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US History: Causes

Causes of the Revolution

How did the British get into huge debt? The French and Indian War
What was the western boundary of the colonies? Appalachian Mountains
What did the Stamp Act Tax? Paper products, dice, playing cards
What did the Quartering Act Require? to provide housing and supplies for British soldiers stationed in the colonies.
what does boycott mean To not buy goods for a reason
What were the Sons of Liberty protesting during the Boston Tea Party? Taxes on Tea and No representation in Parliament
Paul Revere's picture of the Boston Massacre is an example of what? propaganda
Boycott, Boston Tea Party, and Effigy are examples of what? protests
People who supported the king's taxes were called what? loyalist
People who protested the king's tax were called what? patriots
Who fought during the French and Indian War? France and Great Britain
What is the "rule of law"? Everyone must follow the law. Leaders must obey the law. Government must obey the law. No one is above the law.
Who supported the rule of law? John Adams
What was the slogan of the Revolution? No Taxation without Representation
What does "give me liberty or give me death" mean? He would rather die than remain under British rule.
What happened at the Liberty Tree Protest against taxation, often including an effigy hanging
What is an effigy? Dummies that were hung to protest
What was the Boston Tea Party? A protest where 90,000 pounds of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor. Colonists were dressed as Indians. (December 1773)
Why were the colonist careful about only throwing the tea over the side during the Boston Tea Party? They wanted to send a clear message that they did not support taxes without representation.
What did the Townshend Acts do? taxed paper, lead, glass, tea
What did the Intolerable Acts do? Ports of Boston closed (Port Act), Massachusetts local assembly dissolved (Massachusetts Assembly Act), all soldiers accused of crimes are tried back in Britain (Administration of Justice Act), extension of the Quartering Act, and bonus rights to Quebec until Boston pays for all the tea destroyed in the Boston Tea Party
Who was the lawyer for the British during the Boston Massacre? John Adams
Who said, "Give me Liberty or give me death?" Patrick Henry
How did the Sons of Liberty disguise themselves during the Boston Tea Party? Native Americans
What does repeal mean to take away
What did the Sugar Act tax sugar, molasses, rum
What did the Navigation Act do Colonists could only trade with Great Britain
What did the Declaratory Act do? Let the colonists know who was the boss
Created by: kayerizzuto
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