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River Valley Civ.

River Valley Civilizations & Religions

Climate Weather over a long period of time
Artisan A craftsperson with a special skill or talent, such as a potter, weaver, blacksmith, or seamstress.
Atheism the belief that there is NO god or higher power or being of the universe.
City-state a city that is an individual unit, complete with its own form of government and traditions.
Civilization a group of people wo have a complex and organized society within a culture.
Cuneiform wedge shaped writing formed in clay; used by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia
Dynasty a ruling family
Empire a large territory, consisting of many different places under the control of one ruler.
Fertile soil or land that is good for growing many crops successfully.
Hieroglyphics the ancient writing system of Egypt used by scribes.
Karma the belief that everything that people do in life determines what will happen to them in the future. "What goes around, comes around."
Meditation to be involved in deep thought or time for reflection.
Monotheism the religious practice of worshipping ONLY one god.
Passover a Jewish festival that hones the exodus (leaving) of the Jews from Egypt.
Pharaoh a powerful ruler of Egypt
Polytheism the religious practice of worshipping MORE than one god.
Reincarnate to return from the dead in another given body or form within a universe.
Religion a set of beliefs concerning the cause, purpose and creation of the universe.
Repentance to have deep sorrow and regret for a past sin or wrongdoing
Resurrection the act of rising from the dead.
Salvation the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, and/or destruction.
Scribe a professional writer.
Silt rich and fertile soil often found along river banks and great for farming crops.
S.W.A.G.G.E.R. components that make up a civilization: Social Structure, Writing system, Art & Architecture, Geography, Government, Economics and Religion
Synagogue a Jewish house of worship for the Judaism religion
Yin-Yang a symbol for the Taoism religion that shows that all forces have a complimentary force. (good & evil, sun & moon, heaven & earth, etc.)
Ziggurat a huge pyramid shaped structure formed form a collection of stacked rectangular prisms.
Judiasm One of the world's oldest monotheism religions, believing in only one God. Holy text is the Torah. Followers are called Jews. Worship in synagogues.
Abraham the founder of the Judaism religion.
Confucianism core beliefs are a sense of humanity, respect for the family, humility, and modesty. Founder is Chinese philosopher, Confucius.
Taoism a Chinese religion that focuses on the importance of living in harmony. Founder is Lao Tzu.
Lao Tzu founder of the Chinese religion, Taoism
Confucius founder of Chinese religion, Confucianism
Siddhartha Gautama AKA: Buddha, founder of the Chinese religion, Buddhism.
Buddhism the 4th largest religion in the world that focuses on the teachings of Buddha. Followers follow the "Four Noble Truths" and "the Eightfold Path." It encourages non-violence and kindess led by Siddhartha Gautama.
Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion in the world. It comes from India. Holy text is The Vedas. No founder. Beliefs include god being all things in the world, not just a spirit in the sky. Followers believe in reincarnation.
Hammurabi king of Babylon in 1972 BC. Created 282 laws called "The Code of Hammurabi" laws that punish to fit the crime and protect the weak.
Mesopotamia one of the first civilizations around 3500 BC, in the Fertile Crescent. Mesopotamia means "land between 2 rivers"
Created by: portiavjohnson
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