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The Enlightenment & French Revolution

In the 1600s and 1700s, most European countries were ruled by Absolute Monarchs
Absolute Monarchs had complete control of the government and who claimed that they were given their power through Divine Right
They became king and queens because people in their families had been before them, which means the the right to rule was Hereditary
Inspired by the Scientific Revolution, during which people challenged the Catholic Church
by questioning what was written in the Holy Bible using observation and _____, ______ started to question whether monarchy was the best form of government. reason, philosophers
What was the movement called when people challenged the Catholic Church by questioning what was written in the Holy Bible using observation and reason, philosophers started to question whether monarchy was the best form of government. The Enlightenment or The Age of Reason
Writers during this movement asked questions likE ________.They wrote books that provided their points of view on those questions and their writing spread throughout Europe and beyond with right? "What is the purpose of government?", "What is the best way of gevernment to rule its people?", and "Are people bor
One of the earliest Enlightenment writers who wrote that people are born with natural rights. John Locke
What are Natural Rights Rights to life, liberty, and property, and the purpose of a government should be to protect those rights.
What did Jean Jacques Rousseau argue? Jean Jacques Rousseau argued that a ruler and the people they rule should enter into a social contract that clearly states the laws that the government and the citizens have to follow.
What did Baron de Montesquieu write He wrote that having all of the power of a government in one person's hand leads to abuse of that power.
What did Baron de Montesquieu suggest? He suggested the separation of power in which there are three branches of government.
What are the three branches of government? Executive, Legislative and Judicial
Who was Mary Wollstonecraft? She was another Enlightenment philosopher who, recognizing that most of the other writers did not include women in philosophies argued that they too should be equal in society and under the law.
What did all of the writers believe about how government should be elected? All the writers believed government should be elected by through consent of the governed, in other words, permission of the people.
What changes did the Enlightenment inspired in global history? Starting in the 1700s and continuing to today, government write constitution that list the powers of the government and the rights of the people in sets of laws that are desired to prevent tyranny and corruption.
What impact did the Enlightenment have on Catherine The Great (Enlightenment Despot) and some monarchs in the 1700's? Catherine the Great ff Russia and some monarchs, read Enlightenment ideas and as a result changed the way they ruled.
Is there any connection between the Enlightenment and Women's rights movement? Yes, Women's rights movement traces its beginning to the Enlightenmentand continues to push for equality for all today.
What were the causes of the French Revolution? A major economic, political, and social cause was the estate system in France.
What is the estate system? Is a Hierarchy in which the first estate consisted of the king and the clergy of the catholic church, the second estate was made up of nobles, and the their estate was made up of the middle class, or bourgeoisie, peasants and city workers.
First estate KING and the Clergy- Catholic church
Second estate Nobles
Third estate Middle class, or bourgeoisie, peasants, and city workers.
This estate system created.... It created inequality in French society and ts government.
How did the estate system created inequality? The third estate, who made up 97% of the population, but only owned 65% of the property (in the form of land) had to pay all of the taxes for the country because the first and the second estate made laws that exempted themselves from paying taxes.
What was another political reason fort the French Revolution? Another political reason was that the French government was and Absolute Monarchy.
Who ruled at the start of the French Revolution? LOUIS XVI
Why did the French people (some were bourgeoisie that read Enlightment writings) believe that Absolute Monarchy did not represent all of its citizens? Because it led to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Why forestation against the king erupted in 1789? Because the king requested more money in taxes to pay for the country's war debts, he called together the Estates General, a gathering of representatives from all three of the estates.
What happened with the representatives of the third estate? Even though the third estate represented the largest population, they were only given one vote and were always out voted but he first and second estate.
What did the third estate due in response? In response, the third estate formed their own legislative body called the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY.
What is the National Assembly? Made several important changes to the French government. They wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
What is the Declaration of the rights of Man and Citizen? A document that outlined their ideals of limits on the king and the privileges of French Citizens which they forced King LOUIS XVI to sign.
What else did the National Assembly abolished? They abolished, or got rid of feudalism.
What is Feudalism? Was the bait for the estate system.
What did the National Assembly write? They wrote the Constitution that limited powers of the king and transformed the French government from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional Monarchy.
What year did the French Revolution entered the Reign of Terror? Starting in 1792
Who was the leader of the Reign of Terror? Maximilien Robespierre
What wars did the French fight during this time (Reign of terror)? The french fought wars against Austria, Prussia, Holland, and Spain
Who was executed due to suspicion of conspiracy? Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette by the Guillotine.
When did the period of the Reign of terror end? This period chaos ended with the execution of its leader (Robespierre) on July 28th, 1794.
The last stage of the French Revolution was led by a general named Napoleon Bonaparte
How did Napoleon bring stability to the country? Through Military victories and a set of laws called the Napoleonic Code.
Napoleonic Code Made the authority of men over their families stronger, deprived women of any individual rights, and reduced the rights of illegimitate children. All male citizens were granted equal rights under the law and the right to religious dissent, but colonial sl
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? He was an ambitious leader who tried to conquer all of Europe in the Napoleonic wars but was eventually defeated. He was exiled from France.
What happened after Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled? Other European leaders met at the Congress of Vienna to restore the borders of Europe to what they were before the French Revolution to create a balance of power on the continent.
Created by: pinedaK
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