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Module 10 questions

Module 10 lessons ,3,4,5 questions and answers

Why did disruption of trade happen? Merchants faced invasions from both land and sea. Their businesses collapsed. The breakdown of trade destroyed Europe’s cities as economic centers. Money became scarce.
What did Benedict describe in his book? Benedict emphasized a balance between work and study. Such guidelines turned monasteries into centers of stability and learning.
What did Scholastica devote her life to and why? Scholastica devoted her life to the Church. She is thought to have been the abbess of a convent near the monastery founded by Benedict and is considered the first nun of the Benedictine order.
What was the Carolingian dynasty? The Carolingian Dynasty was a dynasty of Frankish rulers, lasting from 751 to 987 AD.
Why did the decline of learning happened? The decline of learning happened because the Germanic tribes that attacked Rome could not read or write Greek/Latin and had no use for Greek and Roman culture or knowledge.
What year were the invasions that destroyed the Carolingian Empire? 800 to 1000
What did a status do for a person in the feudal system? A status determined a persons prestige and power.
What years were the worst of the invaders? 850 to 950
What happened after the Treaty of Verdun? Charlemagne’s three feuding grandsons broke up the kingdom even further. Part of this territory also became a battleground as new waves of invaders attacked Europe.
What were 3 new tools that were meant for farmers? The metal horse shoe, the new horse harness, and the pitchfork.
What tasks did peasant women preform? Peasant women performed endless labor around the home and often in the fields, bore children, and took care of their families.
Why were knights the most important warriors during the Age of Chivalry? The raising of private armies.
What are 3 facts about women's role in the feudal society? Very little power, were taught they were inferior to men by the church, and played important roles in the lives of both noble and peasant families.
List a few facts about Peasant women during the Feudal Era? Were in the majority during the middle ages, held no power, worked in the fields, took care of their families, and struggled to survive and lived difficult lives.
What were songs and poems often written about? Songs and poems were often written about a knights loyalty to the women that he loved.
Created by: nick.brown
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