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Post-Classical SPICE

Post-Classical SPICE and Definitions if needed 1200-1450

Islamic (Social) Mixed view of women (differed based upon culture and regions), slavery of non-Muslims (slavery of Muslims was prohibited), increasing diversity and population (through expansion).
Islamic (Political) Sharia (Religious/Secular law and code for the government and social aspects), Umayyad, Abbasid, (succession of the Islamic empires). Caliph (religious and social leader) and then Sultan (princes as leaders), fragmented (states)
Islamic (Interaction) Loot from conquest, Spain to India, impact on Asia and Africa (imposed Muslim rule and spread their religion).
Islamic (Cultural) 5 pillars (Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage), Sunni Shia Split, Sufis, Golden Age: math, medicine, palaces and mosques decorated.
Islamic (Economy) High view of merchants (Muhammad was a merchant), 2.5% wealth tax, tax on non-Muslims (Jizya)
Europe (Social) Feudalism (Lords over commoners; fragmented) , chivalry, plague killed 1/3 of population 1300s
Europe (Political) Fragmented except Charlemange, Magna Carta (Charter restricting the King's power), HRE (Holy Roman Empire)
Europe (Interaction) Isolated except Muslims, Vikings, Reconquista, Crusades.
Europe (Cultural) Monasteries (where monks lived under religious vows) , schisms (splits in Christianity & church), Gothic architecture.
Europe (Economy) Manors (Lords over peasants) , 2nd half revival, guilds (Coalition of merchants or artisans).
China (Social) Some women's opportunities due to Buddhism, Empress Wu, foot bindings (on women).
China (Political) Tang aggressive (conquered further than most other dynasties), Song paid tribute (to nomadic attackers), Confucian exams dominated (and were the backbone of the scholar-gentry class).
China (Interaction) Sinification (spread or syncretism of Chinese culture), Song lost north (to nomadic attackers), Mongol attacks.
China (Culture) Backlash against Buddhism (due to neo-Confucianism), 7Ps (porcelain, painting, poetry, paper money, printing, compass, gun powder), neo-Confucianism.
China (Economy) Grand Canal (connected North and South; transported goods), cities, destruction form invasion (from nomadic tribes, and the Mongols)
Mongols (Social) Population destruction (of other places), some women's opportunities (when men were out for war), slavery, increased diversity (from expansion).
Mongols (Political) Generally decentralized (due to many chieftains and no real leader until Genghis Khan or his grandfather on a smaller scale), Genghis Khan, 4 khanates (split the territory into four; khanates were originally Genghis Khan's children and grandchild).
Mongols (Interaction) Kamikazes (name given to the winds that pushed back against the Mongols by the Japanese), Marco Polo (European who came to China when it was under the Yuan Dynasty) , Kublai Khan ruled Yuan.
Mongols (Culture) Curious (Genghis Khan took in many different cultures and religions to learn more), tolerant (of all religions and cultures) , war science (focused on war science, such as the gunpowder cannon).
Mongols (Economy) Pax Mongolica (peace under Mongol rule that allowed trade to grow due to little chance of bandits or interference from aggressors), pastoral (farming; i.e., raising roaming cattle), tribute (payment after the Mongols conquered the lands).
Created by: Saenz2004
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