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4.2 Exploration...

AP World History 4.2 Exploration Causes and Events wk 9 term 1

Describe the role of states in the expansion of maritime exploration from 1450 to 1750. New state-supported transoceanic maritime exploration occurred in this period
Who ended up sponsoring these expeditions because of the high cost? cost made it necessary for governments to sponsor (some private $), 3 G’s, spice trade, get around Ottoman, Byzantine gone,
At this period, what was the status of the 100 years' war 100 years’ war over, nations coalesced (Ferdinand, Isabella)
Explain the economic causes and effects of maritime exploration by the various European states. PORTUGUESSE... Portuguese development of maritime technology and navigational skills led to increased travel to and trade with Africa and Asia and resulted in the construction of a global trading-post empire.
Explain the economic causes and effects of maritime exploration by the various European states. SPANISH Spanish sponsorship of the voyages of Columbus and subsequent voyages across the Atlantic and Pacific dramatically increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade.
Explain the economic causes and effects of maritime exploration by the various European states. ENGLISH, FRENCH and DUTCH. Northern Atlantic crossings were undertaken under English, French, and Dutch sponsorship, often with the goal of finding alternative sailing routes to Asia.
What led to increased travel for the Portuguese? the development of maritime technology and navigational skills
What famous Portuguese people sailed to make an impact on their country and to extend their trading-post empire? Prince Henry d.1460 around Africa, Vasco da Gama 1497 HOW TO SAIL AGAINST THE WIND check out the web page Pirate King to use an interactive sailing device. Cabral to Brazil 1500
What treaty made left Portugal free in Asia? Treaty of Tordesillas 1490s left Portugal free in Asia
What Portuguese explorer SHOULD be known by every American and why? Amerigo Vespucci d.1512 Italian (traveled with Portugal and Spain voyages) Americas named for him
What Spanish Columbus lit the fire for transoceanic travel and trade? Spanish sponsorship of the voyages of Columbus and subsequent voyages across the Atlantic and Pacific dramatically increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade.
How many times did Columbus cross the Atlantic? Columbus d.1506 4x across Atlantic
What do Coronado, de Leon, Cabeza de Vaca, de Soto, and Balboa all have in common? N America explorers: Coronado, de Leon, Cabeza de Vaca, de Soto, Balboa
Who theoretically should have fallen off the edge of the world? Magellan 1519-22 first around the world expedition Over the Edge of the World
Who made the first "around the world" trip? Magellan 1519-22 first around the world expedition Over the Edge of the World
What was the main reason for North Atlantic crossings? Northern Atlantic crossings were undertaken under English, French, and Dutch sponsorship, often with the goal of finding alternative sailing routes to Asia.
WHO usually sponsored the North Atlantic crossings? Why? Northern Atlantic crossings were undertaken under English, French, and Dutch sponsorship, often with the goal of finding alternative sailing routes to Asia.
Who "bought" New York, for how much and what did they name it? Dutch early 1600s New Netherland, New Amsterdam “bought” NY for $24;
When was the first expedition to the East Indies conducted? 1595 first expedition to East Indies;
When did Hudson sail for England. What major landmarks and company have the same name? early 1600s Hudson sailed for England: Hudson River, then for Dutch: Hudson Bay Company (joke: HBC here before Christ)
Who claimed Canada in the early 1500s? What did they name it? French early 1500s Cartier claimed Canada (New France),
In the 1600s what did Marquette and LaSalle do? 1600s Marquette and LaSalle claimed Ohio and MS valleys, named Louisiana, even claimed TX
What was the English status when the Italians sailed for England? English distracted with Henry VIII/Elizabeth; Cabot (Italian sailed for England) 1497;
Who was Francis Drake? What did he do that was important? Francis Drake 1st English around world 1577-80, claimed CA;
Who lost the NC colony in the late 1500s? Sir Walter Raleigh NC lost colony late 1500s
What was the name of the 1st permanent English settlement in the US in 1607? Jamestown 1st permanent English settlement in what is now the US 1607;
Who was John Smith? John Smith 1608, Pocahontas
Describe the role of states in the expansion of maritime exploration from 1450 to 1750. New state-supported transoceanic maritime exploration occurred in this period.
What were the causes of the Columbian exchange? New connections between the Eastern and Western hemispheres resulted in the exchange of new plants, animals, diseases, known as the Columbian exchange. (mosquitos, rats, small pox, measles, malaria.
What explorer did Pocahontas come in contact with? Jamestown 1st permanent English settlement in what is now the US 1607; John Smith 1608, Pocahontas
Created by: Saenz2004
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