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SOL Review-People

Prophet the founded the Islamic religion Muhammad
Threw off the rule of the Mongols; expanded the Russian nation; centralized power in Moscow Ivan the Great
Roman poet who wrote the "Aeneid" Virgil
Common law began in England during the rule of this king Henry II
Northern Renaissance writer; author of Utopia Sir Thomas More
King of Babylon; had a strict law code named after him Hammurabi
“the enlightened one;” founder of Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama
Roman dictator murdered by members of the Senate in 44 BCE Julius Caesar
famous apostle of the Christian faith Paul
Peasant who led French forces in the Hundred Years’ War; capture and burned at the stake Joan of Arc
Inventor of the movable type printing press Johannes Gutenberg
first of the ancient Greek philosophers; forced to drink poison Socrates
second of the Greek philosophers; writer of "The Republic" Plato
third of the Greek philosophers; creator of the School of Athens; teacher of Alexander the Great Aristotle
started the French throne in Paris; his dynasty eventually controlled most of France Hugh Capet
Greek sculptor; sculpted statue of Athena in Parthenon and Zeus at Olympia Phidias
first king of Persia; freed the Jews from Babylonian captivity Cyrus the Great
general who led Athens to its “Golden Age;” extended democracy in Athens Pericles
Persian prophet that believed life was an ongoing struggle between good and evil forces; founded the Persian religion Zoroaster
“Father of the Hebrews;” founder of Judaism Abraham
Roman emperor that legalized Christianity; moved the capital of the empire to Byzantium Constantine
king of Macedonia; eventually conquered all of Greece Philip II
greatest ruler of the Byzantine Empire; had Roman law codified and reconquered former Roman territory Justinian
Renaissance painter and scientist; produced Mona Lisa and The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci
called for the First Crusade in a famous speech Pope Urban II
author of the Greek tragedy "The Oresteia" Aeschylus
author of the Greek plays "Oedipus Rex" and "Antigone" Sophocles
Duke of Normandy; won the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and united most of England William the Conqueror
founder of Christianity; viewed by followers as the Son of God/messiah Jesus of Nazareth
king of Persia who led the Persians in the Battle of Thermopylae at the end of the Persian Wars with Greece Xerxes I
Greek scientist; "Father of Medicine" Hippocrates
Greek scientist; invented the lever and the pulley Archimedes
Greek historian; wrote the history of the Persian Wars; "Father of History" Herodotus
Greek historian; wrote the history of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides
Renaissance writer known for sonnets and his humanist scholarship; "Father of Humanism" Petrarch
Byzantine monk that adapted the Greek alphabet to the Slavic people of Eastern Europe St. Cyril
Greek poet; author of epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" Homer
Renaissance sculptor and painter; created the statue of "David"; painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo
Renaissance writer: author of "The Praise of Folly" Erasmus
led Jews out of Egypt; received the Ten Commandments Moses
tyrant of Athens; created a harsh code of law Draco
tyrant of Athens; lightened the law, gave more power to the people, and walked away from power Solon
member of the Second Triumvirate; Octavian’s rival for power; Julius Caesar’s second-in-command Marc Antony
Muslim sultan that recaptured Jerusalem during the Third Crusade; fought Richard the Lion-Heart Saladin
General from Carthage that invaded the Italian peninsula during the second Punic War Hannibal
forced by English nobles to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 (limited the power of the king) King John
emperor of China; had the Great Wall built to keep out invaders Qin Shi Huangdi
founded the Gupta Empire in India Chandra Gupta
Spanish empire in the Americas reached its height under this monarch Charles V
greatest of the Mongol leaders Genghis Khan
author of "The Prince," a book of advice to rulers Machiavelli
member of the Second Triumvirate; first Roman emperor; began the Pax Romana Octavian/Augustus Caesar
Greek mathematician; "Father of Geometry" Euclid
Greek mathematician; created a theorem to calculate the relationship between the sides of a right triangle Pythagoras
greatest emperor of the Mauryan Empire; sent missionaries to spread Buddhism Asoka
Macedonian; established an empire from Greece to Egypt to India; began Hellenistic Age Alexander the Great
expelled the Muslim Moors from Spain; consolidated the Spanish nation Ferdinand and Isabella
great ruler of the Franks; crowned the Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo in 800 CE Charles I/Charlemagne
Roman astronomer, astrologer, geographer, mathematician, scientist, etc.; believed in a geocentric universe Ptolemy
founded the Mauryan Empire in India Chandragupta Maurya
considered one of the greatest thinkers of ancient China; founded one of the Chinese religions Confucius
king of Persia who led the Persians in the Battle of Marathon at the beginning of the Persian Wars with Greece Darius I
son-in-law of Muhammad; fourth caliph Ali
member of the first triumvirate; frenemy of Julius Caesar; killed by pharaoh Pompey
member of the first triumvirate; rich friend of Julius Caesar; killed by having molten gold poured down his throat Crassus
father-in-law of Muhammad; first caliph Abu-Bakr
united Upper and Lower Egypt; first pharaoh Menes
Frankish leader who led the Franks in the Battle of Tours and stopping the Muslim invasion into Europe Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer)
Frankish king who converted to Christianity and allied himself with the pope Clovis
Pope who crowned Charles I as Holy Roman Emperor Pope Leo III
king of the Aztecs when the Spanish arrived Montezuma II
Ottoman Turk leader who conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul Muhammad II/Mehmet II
founder of Taoism Laozi
Julius Caesar’s best friend and assassinator Brutus
angel who appeared to Muhammad Gabriel
Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs Hernan Cortes
Created by: lacie.holmes
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