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Warber History U1

Definitions of Words for Test 1 (HIST 150)

Bipedal Walking upright on 2 legs
Homo Habilis existed in E. Africa ~2.5 mill. yrs. ago, "Handy Human" b/c they made hand axes & used them for various tasks.
Homo Erectus existed in E. Africa ~2 mill. yrs. ago, "Upright Human" b/c they had larger brains & made specialized tools (handheld axes, cleavers, & scrapers). 1st to migrate out of Africa.
Neanderthalensis Probably out-competed by Sapiens. 1st found remains in Neander Valley of Germany. May have branched off of species rhodensis.
Homo Sapiens "Thinking Humans," evolved from Homo erectus, emerged from Africa with a bigger brain & forebrain. Did NOT evolve from Neanderthals. We evolved from the same common ancestor at a later date.
Tigris & Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia in the “Fertile Crescent”
Polytheisic belief in many gods
Ziggurat Ancient Mesopotamian religious structure
Cuneiform Mesopotamian Writing system
Akkadians conquered Sumerians & part of the "Semitic" language group
Sargon King of Akkadia. Created the army that defeated the Sumerians. AKA "Sargon the Great."
Babylonians based out of the city-state of Babylon
Hammurabi King of Babylon, conquered Mesopotamia in 1792 BCE. Improved economy because of funding & irrigation. Famous for "code of law."
Assyrians Semitic people who began to conquer ~1300 BCE but not at height until 700 BCE. Few maj. cities (agricultural); some trading of precious metals & crops
Pharaohs NOT kings, seen as actual gods in the Old Kingdom of Egypt.
Hyksos originally part of the "Egyptian" umbrella, but took advantage of the fact that Egypt didn't have an army.
Thutmose III Biggest empire under him. Became good at plundering. Still wealthy, now displays it more.
Amenhotep IV Became pharaoh; hated how powerful the priests had become. Introduced Aton (new sun god). NOT well loved. Changed name to Akhenaton.
Akhenaton what Amenhotep IV changed his name to after creating Aton to reflect how things have changed.
Nefertiti Akhenaton's wife. Smarter & more clever than him. "only" had 6 daughters.
Tutankhamun AKA "King Tut". Became pharaoh very young (~10 yrs. old). Restored old gods. Tomb found in 1922.
Ramses II when "sea peoples" (probably Philistines) invaded Egypt after warring against Hittites
Hittites People who warred against Egypt during Ramses II's rule.
Ra Egyptian sun god...Sun, father, "head," ...lots of portrayals b/c of sun phases
Osiris Egyptian underworld god... wife is Isis
Isis "Queen" of Egyptian underworld. Ex. of a strong, loyal wife.
Anubis Egyptian judge of the dead. Jackal-headed.
Hieroglyphs Greek word, means "sacred writing." NOT phonetic, but pictographs. Did NOT evolve b/c they were defined by Egyptian government
Papyrus Writing tablets that Egyptians used for hieroglyphs
Saul 1st king of Israel (fighting against Phillistines)
Solomon 3rd king of Israel (ordered "The Temple" to be built)
Diaspora "dispersal" of Jews throughout Western world & Israel won't become a nation again
Yahweh Hebrew word for "God"
Talmud Collection of things gathered after centuries. 1000s of years of Jewish precedents, rabbi discussions, etc.
Torah 1st 5 books of the Christian "Old Testament" ...the 1st holy book for Jews. Supposedly written by Moses...evolved into the Talmud
Darius Successor to Cyrus, conquered Scythia in Central Asia
Ahuramazda Main Persian god (they were polytheistic)
Zoroastrianism quirky religion that originated in Persia. Most didn't follow. Based on Zoroaster...made Mithra into a monotheisic religion. Similar to other monotheisic faiths.
Zend Avesta primary collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism
Mithra Persian sun god. Most worshipped outside of Persia; huge following in the Roman Empire
Ganges and Indus the 2 major river systems of India
Dharma set of rules that determined behavior based on caste
Suttee (AKA "Sati") Indian ceremony; if a wife's husband dies before consummation. Only in top 2 castes. As husband's corpse was burning, the wife was supposed to burn with him.
Kamasutra "how-to" manual for all kinds of different sexual positions
Vedas Myths & stories revolving around many gods & goddesses
Brahman "creator" god of Hinduism
Vishnu famous for being "the preserver" in Hinduism
Shiva (AKA "Siva") Male Hindu god..."the destroyer"
Karma Lying about dharma (caste) gives bad karma (vice versa for good)
Siddhartha Gautama Born into a Kshatriaya caste family, sought to solve human suffering & created Buddhism
Bodi Tree that Siddhartha Gautama meditated under originally to solve human suffering
Nirvana NOT a place/paradise. Buddhist concept that the soul will disappear (become extinct) to escape all of human suffering
Stupa Buddhist shrine or house for holy relic
Bodhisattvas Already a god/spirit in the area. Believed that this person was enlightened, but instead of going straight to Nirvana, they would come back to Earth to help mankind.
Dali Lama Tibet leader of Buddhism (current is the 14th)
Xia (sha) first Chinese civilization; we know almost nothing about them
Filial Piety "Family loyalty," devotion to family that took over as the #1 goal in Chinese culture
Yin & Yang belief that everything in the universe has a necessary opposite
Kung Fuci Born in 551 BCE (End of Zhou [jhow]). Gained many followers & wrote the Analects
Analects Collection of Kung Fuci's writings. Mainly a political philosophy ("How should we live today?")
Dao Similar to Dharma. Set of rules...the "Way"
Lao Tzu supposed founder of Daoism (AKA "Taoism"), but he actually never existed
Created by: Jayson Van Dam
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