ​Martin​ ​L.​ ​King,​ ​Jr.,​ ​and​ ​other members​ ​of​ ​SCLC​ ​encouraged​? > Peaceful resistance & racial equality > Freedom, equality, justice, and love
Freedom Riders > More than 400 volunteers >7 months > Civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into segregated Southern United States > Challenged the non-enforcement of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions that ruled that segregated buses were unconstitutional
Malcolm X >African-American Muslim minister and civil rights activist > Went against MLK's nonviolent teachings >Urged African Americans to protect themselves against white aggression
Sit-Ins >Protest involving one or more people occupying an area >Promote political, social, or economic change >Refused to move until demands were met >Used by African Americans to oppose segregation
Civil Rights and Martin Luther King, Jr. >Baptist minister, social rights activist, and leader of the civil rights movement >Promoted non-violent ways to oppose segregation and inspired many >Organized many peaceful protests and marches >Preached freedom, equality, justice, and love
​Vietnamization​ U.S. policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam
McCarthyism > Campaign against alleged communists in the U.S. government >Those accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs >Unfair allegations and investigations
The​ ​Highway​ ​Act​ ​of​ ​1956 >Authorized construction of a 41,000 mile network of interstate highways that would span the nation, mostly paid by government >Highway allows for people to move quickly in an emergency >Allowed National Guard & Military to access disaster areas faster
​The​ ​two​ ​nations​ ​divided​ ​at​ ​the​ ​38th​ ​parallel North and South Korea
​Watergate​ > 1971 - 1974 >Major political scandal in the U.S. involving the administration of U.S. President Richard Nixon > Ex. Bugging the offices of political opponents & people who were deemed suspicious > Led to Nixon's resignation
How did ​Truman​ ​justified​ ​dropping​ ​the​ ​atomic​ ​bomb​ ​on​ ​Japan​? > Believed that American lives were at risk > Believed it was the only way to get Japan to surrender
​The​ ​Manhattan​ ​Project > During WW ll >Research and development that led to the creation of the first nuclear weapons > Led by the U.S. and supported by the U.K. and Canada
Created by: LieCandy
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