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8th Grade U.S. History STAAR Review

Reasons for exploration Religion (God), wealth (gold), fame & international recognition (glory)
When is Jamestown founded? 1607
What is the first permanent English settlement? Jamestown
When is Plymouth founded? 1620
What did the pilgrims do in Plymouth? Signed the Mayflower Compact to establish self-government.
What was the first representative assembly in North America? Virginia House of Burgesses
Why were the colonies established? religious and political freedom as well as economic opportunity (mercantilism and opportunity to own land)
What were the New England colonies? CT, NH, MA, RI
When were the New England colonies settled and by whom? Pilgrims (1620) and Puritans (1630s) to escape religious persecution in England
What were the Middle Colonies? NY, NJ, PA, DE
Why was NY important? trading area
Who founded Pennsylvania? William Penn (for religious freedom)
What were the Southern Colonies? VA, MD, NC, SC, GA
Who founded Maryland? Catholics feeling religious persecution.
Why was Georgia created? For debtors
What were conflicts that occurred with Native Americans? Early settlers; and French & Indian War
Why was slavery established? The need for cheap laborers to grow cash crops encouraged this for white settlers.
Where did farmers grow their crops? Plantations in the south using slaves to do the work so they could produce the cash crops cheaply.
When did slavery become controversial? When America acquired new territories.
Who was the founder of Connecticut? Thomas Hooker
Who was the "Father of American Democracy?" Thomas Hooker
What was the "first written Constitution?" Fundamental Orders of Connecticut adopted by Connecticut.
How was Pennsylvania established? Refuge for Quakers. William Penn supported freedom of worship, welcomed immigrants, and did not require residents to serve in a militia.
Who was one of the founders of Rhode Island? Anne Hutchinson
Who was banished from Massassachusetts colony? Anne Hutchinson
What occurred in French & Indian War? British colonists wanted to take over French land in North America. British soldiers fought against French soldiers and Native Americans.
Who did the Native Americans fight for in the French & Indian War? French
When did the French & Indian War end? 1763 with the Treaty of Paris
What resulted from the French & Indian War? British began taxing colonists to pay for the war. Proclamation line of 1763 was established.
Why was the Proclamation Line of 1763 established? To keep colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains.
What was the American reaction to the Sugar Act? taxation without representation
What was the Stamp Act? Tax on documents
What was the American reaction to the Stamp Act? protests; Sons of Liberty form
What were the Townshend Acts? Tax on imported goods
What was the American reaction to the Townshend Acts? Boycott British
What was the American reaction to the Tea Act? Boston Tea Party
What are the Intolerable Acts? Closed Boston
What was the American reaction to the Intolerable Acts? Formed First Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence Document written by Thomas Jefferson, claiming independence from Great Britain based on the philosophies of Locke, Montesquieu, and Blackstone (1776)
What was the first battle of the American Revolution? Lexington & Concord
What occurred at Lexington & Concord? British planned to arrest American leaders; Paul Revere made famous ride to warn about the British attack
What was the turning point of the American Revolution? Battle of Saratoga
What occurred at the Battle of Saratoga? important victory because it influenced foreign nations to support America in its war against England; France used its Navy in the Americans effort for victory.
What was the last major battle of the American Revolution? Yorktown
What occurred at Yorktown? French ships prevented British supplies. British surrendered because of lack of supplies. British lost hope of winning war and began negotiating Treat of Paris 1783
What ended the American Revolution? Treaty of Paris 1783
What occurred with the Treaty of Paris 1783 13 colonies became independent from England. Boundaries of the new nation were Mississippi River to west, Canada to North, and Spanish Florida to south.
John Locke Writings on the nature of government influenced the founding fathers. Government is developed by the consent of the people and inalienable rights (life, liberty & property)
Charles de Montesquieu French political philosopher who defined the principle of separation of powers and checks & balances in government.
William Blackstone gave the 1st University lectures on English Common Law.
George Mason writings influenced new government. He believed in the need to restrict government power and refused to ratify the Constitution until the Bill of Rights were added.
Magna Carta Limited the power of the King; guaranteed the right of trial by jury.
English Bill of Rights called for frequent elections; guaranteed right to bear arms, forbade cruel and unusual punishment; restated trial by jury.
George Washington Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, President of the Constitutional Convention, and First US President. Helped create a strong central government.
