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Module 12 Lesson 5

What were the main trading cities along the East African Coast? Mogadishu, Mombasa, Kilwa, and Sofala
Where did these East African trade with? They traded with Arabia, Persia, and India.
What two languages came together to form Swahili and how did this occur? The languages of Arabic and Bantu came together to create Swahili when many Muslim Arab and Persian traders moved south into the large trading cities along the East African Coast.
What were some items that were traded along this expansive trading system? Asian processed goods were brought to Africa and African raw materials to Asia. Arab traders sold jewels and cotton cloth from India, porcelain bowls from China, and African ivory, gold, tortoiseshell, ambergris, leopard skins, and rhino horns to Arabia.
How did Kilwa gain extensive wealth through trade? Kilwa was located very far south, therefore trade goods from other southern regions had to pass through the trading center to get to their destination. Here, Asian merchants could buy them. It also conquered Sofala's port, gaining control of gold trade.
How were the Portuguese able to conquer the trading cities of Sofala, Kilwa, and Mombasa? They overthrew these key trading cities by using their cannons on their ships, and they were able to control trade on the East African Coast for the following two centuries.
How did Islam spread throughout the world? Muslim traders brought Islam to the East African coast, and because of the rise of trade, it continued to spread farther throughout the trading cities. There were Muslim sultans ruling cities, along with many Muslim government officials and merchants.
What were enslaved Africans used for? Enslaved Africans were kidnapped and sold to Arabian, Persian, and Iraqan markets. Wealthy families would buy these slaves to do their daily tasks for them. Slaves sent to India would be hired as soldiers by its rulers and work on docks and ships.
Who were the people that established Great Zimbabwe? The Shona people
What allowed Great Zimbabwe to support a large population? The plateau that the city-state lied on had fertile and moist soil, which allowed for great farming and raising livestock.
What allowed Great Zimbabwe to prosper? They were able to gain control of a key trade route that connected goldfields to Sofala, meaning they controlled part of the gold trade, giving them great wealth. It also began to tax chiefs and traders coming through the route.
What is Great Zimbabwe most well known for? Its stone ruins, including arrangements of wall enclosures that are located on three hills surrounding each other.
What was the main belief of the people of Great Zimbabwe? They most likely practiced a traditional Shona religion and their main belief is having devotion to the spirits of their ancestors. They believe that they protect the community from any dangers that pass their way.
What is a main theory about why people left Great Zimbabwe? Through the grazing of cattle and farming, both the grasslands and soil became worn out. People eventually ran out of salt and timber as well, so with such a large population, they could no longer survive in that area.
Who created the Mutapa Empire? Mutota left Great Zimbabwe searching for salt and found a valley with fertile soil, lots of rainfall, and a good amount of wood, where he created a new city-state and took over as its ruler.
How was the Mutapa Empire able to expand? Mutota built an army to conquer the northern Shona people and forced them to give payments to support him and his empire. They also moved on to overthrow all except for the eastern region of present-day Zimbabwe.
How did the Mutapa Empire gain wealth? Since they had access to gold in rivers and streams located nearby, Mutapa rulers forced people living in the empire to mine the gold for them. They then used this gold to send to coastal city-states to get luxury items in return.
How did the Portuguese interfere with the Mutapa Empire? After first trying to conquer the Mutapa Empire but failing, the Portuguese began to get involved in their politics and were able to overthrow and then replace one ruler to control some of what goes on in the empire.
What was the main ocean that the East African Coast traded over? The Indian Ocean
How many total trading cities were there in the East African Coast? 35 total trading cities were established by 1300 running from northern Mogadishu to southern Sofala.
Created by: 25slebron
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