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Early Modern SPICE

Early Modern SPICE 1450-1750

West (Social) Imposed slavery (on other regions), some female rulers (like Queen Elizabeth), lords v. commoners (end of feudalism).
West (Political) Absolutism (King had absolute power; under god), glorious revolution (established parliamentary monarchy) , 30 years' war (protestants vs. Catholics; changed political map of England)
West (Interaction) Magellan (first trip around the world), Columbian exchange (Exchange of new species and plants), 1st age of imperialism (started to form trade empires and compete).
West (Cultural) Renaissance (Change away medieval ideas) , reformation (movements for changes in state and church), scientific revolution (Focus on Science as the supreme authority; Newton and Copernicus)
West (Economy) Commercial revolution (Start of selling strictly to markets), shift of P-S-D-E-F (Portuguese, Spain, Dutch, to England and France in colonizing), mercantilism (Pro-motherland).
Latin America (Social) Decline from disease (Natives died), casta (Hierarchy based on skin and ancestry, Creoles over Mestizos), AA slavery (due to natives dying and need for hard labor)
Latin America (political) Viceroys (governors in Spanish colonies.) , Brazil Portuguese (Portugal ruled over), Bourbon reforms (reforms that were made later on; did not sit well with the colonies).
Latin America (Interaction) Triangular trade (Europe-Africa-Americas; and Asia), silver to Asia (for manufactured goods), England/French intrusion (in Spanish monopoly of Latin American trade).
Latin America (Culture) Catholicism (main religion), syncretism (spread of Catholicism into other cultures), early universities, mercury for silver (for mining; bullion was precious).
Latin America (Economy) Haciendas (land owned by lords; natives worked on), mita (labor tax), Quinto (1/5th of silver when to the crown)
Africa (Social) Sex ratio change (less men), over 10 million removed (for hard labor), sexual exploitation (of female slaves by slave owners or traders).
Africa (Political) Slave wars (due to need for slaves; supported by Europeans), new nations (sometimes under Europeans), Dutch in S Africa (as a refueling station of sorts).
Africa (Interaction) Middle passage (Africa to Americas), change in carriers (shift from P-S-D-E-F), many still sold in N & E (for harems or leisure wants most of the time).
Africa (Culture) Syncretism (Slow spread of culture and religion), some Islam and Christianity (that were brought over as slaves).
Africa (Economy) Rum (caused more violence against other nations), guns (gave dominance to those that had it), trinkets, cloth (rare and sought out for in West Africa).
Russia (Social) Serfs worse (declining livelihoods of serfs), some female leaders (Like Catherine), more diversity (from expansion).
Russia (Political) From Duchy of Moscow to Empire, Time of Troubles (No heir of Ivan the Terrible, new Tsar had to be chosen), Romanov (The lineage that would take over after the ToT)
Russia (Interaction) Expansion to Pacific, Cossacks (serfs that were sent to explore and settle the unoccupied lands), Baltic Sea access (entered European politics more after).
Russia (Culture) Third Rome (Due to the heavy influence of orthodox Christianity and fall of Constantinople , St. Petersburg, no Ren/Ref/Sci rev. (due to isolation under the Mongols)
Russia (Economy) Farm, fur, some mining.
Islamic Empires (Social) Janissaries (captured and converted male children; in charge of artillery and firearms), sati (burning of widow), harem, sultanate of women (advised weak leaders), Nur Jahan (had power with her useless husband)
Islamic Empires (Political) Ottoman: Millet (gave small regions more local control), cage (kept heirs locked in the palace); Mughal: Akbar Tolerance (tolerance of Hindus and integrated them more into the government)
Islamic Empires (Interaction) Ottoman: SE of Eur. to N Africa, to SW Asia, conflict with Europe (as per usually, but started to lose power as they faltered in tech.).
Islamic Empires (Culture) Mughal over Hindu, Taj Mahal (great wonder in Mughal empire), gunpowder (main factor for Islamic Empire expansion), Shia=Safavid (Fought against the Sunni Ottoman)
Islamic Empires (Economy) Caravanserai (pit stop for traders) , qanats (water system), BEIC (British Eastern India Company)
E Asia Ming (Social) Population doubled (due to New World Foods), female infanticide (used due to famines), earthquake (Devastated the population temporarily).
E Asia Ming (Political) Renewed Confucian bureaucracy (after Yuan weakened it), weak emperors (due to the systems set up in place before and just weak leaders), eunuch conflict.
E Asia Ming (Interaction) Zheng He (expeditions), limited trade (only in certain ports allowed to trade with Europeans), rebuilt Great Wall
E Asia Ming (Culture) Forbidden city (used by emperor only), Japan killed Christians (during isolating), Yongle encyclopedia.
E Asia Ming (Economy) New World Foods (helped population grow) , single whip silver system (due to influx of bullion), taxes too low (could not supplement government spending.
Created by: Saenz2004
Popular World History sets




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