Samuel Adams Boston Patriot who opposed British taxation. He established the committee of correspondence. Leader of the Sons of Liberty and insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution before ratification.
Benjamin Franklin author, publisher, inventor and diplomat
Alexander Hamilton author of many of the Federalist Papers; First Secretary of Treasury; Leader of the Federalist Party
Patrick Henry Patriot from Virginia, opposed ratification of Constitution because of potential limitations on state's rights. "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
James Madison "Father of the Constitution". One of the 3 authors of the "Federalist Papers", author of the "Bill of Rights".
Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense and American Crisis. He urged Americans to support the Patriot cause during the American Revolution.
Abigail Adams wife of John Adams, known for her stance on women's rights in letters to her husband
Wentworth Cheswell Educated African-American Patriot, made the same midnight ride as Paul Revere warning that the British were coming.
Mercy Otis Warren Patriot writer that supported independence and convinced others to join the cause. First woman historian of the American Revolution, published plays, books and poetry.
James Armistead African-American spy during the American Revolution. Spied on Lord Cornwallis' camp.
Bernardo de Galvez Spaniard who held off British in New Orleans, but allowed Americans use of the port.
Crispus Attucks American hero and martyr of the Boston Massacre
Marquis de Lafayette French noble who helped Americans during the Revolutionary War.
John Paul Jones Founder of the US Navy. Led raids on British ships and famous for yelling "I have not yet begun to fight"
King George III King of England during the American Revolution
Articles of Confederation Created just before the Battle of Yorktown. This was first attempt at national government by the American colonies. Its weaknesses were the lack of a strong central government.
Philadelphia Convention Delegates met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to revise the Articles of Confederation; instead they wrote an entirely new constitution and formed a new government.
Anti-Federalist opposes ratification of Constitution
Federalist supports ratification of Constitution
Anti-Federalist says Too much government power. Took too much power from states. Tyranny of the Majority. Legislative should be more powerful than Executive branch. Needed Bill of Rights to protect individuals.
Federalist says... Creates checks & balances to prevent tyranny. Tyranny of Majority not possible because of US diversity. Supported Bill of Rights to be added after ratification. Federalist Papers wer written to support a new Constitution.
1787 Constitution Ratified.
Federalists - Important Leaders John Adams and Alexander
Anti-Federalists - Important Leaders Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
Bill of Rights: 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, Petition, and Assembly
Bill of Rights: 2nd Amendment Right to bear Arms
Bill of Rights: 3rd Amendment protection from quartering troops
Bill of Rights: 4th Amendment protection from unreasonable search and seizure
Bill of Rights: 5th Amendment grand jury, protection from self incrimination
Bill of Rights: 6th Amendment right to jury for criminal trial, speedy trial
Bill of Rights: 7th Amendment Right to jury in civil
Bill of Rights: 8th Amendment No cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail
Bill of Rights: 9th Amendment Protection of rights not stated in the Constitution
Bill of Rights: 10th Amendment Powers not listed go to the states and people
Exploration 1587-1607
Colonization 1607-1763
American Revolution 1763-1783
Formation of American Government (Constitution) 1783-1791
Early Republic 1789-1828
Age of Jackson 1820s-1830s
Industrial Revolution 1800s-1850s
Westward Expansion 1780s-1850s
Reform Era 1800s-1850s
Sectionalism 1820s-1850s
Civil War 1860-1865
Reconstruction 1865-1877
What group opposed ratification of the Constitution because they believed the national government had too much power, and took too much power away from states Anti-Federalists
What meeting in Philadelphia in 1787was to revise the Articles, that led to writing a new government with a federal system? Constitutional Convention
What group supported ratification of the Constitution? Federalists
What series of 85 essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, defended the Constitution's system of separation of powers and checks and balances The Federalist Papers
What group, including George Mason, argued for a Bill of Rights to protect people from abuse by the powerful national government? Anti-Federalists
What is the period known as that includes the first 5 presidents and their efforts to define the authority of the government and set foreign and domestic policies? The Early Republic
What decided the debate on representation in Congress by creating a bicameral legislature where the House would have proportional representation, while the Senate would have equal? The Great Compromise
The Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan were both plans for what? Congressional Representation
What compromise solved the dispute over how slaves would count towards representation in Congress and taxation? Three-Fifths Compromise
What early president encouraged no political parties and isolationism, and set many precedents such as the cabinet? Washington
What president faced such issues as the XYZ Affair with France, and the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts? John Adams
