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WC - Unit 2 (Part 2)

Unit 2 Europe (Part 2)

Absolute Monarch Ruler with complete authority over the government & lives of the people he or she governs
Divine Right Belief that a ruler’s authority comes directly from God
Enlightenment A European intellectual movement of the late 1600s & 1700s emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition
Enlightened Despot Absolute ruler who uses power to bring about political and social change
Laissez-Faire “Let them do” in French; policy allowing businesses to operate with little or no government interference
Natural Law Rule or law that governs human nature
Social Contract Agreement by which people give up their freedom to a powerful government in order to avoid chaos
Natural Rights Rights that belongs to all humans from birth
Philosophes ​Member or group of Enlightenment thinkers who tried to apply methods of science to the improvement of society
Popular Sovereignty All government power comes from the people
Federal Republic Government in which power is divided between the national (or federal) government and the states
Constitution The system of beliefs and laws by which a country, state, or organization is governed
Bourgeoisie The middle class - bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, bureaucracy, journalists, professors, skilled artisans
Faction Small group
Émigré Person who flees his or her country for political reasons
Republic System of government in which officials are chosen by the people
Suffrage Right to vote
Nationalism ​A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country
Jacobins ​Member of a club established in Paris in 1789; the most radical and ruthless of the political groups formed in the wake of the French Revolution; in association with Robespierre, they instituted the Terror of 1793–1794
Legislative Assembly Governing body of France between 1791 & 1792; replaced the National Assembly; created a constitutional monarchy with Louis XVI as the head of state
National Convention Governing body of France from 1792 to 1795; replaced the Legislative Assembly; most radical government of the French Revolution; created a French Republic with no monarchy
Committee of Public Safety Created by the National Convention, a small committee charged with saving the revolution and protecting it; basically ran the French government during the most radical phase, the Reign of Terror (1793-1794)
Sans-Culottes A revolutionary of the poorer class: originally a term of contempt applied by the aristocrats but later adopted as a popular name by the revolutionaries
The Terror A period of the French Revolution from 1793-1794 in which thousands were executed for being suspected “enemies” of the revolution
Directory A five-member committee which governed France from 1795-1799 when it replaced the Committee of Public Safety
Blockade Shutting off of a port to keep people or supplies from moving in or out
Guerrilla Warfare Fighting carried on through hit-and-run raids
Abdicate Give up a high office
Legitimacy ​The right and acceptance of an authority, usually a governing law or a régime (government)
Coup d’état French for “blow to the state,” a sudden seizure of power
Created by: tmgilbert
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