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New Global Regents

Most Common Concepts and Vocab on New NYS Regents

Cold War The tension between the USA and Soviet Union (USSR) that rarely led to direct armed conflict
Capitalism An economic system where private people own businesses to make a profit and the government takes a laissez-faire approach to the economy.
Marxism People who follow the teachings of Karl Marx, the father of communism. They believe that workers should overthrow capitalism.
Arab-Israeli Conflict A series of military conflicts between Israeli forces and various Arab forces, typically Palestinians. The conflict stems from the partition of Palestine and who controls the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
Colonialism A type of government where a geographic area is ruled by a foreign power. This type of government became popular after the Industrial Revolution when European countries needed raw materials and new markets.
East India Company A British business that expanded trade and conducted colonial activities in Asia, specifically, India.
Export Trading a good or service to another country.
Exploitation To use or take advantage of
French Revolution A period of major social upheaval from 1787-1799. It wanted to change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed. Part of the French Revolution included the Reign of Terror, led by Robespierre before Napoleon took power.
Jawaharlal Nehru An Indian Independence leader and the 1st prime minister of India who is most known for his position of nonalignment during the Cold War.
Joseph Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union from 1929-1953. He was responsible for the Ukrainian Famine, the Five Year Plans, and was an ally during WWII before the start of the Cold War.
Louis XIV A French absolute monarch who forced nobles to live at Versailles. (Similar to Tokugawa Shogunate)
Kemal Atatürk Led the Turkish Independence movement and modernized Turkey as its president.
Mao Zedong Chinese Communist leader who led the Long March. Later he launched the Great Leap Foward and the Cultural Revolution both of which failed miserably.
Meiji Restoration A period in Japan from 1868-1912 that involved rapid industrialization.
Nationalism A strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s country. This feeling often leads to conflict.
Opium Wars A war between Great Britain and China over foreign trade restrictions in China. China lost the war which led to the development of Spheres of Influence and the loss of Hong Kong
Simón Bolívar Led Latin American independence movements.
Surplus Extra; more than is needed or wanted
Tokugawa Shogunate Supreme military leaders who united and ruled Japan from 1603-1869. Under this leadership daimyos were forced to live at the palace in Edo. (Similar to Louis XIV)
Traditional Economy An economic system where making goods or services is based on habit, custom, or rituals and usually do not change over time.
Ayatollah Khomeini An Islamic Revolution leader in Iran, who helped to overthrow the government. He became the supreme leader of religion and government in Iran.
Apartheid South African government's policy of separating different races of people
Arms Race The competition between the USA and USSR to amass the most and most powerful weapons.
Decolonization The process by which colonies become independent from imperial countries.
Gandhi A leader of the Indian Independence Movement who advocated civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to achieve his goals.
Green Revolution The great increase in the production of food resulting from the introduction of new technology.
Industrial Revolution The process of change from an agricultural and traditional economy to one dominated by manufacturing in factories. It started in Britain in ~1750 and eventually led to the push for imperialism/colonies.
Isolationism A government policy of avoiding economic and political contact with other countries
Khmer Rouge A communist, dictatorial government of Cambodia led by Pol Pot
Mikhail Gorbachev Leader of the Soviet Union from 1985-1991. His efforts to change the USSR led to its collapse in 1991.
NAFTA A treaty between the United States, Canada, and Mexico that reduced tariffs (taxes between countries) and made trade easier between the countries
Nelson Mandela A black nationalist leader who opposed apartheid and was the first Black president of South Africa.
Nonalignment The policy of not taking sides with major international conflicts, mainly the Cold War.
Partition To divide or separate; usually refers to India and Pakistan.
Satellite Countries A nation that is aligned with and under the influence of another nation. During the Cold War, the USSR and its satellite countries signed the Warsaw Pact, while the USA and its allies signed NATO.
Segregation To separate; usually refers to separating races
Annex To add territory to an existing country.
Appeasement The policy of giving in to an aggressor’s demands in order to keep the peace. Usually refers to Britain and France’s policy of appeasement of Hitler before WWII.
Berlin Wall A barrier that surrounded West Berlin and prevented access to it from East Berlin and adjacent areas of East Germany. It symbolized the between East (Soviet) and West (USA) ideas.
Censorship To remove or block things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, or harmful to society.
Collectivization A communist policy that forced people to give up their individual farms and join large group operated ones. Collectivization often led to famine.
Command Economy An economic system where the government controls everything.
Containment A USA strategy of limiting communism to the areas already under Soviet control.
Cultural Revolution A failed attempt by Mao to purge China of non-revolutionary (not-communist) ideas and renew the spirit of the Chinese Revolution.
Deng Xiaoping Former leader of China whose policies are responsible for much of China’s economic growth after the failure of the Cultural Revolution.
Detente The relaxation of Cold War tensions during the 1970s
Drought A long period of time when there is very little or no rain and can cause famine.
Embargo A government order to limit/stop trade with another country.
The Enlightenment A period in history where thinkers questioned tradition and emphasized reason and individualism. One of the most influential thinkers was John Locke. influenced the French Revolution, Hatian Revolution, and the Declaration of Rights of Man.
Globalization The process of countries and their economics, politics, and cultures becoming closely linked with other countries.
Infrastructure The basic equipment and structures, such as roads and bridges, needed for a country to function.
Irish Potato Famine Between 1845-1849, the potato crop in Ireland failed, causing famine and a lot of Irish people to emigrate to the USA.
Militarism The glorification of the military and considered one of the MAIN causes of WWI.
Mixed Economy An economic system where the government owns some businesses (like health and education) and individuals own the rest of businesses.
OPEC A cartel of oil-producing countries whose goal is to maintain and stabilize international oil prices.
Otto Von Bismarck The founder and first chancellor of Germany. He unified the German states into one country
Nuclear Proliferation The creation and/or acquisition of nuclear weapons. Started with the USA atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945.
Propaganda Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, or a government.
Russian Revolution A violent revolution led by the Bolsheviks that marked the end of the monarchy in Russia (see Czar Nicholas II) and the beginning of communism and the Soviet Union.
Subsidized Money that is paid usually by a government to keep the prices low or to help a business to operate
Totalitarian A government where a one-party dictatorship runs everything
Toussaint L’Ouverture The leader of the Haitian independence movement
Urban Relating to cities and the people who live in them
Vladimir Putin The current leader of Russia and some compare him to Stalin
Winston Churchill The prime minister of Great Britain during WWII
Created by: migliorej
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