What president purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, and passed the Embargo Act in 1807 to avoid war with France? Thomas Jefferson
What president led the US in the War of 1812, and was also known as "Father of the Constitution" for his work at the Convention? James Madison
What president warned Europe to consider the Americans CLOSED to any further colonization, changing US foreign policy? James Monroe (Monroe Doctrine)
What war with Britain due to impressment, violating US free trade and arming Natives, led to an increase in US manufacturing and a decrease in dependence on foreign imports? War of 1812
After the War of 1812, the U.S. entered a period of national unity known as the Era of ? Good Feelings
What sparked the Industrial Revolution by blocking the US from importing goods, such as British textiles? Therefore, the US had to start making their own (Lowell's factories) War of 1812
In Washington's presidency, Alexander Hamilton's financial policies that included a national bank led to the formation of what? political parties
What early political party supported Hamilton's financial policies, a strong national government, loose interpretation of the Constitution, and an industrial economy? Federalists
What early political party was formed by Jefferson, and favored stronger state governments, strict interpretation of the Constitution and an agrarian economy? Democratic-Republicans
What amendment protects the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition? 1st
What amendment solves a grievance in the Declaration of Independence by protecting citizens from quartering soldiers in their homes? 3rd
What amendment guarantees a federal system by stating all powers not awarded to the national government are reserved for the staets? 10th
What principle of the Constitution means that people are the source of the government's power? popular sovereignty
What principle states that the wishes of the people are represented by elected officials? republicanism
What principle divides the power of government into 3 branches, each with their own powers? separation of powers
What principle creates a system of checks on the power of branches to keep one from gaining too much power? checks and balances
What principle puts restrictions on the power of the government? limited government
The first 10 amendments protect people from the power of the government, in a principle known as what? individual rights
A person who goes through a legal process to become a citizen of the U.S., such as be 18, speak/write English and take a test naturalized citizen
Process the government must follow in order to punish you for a crime, such as provide a fair trial.... due process
amendment where a separate ballot is cast for Pres and Vice Pres to avoid ties and unusual outcomes 12th
natural rights that people are born with, and cannot be taken away without due process unalienable rights
What is the idea that as many people as possible should be allowed to vote? Jacksonian Democracy
What war and battle made Jackson a war hero? War of 1812, Battle of New Orleans
Who did Jackson appeal to? the Common Man
How did Jackson solve the conflict between the settlers and the Natives? Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears
What court case did Jackson ignore, that actually ruled to protect the Cherokee from relocation? Worcester V. Georgia
How did Jackson get rid of the national bank, which he thought favored the wealthy? Veto
What event in 1832, did South Carolina threaten to secede over high tariffs? Nullification Crisis
What did Southern states argue they had a right to do if the national government imposed a law on them that was unconstitutional, such as the Tariff of Abominations and the Alien and Sedition Acts? nullify it
What war did the U.S. fight over the border of Texas, which led to the US getting the Southwestern portion of the U.S.? Mexican War
What is the territory called that the US received from Mexico in the Mexican War? Mexican Cession
What territory south of the Mexican Cession did the US later purchase to build a railroad? Gadsden Purchase
What is the idea that American is destined to extend from coast to coast and spread democracy and culture? Manifest Destiny
How did Americans act on the belief in Manifest Destiny? moving West, along trails that crossed rough terrain and harsh conditions
What invention by Robert Fulton allowed goods to be transported more cheaply and efficiently? steam boat
What advancement connected the Hudson River to the Great Lakes, and led to the growth of cities such as New York? Erie Canal
What made it easier to transport people and goods, and linked the East and West? canals, then railroads
What led to the growth of cities, trade and the migration of people? railroads
During what era was the domestic system of production replaced with machines ran by unskilled workers? Industrial Revolution
What replaced skilled workers? unskilled factory workers who worked long hours in dangerous conditions
Why did the U.S. industrialize? new inventions, plenty of workers and natural resources, a laissez faire government, free enterprise
What economic system is where private citizens own businesses and risk their capital to make a profit? Free enterprise
In a free enterprise system, what determines prices of goods? supply and demand
What is laissez-faire? little government involvement in the economy
Why did the Irish come to the US? to escape the Potato Famine and find work in industries
What is nativism? feelings against immigrants
What machine increased the use of slavery to fuel the textile industry? cotton gin
