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entrepreneur A person who starts and takes on the financial risk of a business.
rural country
urban city
agrarian society A society in which people worked on the farm using farm animals and goods were made by hand.
industrialization The development of industries for the machine production of goods.
capitalist A person who has invested personal wealth in business.
monopoly Complete control of a product or business by one person or group.
Robber Baron Negative term used to describe large businessmen of the late 1800's; they used ruthless practices to destroy competition and took advantage of workers.
Captain of Industry Positive term used to describe large businessmen of the late 1800's; they gave to charity, drove the American economy, and created million of jobs.
John D. Rockefeller Established the Standard Oil Company, the greatest, wisest, and meanest monopoly known in history.
Andrew Carnegie Founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892, his company dominated the American steel industry
philanthropy Charity
Bessemer Process A way to manufacture steel quickly and cheaply by blasting hot air through melted iron to quickly remove impurities.
Laissez Faire The idea that government should not interfere or regulate industries and businesses
horizontal integration Joining or consolidating with competitors to create a monopoly (companies from the same part of the supply chain)
corporations Businesses that are owned by many investors who buy shares of stock
vertical integration Controlling the entire process of a product, from the raw materials to distribution
Gilded Age Term given to the United States during the late 1800's because of the extremes of wealth and poverty during the era
labor union Group of workers who band together to seek better working conditions.
collective bargaining Labor unions worked together to obtain better working pay and conditions by negotiating with bosses
lockouts, blacklist, court-injunctions, scabs Strategies used by EMPLOYERS to stop the efforts of labor unions
strikes, boycotts, picketing Strategies used by LABOR UNIONS against unfair working conditions
Sherman Anti-trust Act Law that banned trusts and monopolies.
free enterprise An economic system in which private business operates in competition and mostly free of government control.
mass production Production of goods in large numbers through the use of machinery and assembly lines, quick and cheap
skyscraper A very tall building with many stories
Mark Twain An American writer, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer who coined the phrase "The Gilded Age"
consumerism Goods were being produced quickly and cheaply enough for common people to be able to purchase
trust A group of corporations run by a single board of directors
Social Darwinism Using ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to justify political, social, or economic issues
company town A community set up and run by a company for its workers, residents rely upon the company for jobs, housing, clothing, and food
Knights of Labor A labor union that sought to organize all workers and focused on broad social reforms
American Federation of Labor The first federation of labor unions in the United States
Haymarket Riot 100,000 workers rioted in Chicago. After the police fired into the crowd, the workers met and rallied in Haymarket Square to protest police brutality. o the incident promoted anti-immigrant feelings
Homestead Strike 1892 steelworker strike near Pittsburgh against the Carnegie Steel Company. Ten workers were killed in a riot when "scab" labor was brought in to force an end to the strike
urbanization The growth of cities due to movement of people from rural areas to cities
Created by: syd_the_kid_12
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