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Module 12 Lesson 5

Module 12 Lesson 5- Eastern City-States and Southern Empires

Aksum traded with what places? Arabia, Persia, India, and Rome
Aksum had a port on this sea? Red sea
Muslim forces took control of where in the 600s? Arabia, the red sea, and North Africa
Eastern Coast Cities were thriving because of trade on what ocean? Indian Ocean
Bantu-speaking people traveled across Africa and settled on the East coast and established what? Farming and fishing villages that turned into sea ports
Arabic and Bantu languages combined and created what language? Swahili
Africa traded what with Arabia and Asia? Ivory, gold, tortoiseshell, ambergris, leopard skins, and rhinoceros horns
Kilwa was growing rich because? It was located close enough to India so ships could sail there in one monsoon season
In the late 1200s,Kilwa gained control of what city that helped them control gold trade? Sofala
Portuguese ships rounded the tip of Africa in 1488 looking for what? India
What did they trade most in Asia? Spices, Perfume, Silk,
The Portuguese saw the wealth of what cities and took them over and kept them for 2 centuries? Kilwa, Mombasa, and Sofala
These religious people brought their religion to East Africa and it is still heavily practised there still? Muslim/Islam
Africans were captured and Enslaved by what people and traded as slaves? Arab Muslims
Enslaved Africans were sold and used in where? Arabia, Perisa, Iraq, India, China, and Muslim ports
Enslavement of Africans picked up dramatically when what people started enslaving Africans for colonial plantations? Europeans
Gold and Ivory trade helped create what wealthy city-state? Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe was located on a plateau between what things? Two rivers
What people first settled in Great Zimbabwe? Shona
Great Zimbabwe land was fertile and good for doing what? Raising cattle and farming
Zimbabwe was neer what things near Sofala that they eventually gained control of? Trade routes
To gain wealth, leaders collected what from traders on the trade routes and less powerful chiefs? Taxes
Great Zimbabwe had a social class structure, the richest people lived on the what part of the city? Outside
Wealthy people likely ate beef while commoners would eat? Sheep or Goat
By 1450, Great Zimbabwe became dormant. This is probably because of what? The cattle and farming had worm out the land
According to Shona Legend, Mututa left Great Zimbabwe looking for what? Salt
While leaving Great Zimbabwe, Mututa found a valley with what? Fertile soil, Wood, and Rainfall
Conquered people in Mutapa were called what? Mutotaand
By Mutota's death they had already done what to all of Great Zimbabwe except the eastern part? Conqured
In Mutapa, people were able to mine for what in rivers and streams? Gold
Before Matope's (Mutota's son) death, this part of the empire broke away but what stilled controlled by the Mutapa dynasty. Southern part
The portuguese failed to conquer the empire so they decided to do what to break up the empire instead? Meddle with politics
Created by: Alicer2025
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