What process was develop to efficiently produce steel? Bessemer process
As industrialization occurred, urbanization also did, which is the growth of what? cities
As industrialization and urbanization increased, many new social problems were created. This led to what era? Age of Reform
What led to statehood for California? gold rush
What law of 1787 created a orderly process for admitting new states into the Union? Northwest Ordinance
What problem did new territories cause? upsetting the balance of free and slave states
Who refused to pay taxes that would support the Mexican War, and therefore, the expansion of slavery? He also developed transcendentalism. Henry David Thoreau
What is the loyalty to one's region? sectionalism
Who often made Compromises to settle sectional disputes? Henry Clay
What region of the US became industrialized? the North
What region of the US was dependent upon the plantation system and slavery? the South
What protected northern businesses from foreign competition, but led to higher prices in the South? tariffs
What territory did the US gain in 1819 in the Spanish Cession? Florida
What court case said the supreme court had the right to judicial review, or review acts of the President and Congress to determine legality under the Constitution? Marbury V. Madison (1803)
What case, under chief Justice John Marshall, said the federal government had the right to regulate interstate commerce? Gibbons V. Ogden
What court case said a state could not tax a national bank and increased the power of the national government? McCulloch V. Maryland
What is the social movement to end slavery, led by Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth and William Lloyd Garrison? abolition
Led by Horace Mann, what movement led to free public schools in the north? Education
What is the social movement where workers began to go on strike and form unions to get better wages, hours and conditions? labor
What movement sought the equal treatment of women, including suffrage? women's rights
What social movement called to stop drinking alcohol? temperance
Which region had already outlawed slavery prior to the Civil War? north
What was the abolitionist newspaper by William Lloyd Garrison? The Liberator
Who is the escaped slave who led others to freedom on the Underground Railroad, and was referred to as "Moses"? Harriet Tubman
Which two abolitionists had escaped slavery, and toured the nation speaking for abolition? Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth
Who wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which portrayed the horrors of slavery and helped spark the Civil War? Harriet Beecher Stowe
What event in 1832 increased sectional conflicts between the North and South over tariffs? Nullification Crisis
What was the conflict from 1854 to 1859 between pro and anti-slavery people? Bleeding Kansas
What compromise in 1820 preserved the balance of free and slave states by admitting Missouri as a slave state, and Maine as a free state? Missouri Compromise
What allowed popular sovereignty on the slavery issue in Kansas and Nebraska? Kansas and Nebraska Act
Who led the women's rights movement for suffrage? Susan B. Anthony
What was the women's rights movement in New York? Seneca Falls
Who authored a declaration of women's rights, and helped organize the Seneca Falls convention with Lucretia Mott? Elizabeth Cady Stanton
What area did Dorothea Dix fight for reform in? the mentally ill
What was the religious movement that help begin the era of reform? Second Great Awakening
What was the group of artists who painted landscapes? The Hudson River School
Who was John James Audubon? painter of birds; most comprehensive study on American birds
When was the Civil War? 1861-1865
Why did the first 7 states secede? Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was elected POTUS
Who was the President of the Confederate States of America? Jefferson Davis
Who was the commander of the Union Army, and future POTUS? He accepted Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Ulysses S. Grant
Confederate general who won early victories, but lost the Battle of Antietam and Gettysburg was? Robert E. Lee
What was the Emancipation Proclamation? document issued by Lincoln in 1863 that freed the slaves in the Confederacy (although in reality, it freed few)
First battle of the Civil War? Fort Sumter
What was the single bloodiest battle? Antietam
What battle did Lincoln give a famous speech for, stating that the USA was worth fighting for? Gettysburg
Where did Lee surrender? Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia
What was the process for admitting the southern states back into the US after the Civil War? Reconstruction; 1865-1877
What was the 10% Plan? presidential reconstruction plan, where 10% of a state's population had to take an oath to the US, and the state had to adopt the 13th amendment
Who wanted to use the federal government to impose a new order on the South and grant citizenship to former slaves? Radical republicans
Which amendment freed the slaves? 13th
Which amendment granted citizenship to freed slaves, as well as protects the rights of all citizens, born or naturalized 14th
Which amendment granted voting rights to African American males? 15th
Who was the first African American to be elected to the U.S. senate? Hiram Rhodes Revels
Who was the naval fighter who won the Congressional medal of honor? Philip Bazaar
What was the cause of the Civil War? states' rights over slavery, tariffs, secession....
Created by: chicks9311
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